GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 3)

Yes, I typed too soon in my excitement

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From what I’ve heard it is mostly people who don’t want to be bothered with questing, leveling, etc and want to go straight to high level content when a new expansion comes out. The borrowed power and having to level alts maybe have been “playing the game” for some of us but for them it was just another thing that got in their way.

There are complaints about it being a retcon but when you drill down into any of those complaints about all that was reconed were obscure points in out of game material like comics, background stories, etc.


once they added the Maw skip people were less… screamy :smile:


It’s been busy in here!


Cataclysm and Chronicle were Retconned is what they are talking about.

Cataclysm and Chronicle both maintained that Wild Gods go to the Emerald Dream only for Ardenweald to Retcon that.

The Fans make up statements about the “Happy Hunting Grounds” being Retconned yet their is mention by Danuser that Durotan went to a “Hunting Ground” while all sources say that the “Hunting Ground” is the Orc Afterlife with no mention of the Tauren anywhere.

Infact the only Afterlife described for the Tauren(before we meet Huln in Ardenweald) is what is now called the Veil.

As for the Jailer hijacking the Plot: Someone backing the Nathrezim(who made Frostmourne as of the Arthas Novel and corrupted Sargeras as of Chronicle) isn’t hard to imagine as they were always suspicious with Fans always stating suspicion over their words about the Void Lords’ plans for the Titan World Souls.

And no the Chronicle did not infact describe any Demon as being naturally spawned from the Nether but only described Demon variants without mentioning their origins.

In otherwords Ardenweald was the biggest Retcon of Shadowlands just as the Argus Patch was the biggest Retcon of Legion.


Wowpedia says the Wild Gods are “creatures of two realms” existing in body in the physical world and in spirit in the Emerald Dream. When they die they go to Ardenweald and are kept in a wild seed until they are ready to be reborn by the Grove of Awakening but which part goes to Ardenweald?

Is that really much of a change or more of an addition. Question is, are changes like this unique to Shadowlands?

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trading post fish mount needs some dental work.

Blub is sweet

all the other stuff:


i don’t even like playing WoW much anymore :frowning: i can get some enjoyment playing Hearthstone though. Guess it’s my pills making me sad I don’t know or maybe that’s just an excuse I don’t know.

The trading post looks good this month. I will at least try to max it out this month.



I stopped collecting pets when I hit the 1k mark. I wish we could just choose our trading post rewards, getting sick of getting pets I don’t want or use as a monthly reward.


as i’ve been lingering around for months now hoping to find the joy i once did in this game i feel the same

and as we look to the bor within i remain as un enthused as ever. but Josh Greenfield aka our savior! is doing some nice work in sod perhaps we can get a true classic plus someday and rewrite history

anyways rantings of a mad man over /salute


A good short story “Trials” was on the WoW page today and there’s a link to it as a forum post. Might be fun for yall to read. I liked it at least.


Interesting Fact: Feudal Japanese Noblewomen wore White Kimono and Red Hakama like the Miko(Shrine Maidens like Rei Hino/Sailor Mars from Sailor Moon, Kikyo from Inuyasha and Rika & Hanyuu from Higurashi When They Cry) do.

Rei Hino:


Kikyo’s Reincarnation Kagome Higurashi:

Rika Furude:

Rika’s Ancestor Hanyuu Furude:

Hanyuu’s Daughter Ouka Furude Ancestor of Rika:

Infact the reason the Miko traditionally wore that garb is because they were Noblewomen.

As a demonstration of Noblewomen who aren’t Miko:

Hanyuu’s mother/creator Eua:

Her Witch ally Satoko wears a Golden Hakama(when not in Eua’s presence at least):

Temptress in the Mist from Inuyasha:

Purple is also popular for Hakama.

Momo’s Zanpakuto Tobiume(whose appearance is clearly intended to be of Nobility):

Now Animation has a habit of throwing around the word Miko liberally for characters with Spiritual Power forgetting there are female Priestesses. Furthermore Animation will sometimes dress the Miko in Priestess garb by giving them a White Hakama not a Red Hakama despite that most definitely not being the case in Real Life.

Miko dressed like Priestesses(wearing White Hakama):

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we just got below zero… and it’s weird outside.

my car is covered in teeny icicles! :snowflake:

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i slept through dawn :frowning:
i would have loved to see the sun coming up this morning!
(my birdbath was still frozen at 10:00am when i went to look)


Is your visitor Elsa or Arthas?


Hopefully it was Elsa!


welp goodbye i’m going back to my proper human self :dracthyr_yay_animated:


What? No more waggle Nori…

Oh well.

Long reign Nori regardless of their form!


waggle is so hard i leave it to the professionals


Regardless, it’s nice to see you feeling more comfortable.

May your days be many and filled with the happiness you need.
