GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 3)

don’t run with the scissors! :scissors:


The rebellious phase

Because they took away my stabby stabby and mask…


such sweet bunnies :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

5 out of 5 carrots


I think someone must be throwing bunnies into my back yard because I can’t fathom another way they would get in


i think i’m the bad guy.
am i though?
maybe we’re all bad.
just me probably.
i don’t know.
i did know but then i emptied my head.

They burrowed under a fence ? :rabbit: :rabbit2:


I don’t even know, I looked around all over and I can’t understand it. Maybe they rain from the sky while I sleep


they appear out of the cracks in space-time i think


Those transdimensional wascally space wabbits heard the nice gnome lady had rabbit snacks for them.


i am suicidally depressed but i avoid thinking about it i think about hurting myself and dying but i should really talk to my psychiatrist about that i think i’ll message him now over the internet myhealth app actually sorry for bothering everyone


edit: i messaged him
sorry for being public with my crappy personality issues
i am not going to actually harm myself i have total control over myself so i won’t


Song - Space - Female of the Species
I think I’m bewitched lol just a bit too many bad deeds I guess got to clean my life up spiritually

youtube decided to throw some randoms songs into my playlist, and got it right.

i didn’t know i needed some Sia.
i love watching Maddie dance… she would be all grown up by now!!


link me a song i am interested


ugh… gotta find what i need to get tl3 back!

and another

one more :stuck_out_tongue:
(with Shia LeBeouf and Maddie in a cage match)

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i watched the first one so far, nice. is maddie sia’s daughter? or sia herself? or a dancer for her

i believe she started off on the show “Dance Moms”… and Sia saw her and was smitten with her

she’s been in heaps of Sia’s clips

another one (with David Guetta)
no maddie in this one, i just love the background story told by the clip.

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i watched the first three. Very fine story artistry.

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i’m trying to figure out why it brings me joy watching her, and i think it’s just because the choreography feels so… primal or something.

or maybe it’s because it’s the sort of crazy stuff i would have done if someone put me on a stage as a child and said “dance”.

oh. i have literally never danced. you must have been a nice kid.

edit: ok, there may have been a few times when someone wanted me to dance and i made a few awkward herky jerky movements. and sometimes me and my friends would play ‘stop the violence’ where we would basically go wild spinning and hitting each other in the dark room while i said ‘stop the violence!’ over and over. i was basically a terrible person even as a youth i guess.

i have never danced.
always wanted to.

i have no idea if i was a “nice” kid… but i was probably the most well behaved child on the planet. :stuck_out_tongue:
my (much older) siblings were massive jerks who did whatever they wanted, and blamed everything on me.
i was constantly in trouble for things i didn’t do.
i couldn’t afford to make a mistake… ever.
i was too busy suffering the consequences of their actions.

took me 30 years of adulthood before i discovered i could just walk away.
best thing i ever did.