GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 2)

Nope, but your welcome to join us! :grinning: :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:



Darkmoon fair bunny, my warriors pet.

I have a pet for each of my characters to have to follow around.



yes, had to include this one :heart:


“That rabbit is what inspired my Vorpal Bunnie. Along with the Vorpal Blade from the Jabberwakkie.(sp) That is what you get, if you dare cross my Vorpal Bunnie with the Darkmoon Faire Rabbit. THAT is why we were hiding her. You know what they say about Rabbits breeding. The whole world would be over run in a heart beat.”


I just realized the possibility that the Rika from the start of Higurashi Rei may be deader than dead thanks to Main Series Rika making a deal with Beako.

Beako would start out as Beatrice Castiglioni only for her deal with Rika(following Hanyuu’s bad attempt at reclaiming her power from her went south) to result in sacrificing her power and become the Kuwadorian Beatrice only to give more power to Rosa/Demon Rika(so that she could create her own Demon Hanyuu/Maria) becoming Yasuda Beatrice.

Fun Fact: the number of times Eva kills Rosa is the same amount of deaths that Rika has in Higurashi Rei Manga: 3. Since Yasuda Beatrice is supposed to be born from her encounter with Rosa I would interpret Beatrice quickly and messily killing Rosa after the 3 prolonged Deaths to be her giving her enough power to become Demon Rika and escape Featherine.

Yasuda Beatrice would be barely alive and be handed over to Kinzo Rika who would hand Lambdadelta over to Krauss(who would later become Eua) for the sake of Looping only for her to hit it off badly with Natsuhi 1.

It may be that Rika was forced to play a game with Beako after Beako’s power was sacrificed by Rika to create her 4 Game Pieces(Eua/Krauss, Featherine/Eva, Fake Hanyuu/Rudolf and Demon Rika/Rosa). The rules of her contract stated that she would be pulled into Rudolf’s gameboard and if there are extra Rika pieces they would die.

She deliberately forced Bernkastel/Kyrie and the Asumu Rika Piece into a Logic Error so that Lambdadelta would be forced to concede the Logic Error eliminating Bernkastel and ensuring that when she got pulled into the Gameboard the Asumu Rika would still be alive. Instead Bernkastel got out of the Logic Error and Asumu Rika was the one who died alongside her mother.

Rika was now Battler and was forced to serve as 1 of Lambdadelta’s pieces when Krauss took a whack at her. Of course Krauss didn’t realize that replacing Shannon(Lambdadelta/Beako/Beatrice in Rika’s Body) with Battler meant that the Natsuhi of the gameboard would have to be replaced too. She simply thought that Natsuhi lost her memory and was oblivious to the Lambdadelta Piece thrown in.

Furthermore the Game Rules were that Lambdadelta was to keep Rika/Battler and Satoko/Jessica together forever. Krauss did her utmost to drive them apart using every piece on the Gameboard to abuse Natsuhi 2 while also giving her Looping Powers. Every time Natsuhi 2 got close to ensuring Rika would stay with her Krauss/Eua immediately forced characters to act uncharacteristic to ensure they stay separated.

Krauss/Eua assumed that Rika would kill Satoko but instead handed over the Weapon over to Lambdadelta to give to whom she wished and Lambdadelta handed the Weapon over to Rudolf Hanyuu(whom Krauss and Rika/Kinzo created) who proceeded to defeat Eua forcing her off the Gameboard seemingly ensuring Lambdadelta’s win only for Bernkastel to challenge her.

Bernkastel was given permission to put her pieces anywhere she wanted and was able to give Natsuhi 2 and Rika/Battler the pep talk needed to ensure Lambdadelta lost the Game thus freeing Battler Rika from Lambdadelta’s Gameboard and resurrecting Asumu Rika in her place.

The entity draining Natsuhi 2 AKA the Satoko Witch of Higurashi Gou/Sotsu is Featherine Augustus Aurora to create her own Satoko entity(Hideyoshi) which I presume would be Demon Satoko(hinted at in artwork for Demon Rika).

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Good morning Friday!!!
Bunnies seem to be the current theme!! :rabbit2:


mmmm bunnies :slight_smile:


im out of cat gifs!
but here i have some poptarts




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“Welcome to our Realm Of Insanity.”

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Have you seen my flying monkey?

I seem to have lost him on my way.

His name was Mind.

Can you help me find my Mind?

I lost my Mind. :slightly_frowning_face:

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“Check in the Brain Closet, in the Basement. That is where we keep all the lost minds.”

“I need to go do my daily hour on my Spin Bike, but I’ll be back.”

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Just discovered from Kingdom Hearts Dark Road that the Heartless aren’t born from the 13 Darknesses but from the Void in Xehanort resulting from Hearts not receiving Light.

In otherwords Hearts sensitive to Emotions manifest the Void when in deprived of Light.

How ironic the great clash between Light and Darkness didn’t even happen! It was a clash between Light and Void. Light prevailed and the Void expired!

Light and Void clashing it seems creates X-Blades and so I would assume the Nothingness of Nobodies clashing with Light would do the same.

The Void has just had it’s root(Xehanort) killed by Sora in KH3.

Darkness will soon make an appearance. The question is: is Darkness good or bad?

For Void one has to master one’s will to control the Void in oneself which is what Riku did depriving Xehanort access to the Void within him.

Xehanort’s Void merged with Baldur controlling him became obsessed with flooding worlds with Void by unleashing Kingdom Hearts’ Light & creating Heartless without ripping out peoples’ Hearts but Xehanort’s Void under Xehanort’s own control went about ripping out people’s Hearts to convert them into Heartless.

The Void of Xemnas manifested as Nobodies appearing from the bodies of those whose Nothingness consumed their Hearts.

The form of the Void results from one’s beliefs concerning the Nothingness standing before them.

Xehanort’s beliefs of the Unknown threating the Worlds manifested as the Heartless while his beliefs of what Bodies would become without Hearts manifested as the Nobodies.

Vanitas was Pure Darkness expelling masses of Void in the form of Unversed. They were born from his confusion about himself.

Sora’s Void manifested as healing Hearts of damage, Roxas, Namine, KH3 Xion and the Giant Heartless seen in the Trailer of KH4(says a lot about how affected his previous adventures that Sora was that he would manifest Heartless in Quadratum the moment he arrived there).

If one who had a Heart capable of connecting to others assumed that Nobodies were lost Hearts then they would manifest from lost Hearts instead of Bodies.

(Lady Cyndi Lou wanders back in.)

My internet decided for me that my stream tonight was done.


/understanding pat

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I was talking with Surfy and I have a plan to give the nelfy’s a new tree. set’s the bottle down on the table. No one touch it. It is for me to drink tomorrow as a suprise. You don’t need to be the suprise.

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