GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 3)

Rip Jack Frost


thereā€™s probably some aboriginal dreamtime creature which is the cause for the frost.

likeā€¦ a chilly Tiddalik :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


I like the wombat twerking to the didgeridoo


bahaha omg i had to go look for itā€¦ that is AMAZING!! :laughing:

i hadnā€™t watched the videoā€¦ i just remember the story from primary school.
i even had to google the name of the ā€œdreamtime frog which drank all the waterā€ to
remember the frogs name :grin:


Be safe and donā€™t forget fireworks safety!

Canā€™t be rezzed in real life and losing limbs is not fun for you and the doctors.

:panda_face: :us:


i saw a video from a doctor showing lots of videos of x-raysā€¦ with exploded hands. :expressionless:

fireworks were banned here when i was a kid, so iā€™ve never had a chance to play with them.

(Victoria is called ā€œthe nanny stateā€) :laughing:


Fireworks and alcohol is a really good combination for ending up on the Darwin Award pages.


Fireworks are just so expensive. If Iā€™m paying that much, itā€™s going to be for something that lasts for more than 10 seconds (and I can see fireworks without the setup and sound by just going on YouTube)

0 dollars, in case you ever forgot what fireworks look like


And in a box 6ft under.


Yep, that is the definition of a Darwin Award winner, someone who should have known better removes themselves from the gene pool. Some amazing stuff that I almost feel guilty finding very funny. Not to mention being reminded of the times I stupidly came close to winning one.


i need to vent becauseā€¦ grr!

i just watched a movie, and i was really enjoying it, but the ending all happened too fast and it feel like i completely missed something.
so i went back and watched the ending again, andā€¦ am still super confused.

there was a lot of switching back and forth between time-lines, memory scenes etc

oh well.
saw some cool old cars, and the sets and wardrobe were fantastic

Could explain the mediocre rating.

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thatā€™s actually a pretty good rating for imdb :stuck_out_tongue:

Eh, two of my favorite movies, the original Blade Runner is 8.1 and Das Boot is 8.4. I agree that 5.8 isnā€™t dog dirt but weā€™ll probably not see a directorā€™s cut any time soon. :wink:


classics/cult classics are always rated well

i mostly donā€™t put much weight on ratings anyway.
a lot of the stuff i enjoy rates really poorly :grin:

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Oh yeah, put a guy in a cheap monster suit and give it the Roger Corman touch and I would watch it even with a -3 rating. Our guilty pleasures. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


and i donā€™t think iā€™ve seen Das Bootā€¦ i have no idea why, it was released right in my prime
(i donā€™t retain movie information well. i think i havenā€™t seen something, then get 3/4 of the way through watching it, then remember that iā€™ve seen it) :grimacing:


I own copies of both of those movies and they are very re-watchable. Though Iā€™ve seen it nearly a dozen times, I have yet to make it through Royā€™s (Rutger Hauer) ending soliloquy dry eyed.


uh oh.

i think my steelseries cataclysm mouse is about to go to the great hardware pile in the desert. :sob:

iā€™ve used it for so long, i donā€™t know if i still have the ability to re-map my brain to use something else!!

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Throwing out my mouse next pay check, it served me well. It came with my PC, but I should have bought another to replace this one. So I will be buying 2 computer mice. I think I said that right.