GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 3)

Anyone else agree that Authors far too often want to delay their Plot Twists as much possible?

I think there should be a law against such Late Plot Twists! These Writers should be held accountable! Have the Government force them(even sending the police over) to give us the Reveal the second it becomes viable and end the Writers’ sick attempts to dangle carrots in our faces in a way so that Horses don’t even know the juicy Carrot is there until the Writer gets bored!

World Building that would turn the entire Plot around and shock you to your very core is not World Building but withheld Plot Twists that should be wrung out of the Writer by the Government forcing them to reveal it to the Public!

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government tyranny over something so trivial as fiction writing stories? sounds like a bad idea to me.


i would like to build a time machine and go back to 2007 gaming :slight_smile:


What is the word for a person who is playing at a ELO/enemy skill level below their usual skill level? I forget. It’s not twinking, or scumming, they say it a lot for league of legends pro players who play low ranked alts. i can’t remember the word.

Oh. It’s smurfing.

Anyway, hope everyone is sleeping soundly while i randomly beat up people or am beaten up by people in hearthstone.

I leveled a solo alt in Classic Wrath and the game play is so clunky compared to what we have today. We now enjoy so many quality of life improvements such as directions to the quest, mouse over mobs to see which ones are related to the quest, mogging, no spell ranks and so much more, especially the continued improvement on sound and visual quality.

That said, I’d love to have the 2007 WoW community. Yes, there were jerks but in time we all came to know who they were just as the really great folks became known. Barrens chat was the equivalent to a movie so bad it was enjoyable and trade chat hadn’t become polarized along with the country.

I periodically mouse over folks in Valdrakken and it is rare for me to recognize any of the names due to all the various consolidations over the past few years. Blizz can’t win, as we players either have mostly empty servers plus a few overcrowded servers or they use technology to make it appear we’re in a populated zone and each has significant drawbacks.

I suspect they avoided closing down servers to keep players from seeing just how much we are below the maximum number of players now. But it did preserve server identity and duplicate names.

In short, I agree with you about 2007 player community but 2024 WoW from a playability perspective is so much better, in my barely humble opinion. :wink:


Have any of you heard the news of the latest Nintendo Games?

New Mario and Luigi Game!

New top-down Zelda Game starring Zelda herself this time!

Seems we will finally learn the true nature of the Trident! Ganon being killed in Hyrule unleashed it’s true power and caused everyone to be trapped in some other Dimension.

Some people have theorized this is the backstory for Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom…

Metroid Prime 4 featuring Sylux flanked by Metroids as a member of a Space Pirate Army.

The Space Pirates have been known to clone Metroids to the point we see them on Talon IV, Aether and in the Space Pirate Bases in Metroid Prime 3.

The Galactic Federation also has started to create Metroids although Samus had to blow up one of it’s production facilities in order to eliminate the X-Virus due to just how dangerous it was(despite the Federation seeing the X-Virus as a potential Weapon). The Federation promptly lowered the paygrade for missions that required the aid of Samus and didn’t care that the machines they sent were designed to kill Samus.

I don’t believe the Federation stopped the production of Metroids so we have Space Pirates and Federation creating them(of course the Space Pirates’ Talon IV Metroids and Mochtroids are inferior to the point where Ice Beams aren’t necessary to the point where the Hatchling had to be grabbed to get a proper sample to clone proper Metroids) with Samus preventing Raven Beak from ever making them himself.

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“get fit” they say.
“you’ll feel better” they say.

why don’t they talk about the muscle pain and fatigue which is part of the process? :unamused:

i need to teach my kitty how to be a masseuse.


My workout philosophy is: No pain, no pain. :smiley:

In my case I’m on the elliptical four days a week to try to keep some fitness in this 70 something body. In looking at fellow aging Boomers, many of the bad lifestyle choices that were made are definitely catching up to us in our old age.


I spend 30 minutes a day on a pelaton. Of course it’s just watching videos but I’m on it.


“How is that working out? I have a Recumbent Exercise Bike.”


i do three push ups once every other week or every third week or every fourth week or whenever i feel bad about never working out. and i rarely rarely go on walks but mostly stay inside unless my dad and stepmom pick me up and we go somewhere.

gotnov/chrisnp the annoying loser

we use to have one of those.


So when are you guys starting a fight club

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i would guess never

Pretty lame

sorry malgorok. i guess you’ll just have to beat up some other people

we can start one now

I honestly don’t feel significantly better than before. When I get up, sometimes I’m surprised thinking it will take a lot of energy and my body just does it easily. And I can jump if needed now, or run to keep up with somebody or something without noticing that I’m running. That’s the extent of it as a mostly sedentary gnome. I don’t really feel anything different.



I’ll let you know once I start using the pedals.

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if we were going to start one, we wouldn’t be able to talk about it :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: