GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 2)

amazing lol

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I am worked up and happy. I just discovered something that will help my streams and make it so I don’t have to show my face on camra. So I can spice up my streams and do the wonderland stuff easier (I think) that I have been wanting to.,visible%20and%20familiar%20presence%20online.

I am just so hyper now and feeling oh yes, oh yes, oh yes. I don’t feel like I can sleep I am so exicted.


nice! /salute

Ya I am happy. I don’t really like sharing my face to much on Twitch dispite it being something I wanted to do. Like for shrinking myself when say something went wrong in the game and growing myself if something went right.

But I don’t want to have to explain “Yes I am a lady” because I might not look it completly due to my transtion. This stuff means a lot.

That and then I can put on what ever I want duing my streams and not worry about Twich or Youtube banning me lol.


that’s such a good fun idea stuff like that will bring success :partying_face:

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/looks around
well good night

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Happy Saturday!!
I’d love to spend part of this day reading


Oh you stream now? Any link to the twitch page?

Always interested in lurking/discovering fellow forums people who have streams. I’m a big fan of Alecthegreat myself (forum poster that pops up in PvP threads)

I learned something new the other day. Expanded my vocabulary. It involves swarf.

(Just quoting you so people know what/who I am talking about)

I saw this poster around for a while. I figured “Swarf” was some word he invented, or a mix of words he combined - like “short dwarf.” Or something.

But I was at work the other day, reading the warning signs on the machinery, and it said: “beware of coolant and swarf.”

I was thinking: “hey, that’s the name of a guy on the forums! What is that

I guess “swarf” is little metal shavings from milling and grinding. I did not know that. Feels like the forums helped me learn a new word lol.


I only learned recently myself that it’s an actual word. Hah


My company is happy with my performance and increased my salary :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:


Posting your link.


wonderlandgirlmerlina - Twitch


Picks up the bottle she had left in the lounge last night. No one touched this? Good. Like I said I am going to make the Nelf’s a new tree home. Drinks the bottle. Just don’t be umm freaked out. Points at Surfy. You remember our deal right?

Leaves sprout from Alices hair and her skin turns to bark. Well see everyone in a few days. She waves as she starts to grow, her legs melding together and her feet turning into roots as they dig into the ground. Up and up, she goes, more and more limps sprouting out form her. A vast canopy sprouts out of her hair and even a house appears on her body. The Nelfy tree house is open for business.


All the best

I once tried streaming
got too scared of showing my face

I do wish to try game reviewing though in the future on YouTube


*grabs tools and materials and starts to climb tree to set up a rogue loft :smiley:

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kinda why i get the appeal with all those v tubers.

Faceless gameplay can work you just gotta keep folks interested / entertained.

I observed this comes naturally to some people

despite how much GD dislikes Asmongold
he knows how keep audience interested and entertained.

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if I could I’d stream games I’m playing buuuuuuuuuuuuuut my speech is a little goofy because of my teeth nowadays so all my personality goes into text lol

well that and I’m still pre HRT and have this annoying squeaker voice that gives me away immediately

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