GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 3)

I’m an X, but I’ve spent the majority of my life either hospitalized, housebound, bedridden… and either in fetal position/doubled over, and hunched when walking (mostly to protect my belly zone)
I’m over 50 and only just learning how to walk upright. :crazy_face:

My legs look like they belong to a different body, because they’re the only part of me which has moved regularly for 30 years :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I’ve been doing exercise in the pool with dumb-bells made from that high density foam stuff.

Next week i’m going to go consult with the dude at the gym and find out about doing the induction session (need to make sure we know how to use the equipment before they issue a tag to operate the machines)
I’m not ready to graduate from the pool yet, but i at least want to consult with the gym-bro to see what upper body strengthening is available.


Since this is reforged shadowlands i only got one thing to say. Shadowlands best expansion.

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“That is just the Title we got stuck with, when they automatically rebooted the Thread.”


I honestly expected alot of shadowlands talk.

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“Nope. We just talk about almost everything, in here.”


System hates us, we never chose the Shadowlands title it was forced.


shadowlands is like fight club.
we don’t talk about it :stuck_out_tongue:

(i honestly have no idea why people disliked it so much, i thought it was mostly OK)


I just always thought it was the Lemming Effect



:peach: :clap:

Very, very bad Draenei!

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MoP was the best expansion… (covers behind)

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I never played that expansion and was on forum hiatus.

So no comment.

Okay, the guy was rather funny.

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i had to share it lol


im getting error 403.

Elden Ring’s DLC(based on Lore written by George R.R. Martin) reveals the terrible truth about Miquella:

He is just Cersei in Tommen’s Clothing. His alternate self he shares a body with(St. Trina) is the actual Tommen/Myrcella of the story.

Thankfully we beat him before he spawned a Joffrey.

Miyazaki made excellent use of the World that George R.R. Martin provided him to say the least and revealed the reason for most of the conflicts while keeping the nature of Melina secret.

Moving to the country going to eat a lot of peaches?

I heard rumors peaches come from a can and they were put their by a man in a factory down town.


I feel like I’m looking at a heavily redacted dossier from a FOIA request.

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ugh. stupid australian homes with zero insulation.

my heater decided it needs the filter cleaned, and i’m too short to do it. :smile:

we just have to freeze until monday night when a tall person can help.

i’ve got a tiny fan heater sitting at my feet, but they’re still ice!

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what is a foia request?