GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 3)

reporting back 2 days later…
i haz jelly-legs :laughing:

youtube told me i needed to hear this.
i agree.


You’re in a Rita thread and it’s hilarious!

Do me next as the police.


they in jail!


workin on the chain gang!

(edit) awww the .gif broke :frowning:


gus attacks.

some of the youtube links in here have stopped working for me.
dunno if it’s just on my end?

I give to you… the Wombles!!
(i feel like americans wouldn’t be familiar with Wombles?) :thinking:
Remember You’re A Womble!

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this American sees your Wombies, and raises you a Swedish band

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that was a bit of a roller coaster ride.

started out like Roxette, morphed into some random metal band, and then into something which sounded suspiciously like a TayTay song

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i dont know what taytay is…

but i’ll just sit next to you as you describe taytay

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taylor swift :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

maybe it’s just me…


sounds the same… just different tempo :woman_shrugging:

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there’s only so many chord progression available for pop rock. I just like seeing instruments being played - which includes taylor playing guitar.

ok, here we go on something diff:

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down with fruit loops.

it goes beyond chord progression… the “yooooouuuuu” and “ever/ever” are literally the same words :stuck_out_tongue:

fruity loops

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same words?

do you mean same vocal melody?

yes and yes

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ok, Bully, how about we switch to some Perth-based music? :upside_down_face:

aww it says it’s not available.

can’t listen to perth music in oz. :crazy_face:

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facebook just reminded me that it’s 2 years since i adopted my pretty kitty

i don’t know if i would have made a different selection if i’d known anything about cats.

now when i look at his adoption photo, i can see the signs that he was in pain.
he’s missing a huge chunk of fur on his neck/chest

now that he’s in less pain, he very rarely harms himself anymore.
(and i’m SO glad that i changed his name, “Blaze” just doesn’t suit him!)


another post reminded me about this My father on the release day of wotlk i was talking about it for weeks but just know i could not get the game we was just a poor struggling family was actually i big reason why i was playing wow the sub was a cheap option vr new games anyway yeah my father save up for it security with all his dollars and bits of change and this old construction worker pops this on me the day of says get in my truck

mined you this truck is so beat up and junked out i could see the road in the rusted out floor bord none the less this Concrete Man set out to track down this game for me 3 storse later we finally found one with the second to last copy.