GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 3)

c’mon, maturity. Please proc, please proc, please proc!


Don’t be dirty! LOL!


So…how about those changes for TWW? They’re definitely making things different, aren’t they, guys??

Oh - fr now - why am I seeing what appear to be spoilers in the forums? :face_with_peeking_eye:

I’m trying to enjoy the suspense and newness, but I guess some leakage is to be expected when folks are excited!


I’m not sure what the preferred nomenclature is, but I would have gone the verbose road:

“I will be purchasing both a primary computer mouse and a backup computer mouse, for a total of 2.”

…thereby completely side-stepping what may be a terribly awkward social faux pas in the…pluralization(?) of mouse.



If you do a search on Maysville movie ending you should get an explanation.

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I have decided to speak of my latest theory of what will happen next in Higurashi Mei:

True Theatergoer of the Torus Eua.

E is Epsilon which is 5. 5 is Ka in Japanese…

Alpha is One which sounds similar to Oni…


True Theatergoer of the Torus Eua represents the one saying Ka-U-Oni: LambdaDelta or(considering Lambda means 3 which is Mi in Japanese and Delta means 4 which is Yo in Japanese) Mi-Yo or M-Oni-You. Who calls “Hanyuu” a Hanyuu? Rika therefore she is merely a Game Piece representing the Real Rika.

Hanyuu in Sotsu represents Ha-N-You or Ha-End-You therefore she represents the Satoko Game Piece interpreted in a specific fashion.

But what does Satoko herself represent? S means Sigma which is 18. 8 in Japanese is Ha which is most certainly short for Hanyuu. T is short for Tau which is 19. 9 is Ku in Japanese.

So Satoko is “Oni-Hanyuu-Oni-Oni-K-U-Oni-K-Oni?”.

i means 1 in Japanese so Rika is R-Oni-Kagami. Kagami is Japanese for Mirror.

Satoko killing Rika represents Rika pretending to be Hanyuu in front of LambdaDelta “Rika” who is looked at as a God(or rather a Kami or should I say a Ka-M-i/Ka-M-Oni).

Since Game Piece Satoko is metaphorically represented in the Sea of Fragments as “Hanyuu”(Rika playing Hanyuu) her telling “Rika” that they are both something blanked out means that the True Theatergoer of the Torus Eua Character Story will expose “Rika” as Eua via “Hanyuu” saying she and Rika are both R-Oni-Kagami which will clue LambdaDelta on what is going on and when she points out the thread suddenly get her declared Eua the True Theatergoer of the Torus.

Chloe or C-Hanyuu-M-Oni-Oni-Ka is a LambdaDelta who saw the truth and knows what Meta LambdaDelta is as well. On the matter of the other Grave Moles: Koshka is K-Oni-Oni-Hanyuu-Hanyuu-Kagami which is a fancy word for Satoko. Lilja is M-Oni-Oni-M-Oni-Oni-Zero-Oni which goes well with the Japanese pronunciation of the name: Rirya which is R-Oni-R-Ya.

No doubt Chloe Ironside will be forced to watch another LambdaDelta AKA the “True At the End of Love and Hate” Rika Furude fight a “True At the End of Love and Hate” Satoko Hojo and show “Rika” stab Witch Satoko with the Sword that Slays Loopers only for it to fail(and only result in “Rika” getting a Golden Miko Outfit and Witch Satoko getting a Pink & Red Miko Outfit) as Rika created another LambdaDelta to play “Rika” just for Chloe to watch with Chloe/Eua pointing everything out to Rika who now realizes she has to deal with Witch Satoko.

Cue “True Witch Persona” Satoko Hojo’s Character Story which gets her teeth broken by Eua who explains that she is Eua not the Towering Goddess Metaphor that was infact Rika. “Satoko”(who has Meta-Hanyuu extracted from her), Bernkastel(the name given by Rika to Meta-Hanyuu) and Eua are promptly drafted by Rika for Ciconia When They Cry(where Eua plays Chloe Ironside and “Satoko” plays Koshka) which leads to Higurashi When They Cry Rei(wa) which is infact Ciconia Phases 2, 3 and 4.

Satoko and Eua survive returning to Ha-N-Yuu for a report while Lilja(their Partner the King of Ridicule who thought she was an equal to the others rather than a throwaway Game Piece gets stuffed into Meta-Rika after killing her while saying “I’m Hanyuu Au Au Au!”. True Ha-End-Yuu gets Lilja’s form(after spending so much time as a Cat) while Meta-LambdaDelta remains a R-Oni-Kagami.

Cue Wanyan When They Cry which is practically Umineko but(as Wanyan means Meow-Woof which basically describes a Rirya dressed as Hanyuu going Au Au Au) many of the Characters are Long-haired Girls in Miko Clothes going “Au-Au-Au!” including Beatrice.

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if i could i have a spare one in my room taking up space i would send you. :frowning:

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as in “i hate these meeces to pieces” :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

doing this right now.


i couldn’t find anything.

just more ambiguity.

stuff like: “a ninth-inning twist”

so i’m just gonna come out and say what i think (in case anyone has seen it)

it seemed like there was a scene which implied that the mother of the child which died, had an affair with the father of the other boy… and that both boys had the same biodad. (without knowing)


So “Brother from another mother”. Fine, now here’s one you can sink your teeth into.
Explain what was really going on in David Lynch’s movie “Mulholland Drive”.

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My wife liked that movie so much she now owns a copy and yeah, watching Mulholland Drive a second time is like watching a totally different movie. Sort of like Chinatown or The Sixth Sense.

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Good Morning, Afternoon, Evening, Night GD Lounge.

I just popped in to say


I actually figured out the Sixth Sense half way through. No idea why but suddenly it just hit me. I did notice from that point forward that they were really clever the way they handled some of the “conversations”.


Funny. I was quite certain my Magic School Bus book mentioned a Scar on Mars bigger than the Grand Canyon long before this!

Edit: On another note: Silent Hill 1’s Writer Keiichiro Toyama looks exactly like 07Ryukishi which of course means that the When They Cry Franchise is Side Material for Silent Hill… Or perhaps we should say Silent Hill is Side Material for the When They Cry Franchise.

James in the Remake can don the Mira the Dog Mask and since not only is i the Japanese word for One and Alpha the number One and Hanyuu(an M-Oni-R-Oni or M-i-R-Alpha or M-i-R-A) goes Au Au Au like a Dog and how Rika whenever Hanyuu isn’t around has the Red Eyes that Hanyuu has in her confrontation with Takano…

Let’s say Eua’s Failure is just James Maria/Mary Sunderland AKA the fake Hanyuu with the real Hanyuu being Mira/M-i-R-A/M-1-R-Alpha/M-One-R-One/M-Oni-R-Oni.

Also the USA Silent Hill games are in-universe done by the Satoko Witch Game Piece after being let go by the R-i-Ka/R-Oni-Kagami(Kagami is Japanese for Mirror) and has been grabbed by her Boss and is forced to learn the truth so that she can properly do Silent Hill for the audiences(I.E. make it about the cute Oni being stuffed into U-Rika or the Witch drawing upon U-Rika to attain Oni form splitting into a Blonde wearing into Beret and a Blue-haired Pus whenever the Oni is outside of U-Rika).

U-Sa and U-Rika hopefully are the official Writers of the next USA Silent Hill Games and plaster their faces on the covers.




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I just realized my remix characters has more bag and bank space then my retail characters, lol!


Does anything else think if it’s suddenly revealed that not only does Meta Knight use a Copy Ability but that his voice without the Mask is identical to Kirby it would degrade his Coolness Factor the same way exposing Kylo Ren, Tobi, Arkham Knight and Zant’s Faces degraded their Coolness Factor?

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test post to see if forum knows i have game time…

yay it worked.

almost instant, and i didn’t even have to relog :stuck_out_tongue:

i have a story.

i went to EB Games, and they had a Squishmallow Kerropi.
i have a huge Kerropi collection (which got packed away to make space for the Grogu collection)

i had to choose between the Squishmallow, or a KITTY!
so i chose the kitty, because it looks like Dex.
…and it’s now wearing the collar I got for Dex (before i decided my beautiful kitty didn’t need a pesky choker with a bell around his neck if he doesn’t leave the house)

The cat is a “Snow Cat”… from Roblox.
I’ve never seen one before, but it’s mine now :stuck_out_tongue:

forum won’t let me post the link.
(i must have let TL3 lapse… sigh)

it’s this cutie:

eek now my edit is freaking out.


That is cute!


it’s super sweet!

and mine has a silver glitter collar with bell and tag :smiling_face:

it’s going to be my “forever Dex”.
the two have already met.
there was nothing hilarious to report about their meeting, just a suspicious squint and a sniff (i guess it passed the sniff test) :smile:

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i’m dung. nobody loves me. why am i alive. i am so freaking miserable. everybody wants me dead. but it hurts to hurt myself. i hate life and everything in it. are ya’ll happy yet?


i don’t really care if you click on this or not. nothing i could do will make me feel better.