GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 3)

eh, really my life’s good lately and uneventful and i have no responsibilities really so i have nothing legit to complain about except my own laziness / lack of ambition and energy and fitness


heck ya! That’s awesome. I’m jazzed by this determination! sometimes I miss going to gyms - i am incredibly fortunate to have an in-home gym

also, I haven’t posted some music here in a while:


it’s a milon gym, very fancy.
3 minute sets, on each machine in a circuit.
it’s going to feel awkward for the first few sessions without the trainer holding my hand.

thankfully, the screens on the machines show you a little reminder of what you’re meant to do :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


what kinda machines? I’m here imagining weight-resistance and picturing stretching out a 10 rep to 3 minutes. you over here doing 30 second negatives? :scream:

But the question is: gym when?

  • Morning (after waking up);
  • Right before lunch
  • afternoon
  • night
  • late night


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“Depends on what your goal is.”

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“milon Circuit training provides intelligent training in just 17.5 minutes with its smart-card controlled equipment that recognises your individual settings and training plan.”

everything apart from the eliptical, are machines you sit on.
the machines do most of the work… it’s a weird sensation.

so you might be sitting at a machine which works the calves, and the machine will lift your feet up, then you have to push the bar back down.
i guess it’s along the lines of resistance training?

i like the added video game component. :crazy_face:
there’s a screen with a circle and a ball, and the objective is to keep the circle and the ball aligned with controlled movement, instead of just “hulk smash”.
(and if you do good, you get little fireworks!)

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oh, that’s cool! I’m looking at it and yeah there’s definitely resistance training there. and you’ve got it all: upper body push, pull, lower body. Mike Mentzer/Arthur Jones (later the guy who made Nautilus equipment) were big on short interval training.

They way Mike did it was pushing to failure in a couple “sets”. Big on drop sets, e.g., bench press/pressing machine: put 100lbs, do 8 reps, immediately shed weight to 75lbs (no rest), push out as many full range-of-motion (ROM) reps, reduce to 50lbs, push out full ROM reps, and then have either a machine help - or spotter - bring the weight ‘up’ and let you, the lifter, push against gravity (forced negatives) and that was your “set” for that machine. Those eccentrics (where the weight is coming to your chest in a chest press) has a lot of muscle growth potential. And you’d move on to another workout and do a similar progression.

anyway, that’s a lotta jargon. But the fact that the machines are emphasizing controlled movements which undoubtedly promote time under tension - the name of the game for muscle growth - is so damn cool! I wish i had something like that to keep me focused!


the trainers can pull your info from the machines

if you find any of the machines too easy, they can adjust the settings

i think the body scans are done every few months to help track progress

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that’s awesome! I hope you enjoy it!

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yah i don’t want “big muscles”, i just want to try and get strong enough that i can maybe bring my stomach muscles back to life again.
not even sure if it’s possible with how many times the muscles have been pulled apart, combined with all the internal scaring
…but i’ll never know if i don’t try.
my neck and shoulders do a ton of extra work and are always sore, because they’ve become the default muscles which work overtime to hold me upright

i’d prefer to spend most of my time in the pool, but autoimmune issues result in random skin problems, and i don’t want to use the pool with broken skin (for everyone’s health and safety)

my toe touched something in the pool the other day, and it was someones band-aids. :confounded:
GROSS :face_vomiting:
i’m not going to be “that person”.

it’s not hard to respect communal facilities… people can be so… “ick”.


help im surrounded by ghosts!


Mario looks like he’s hanging out in Loamm.

the little dude on the cloud is adorable


that’s lakitu.

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ooh i thought it was a bee.

but it has a turtle shell

google showed me a plushie of him in a cloud with a bomb.
cute and chaotic, the perfect combo

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The Ghosts in Gusty Gulch are only seeking to scare you. They mean no physical harm.

The Ghosts of Creepy Steeple on the other hand…

I vote morning, great way to wake up and start the day with fun!

But any time is good if your focus is getting results


late night isn’t an option for me, doors close at 8pm

i was planning on the “before lunch” option… but then got distracted… so i’m going to sort the cat out, and get ready to go now :stuck_out_tongue:


I prefer afternoon/evening.


i did a session.

the eliptical is thirsty work :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: