GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 3)

Unfortunately, I wasn’t willing to pay for early access.

That and most of my money goes to Michael’s every time I set foot in there, clearance on beads. :money_with_wings:


I’m still having fun with the last of DF. As I clean out bags I’m discovering that some of the items I’ve collected were parts of quests. So two more mounts and a third that just needs a couple of days. I have early access but am choosing to not use it.


i am so lonely
there are people around but i think they hate me or i’m unable to interact positively because i’m sick in the brain or soul or heart or something
anyway hope all is well with ya’ll
i got Gotnov to level 73 then stalled because I don’t know what comes next and it scares me


That has been a pain in the “behind”, :roll_eyes:, To make it more fun the quest can be out leveled so unless you have been running with “low level” quests toggled on you can easily miss it.

I ended up using an addon, BTW Quests, which helped me figure out why I couldn’t finish the Sojourner for the first zone.

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“I can see your collections page again. Check if you can see mine, okay?”

i’m still getting the 500 error

i always have low level quest tracking enabled… on my mage.
but i started this expansion with one of my timewalkers.
i figured i could get through stuff faster with a hunter instead of a squishy :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

i’ll get her to 80, then backtrack

i don’t really want to create an Earthen, i just want them unlocked :crazy_face:

“I logged out of the Forums and back in. It may have fixed it.”

it still doesn’t want to play nice :expressionless:

have you logged into this character (in game) recently?

“Everyday. She is my main.”

no problem… when i find some time, i’ll log over to Whisperwind and just send a bunch of pets marked “spare”.

if you have them, you can pass them to hubby
if he has them, then… sell them and buy a cute outfit :smile:

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“Sounds like a good plan.”

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what about a gus plan?

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We followed that plan and ended up barking up the wrong tree :poodle: :evergreen_tree:


ill tree your tree.

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“And ended up getting attacked by Drop Bears.”

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ok i nthink i just almost threw out a whole packt of cheese for macaroni and cheese.

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awww… i was about to hit 80, had my finger on the screenshot button (as is customary) :crazy_face:

handed in the quest, and …promptly locked up, and missed the moment.

anyhoo, i now have an 80.
time to do it all again with mage.

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Happy launch day for those who didn’t get early access.

Remember to avoid leveling in warmorde level 80’s will be looking for you!

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To be fair, 70s are way stronger than 80s, it may be a tough fight!

against scaling NPCs
although… i’d love to see 70s pwning 80s :smile:

i was just about to log in, figured i’d check out what todays drama is.
server crash.
woo launch day!