GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 3)

i’m sure we’ll manage to break it regularly :smiley:


Tin foil hat theory.


LOL. He should have stopped before the monkey bit.

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Anyone else imagine an argument between two people who are not you(driving you nuts with their arguing) being resolved by some divine being getting fed up listening to the argument?

Short of randomly rewiring one of the arguers’ minds how exactly can the divine being resolve the argument via Argumentum ad baculum?

One way I have imagined a divine being settling a dispute is by suspending the arguer in time so that the other arguer doesn’t interrupt or realize what’s going on than smiting the suspended arguer multiple times in ways too incomprehensible for the arguer to even feel aside from feeling surges of visible energy constantly going through their very being again and again until they agree with the other side of the argument.

Regardless of whether or not it’s actually painful as the sheer shock of having divine smitings visibly rapidly flail through the arguer as the divine being gesticulates while allowing the arguer to feel the smitings thrum through him/her should enough to throw the mind into a more compliant state for the sake of sanity. No body and mind can hold off such epileptic movements against them regardless of the lack of pain!


Since most divine beings tend to have a very, very long term perspective, I suspect they are content to let the malicious and willfully ignorant reap what they have sown. It also gives me an opportunity to consider if I’m just as biased and ignorant and to adjust accordingly when I see that maybe I’m not so different.


i am so lonely.
fat worthless dumb slob with no skills and no job and no friends.
i have no future i guess.
i should probably an hero but oh well.
i won’t. just to piss off everyone and make them do me in instead probably.

I had no idea how what Bluey was and why there was a ton of merchandise in the store, someone told me it was a kids cartoon so I picked an episode or two and watched out of curiosity.

I picked these two to watch.



Couldn’t find the entire episode from YouTube but lol, poor dad.

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i guess that’s a nice show.
better than anything i’ve ever done at least.
i hate myself.
empty inside.
now i feel crappy. great.
i am a sad imitation of a human being.

does someone need a /pet !

/pets Gotnov


i might as well be dead Nori
what good is a /pet going to do me
i guess if i’m a pet i’m an “it” so that makes more sense than calling me a person
seems right

like jesus said the heart is desperately wicked and deceitful above all things and i’m just a heart without a brain or a soul or anything worth having

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i think i am going to quit WoW. and gaming. and the internet.
goodbye. i can’t say it was all roses knowing ya’ll but there were interesting moments sometimes.

whoa whoa whoa.

back up there.

a pet is not an “it”.
pet is friend, pet is family.


gotnov/chrisnp here. couldn’t even make it a day without turning my computer on and going to the forums and other stuff. i really am stuck in a routine i guess. hope you all had better days than i had.


“I hope your day gets better.”


Hops into the Lounge
Greetings GD Lounge. What is everyone listening to today?
I’m listening too


Enjoying this again:


sence its that time of the year in gw2
Guild Wars 2 - Bash The Dragon


At a psychological level, this is such a sad song from one who needs the love no matter what the price. It could just as easily be an ode to addiction.

At a mystical level, it is a parable about giving up of the flesh for the spirit as in the line from a Persian poem:
Live free of love
Its beginning is pain
Its end is death.

In this sense, it is the death of self and the full awakening of the soul.


I’m right there with you, Gotnov. I’ve been feeling recently that life is work, work, work for nothing and it makes me want to cry. I kill to eat, miraculous life ends in an instant for me to eat for a single day. The plants I grow are doomed to be attacked by bugs, pulled from its friends, and eaten, and its children doomed in the same way; I rejoice collecting its seeds and continuing this vicious cycle. Life eats life, and for what? To endlessly chase some equilibrium of confusion, pain, and exertion, spanning generations. The deepest pains of my life, experienced by my ancestors and descendants, in other forms.

I am resigned to this contrast torture of my own choosing. An instance of life, working tirelessly to fill my body with my soul, to give this body desires, to make this body my instrument. I used to think of the body and the heart as the vessel of the soul, but I now think of this experiment as the willful connection between a body’s heart and a mind’s soul. The body is not meant to move me, I am meant to move my body. The body does not belong to me, the body does not answer to me, and the body rejects my will with pain and exhaustion and despair.

This body is my slave, I am its cruel captor. I choose what this body does. If I mistreat it, it tells me. I used to think this life is happening to me, but really, it’s happening to my body! And it’s my job to support my body and reward my body and take it through life. It’s my job to give this body a feeling of purpose and I’m failing.

My body is weeping, it’s aware that I will abandon it. It pays for my gluttony, it pays for my neglect. It sends me weakness and pain when I break its muscles and tell it that it’s not enough. My body is my first child.

But that’s the point, I remember. If we lived our entire life in 75 degrees, we wouldn’t understand what that means. We wouldn’t appreciate perfection. Go into 25 degrees, and suddenly we understand. This is what we do in life, we go out into 25 degrees, alone, with impossible tasks and pressures. Then we come home into the warmth.


i think i’m actually a real life undead. when i eat food it doesn’t go into my throat it just disappears after i chew it for a while. and if i do swallow it into my throat i choke and cough. maybe that’s insanity i don’t know. oh well.

and i live on without eating the food properly. even get fat. maybe it’s from malnutrition though. i think when i was young i used to force myself to eat food properly, maybe i’m just a man who’s near to death all the time and has to force himself to avoid it. probably i will die shamefully and horribly and boringly like my life.

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