GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 3)

Happy Monday everyone!

sets up a table with apple juice and a warm apple pie




OK Iā€™m sick of Feralas. Been here for 2-3 days, Iā€™m over it. No Sprite Darter Egg, though :sob:


sometimes itā€™s easier just to buy the pet.

you need to weigh up the gold you could be making per hour in current content, vs time spent farming.

iā€™ve only purchased a few pets (i think fragment of suffering was one, because i wanted to complete the ā€œsetā€)

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Itā€™s going for over 100kg, which I donā€™t have.

Not interested in gold farming.

I really donā€™t spend that much in the game, TBH especially since I only play ā€œoff & onā€.

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ahh ok.

iā€™ll check when i log in, but i donā€™t think i have a spare one of those.

if thereā€™s any other pets you need, feel free to drop a list of names and iā€™ll sift through my journal to see if i have spares.

(iā€™m overdue for a clean-out)


Aw how sweet!

Yeah, itā€™s REALLY rare! Used to be an Alliance only quest reward. Then switched over to a Horde only drop.

Now, itā€™s both factions but still a very low drop rate :sob:

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it seems to be a bit hit and miss, but if you go to my armory and type ā€œspareā€ into the pet search box, i have spares of the pets named ā€œspareā€

there are heaps more, but it only seems to be showing about 20

@ Cyndi if there are any of those you donā€™t have, let me know.
armory stopped letting me look at your pets, so i wasnā€™t able to just send them as they came along :stuck_out_tongue:

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ā€œReally??? Darn them! I wonder whyā€¦ā€

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ā€œIt wonā€™t let me view it.ā€

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well thatā€™s annoying.

iā€™ll check back every now and again to see if i can see your list.


reminder to early access folksā€¦

if youā€™re a lazy leveler like me, make sure to log all your alts so they can start collecting ā€œrestedā€ :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


All my alts are in Org or Stormwind already, I donā€™t have early access or plan on leveling until next Friday.

I bet some EA people are using the event to level instead.

I do plan on doing the blue dragonflight quest for the mount today that Iā€™ve been neglecting.

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Well, this doesnā€™t work for me, but let me know what results you guys get.


where is that link from?

i made the mistake of clicking a ā€œnon-officialā€ link once about 17 years ago, and had to format the pc.

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It appears to be a Blizzard site. My Malwarebytes didnā€™t have an issue with it and I have set to full ā€œparanoid.ā€

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ah ok.

iā€™ve just reeled in the urge to click stuff.

if i feel something is questionable, iā€™d rather live without finding out.
if i move on without clicking the big red shiny button, iā€™ve forgotten about it in a matter of seconds.


game related, iā€™ve been catching some super cute pets

i love the ore which throws bombsā€¦ itā€™s hilarious watching a bunch of ā€œpossibly players, but hope theyā€™re botsā€ swooping down and getting exploded to death :laughing:


iā€™m having fun in tww. just quested in isle of dorn so far and did one delve tier 1. was fun i guess.

the delves seem ok

i think iā€™ve only done 3 so farā€¦ still leveling my Brann

trying to unlock Earthen, but i keep losing track of the quest chain :roll_eyes: