GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 3)

So, I just wanted to say that Zaxxon was the first Sega game I played. Mom had the Atari 2600 game since I can remember (I’m an '82 kid), which is quite a different take on the idea than the arcade original. But, I saw the arcade game when on a trip later on ('87), and I thought it was amazing (but I was, and still am, terrible at any kind of isometric/dimetric action game). Afterburner and Shinobi were what made me a true Sega fan, but Zaxxon lit the first spark.

I know life is tough for you, but :people_hugging: this character’s name sparked some good memories for me, so thank you.


whoa… you just triggered a memory
i’ve got 2 x 2600 cartridges packed away, and i think Zaxxon may be one of them (otherwise it’s something else which has an X or two in it… like Axiom or something)

if i remember, i’ll get someone to grab the box down on monday so i can take a look.
no idea if the cartridges are actually worth anything these days, i watched a show a while ago where someone went on a road-trip to obtain a bunch of rare games, and there are heaps of variables (beyond just appearance and rarity) when it comes to the desirability of the cartridges

(i bought the 2600, couldn’t figure out why Target were practically throwing them out… then a few weeks later, hello Playstation) :roll_eyes:



my collections button won’t stop flashing, and i can’t figure out why.
i have nothing which needs my attention, nothing to unwrap… any ideas what’s going on?
it feels like i’m driving along with my indicator on or something :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Mine has been doing the same thing for a while. Opening up the collection and quick scrolling though the tabs seems to make it go away for a little while.

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i’m constantly logging in and out to retain buffs.

i might have to put some tape on the monitor to make it stop :laughing:

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dunno where you are Cyndi, but i just had another “blast from the past” thrown into my youtube algorithm

totally unsafe to link, but: Puddle of Mudd - She Hates Me

i’d forgotten all about this song :astonished:


i think i may have figured it out!


will find out next time i log in.

i think it was the game wanting to let me know about the tutorial/information available in the various panes?
i gave it a good clicking to acknowledge it :stuck_out_tongue:

(i’ve been playing mostly fresh characters, should probably test with an oldie)


well that wasn’t it.

time for the sticky tape.

i did manage to get my tl3 back today, so… WHEEEE!!


dear diary. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

today we got flooded.

SES had to come and save us, because Melbourne Water don’t bother to maintain stormwater drains, because it never rains.

until it does. :roll_eyes:

5 hour clean up, and no doubt none of that cost will be passed on to the company who failed to have functional drainage.

(edit) someone make a post… i have too many posts in a row and it won’t let me post.

i need to share my latest song addiction.

no artist, it’s AI.


“Cool video.”

i was initially a bit apprehensive about AI music… but so far the stuff coming out is pretty fun. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

there’s a youtuber called SethDrums who drums along to AI songs.
so far, my fave video is “Asking AI To Make A Hit Country Song - Glue Balloons”

I won’t leave a link, but if you decide to check it out, don’t try to drink anything while you’re listening :smile:


youtube threw a couple more bangers into my “suggested”.
the algorithm is learning :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


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Considering the existence of the infamous Pig’s Blood Ice Cream I am imagining some Edgelord(like Levi the Slasher from Lyrical Nanoha) getting interested in it only to suddenly be turned off when it turns out to be too Pink refusing to believe it’s Blood-flavored!

One would be more likely to tempt Levi(before Fate introduced her to the deliciousness of sweet Candy) with Bone, Fireball and Charcoal Ice Cream than actual Blood Ice Cream what with how it looks like Strawberry Ice Cream(you’d need to wave it under her nose to tempt her with Strawberry or Pig’s Blood Ice Cream).

Levi wouldn’t know what Wasabi even is in order to be tempted by Wasabi Ice Cream. Same goes for Chili Pepper. Not without waving it directly under her nose.

Even bigger Edgelords would be tempted by Chili Pepper Ice Cream the hotter the better while going for Bone and Charcoal Ice Cream yet ignoring the Fireball Ice Cream and the Blood Ice Cream for not being edgy enough for them!

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i :heart: Sylvanas Windrunner :rainbow: :rainbow:


Anyone know if there are any quests I should be doing for this patch?

you should get a quest pushed into your log when you log in

it’ll send you to gadgetzan (jump though the Caverns of Time portal in case you forgot it exists) :stuck_out_tongue:

a few quick quests, a corgi army, and an ending with an “awwww” :smiling_face:

i REALLY need to say… i love this new implementation of collecting mogs.
i feel like i’ve wasted years of my life dragging each armor class through every instance and raid to get as many appearances as possible… and every time something rare dropped, it was always the wrong armor class.

so i’d suck it up and just keep plugging away.

and now i’m suffering overload, and don’t know where to start farming! :pensive:

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Didn’t get it on any of my characters I was messing around with.

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it has requirements i didn’t know about