GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 2)

Ahhh Stevie


then there was the song that I initially thought meant Stevie was a Night Elf Fan :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

ooopsie :smiley:


Here is a mount guide to help reach your goal.



I’m starting to suspect that Umineko Gou ties into Higurashi Rei Manga.

More specifically it ties into the solution:

Umineko’s Cast may secretly be all Rika(Bernkastel, Battler, Kinzo, Ange, Erika, Natsuhi and Rosa), Satoko(Nanjo, Jessica and Eva), Hanyuu(Beatrice, Maria, Genji, Godha, Kumasawa and Eva) and Eua(Kyrie & Rudolf) with only Krauss & Hideyoshi as actual members of the Ushiromiya Family and thus part of the 17 People.

The 17 People all disappeared without a trace suggesting that they might still be alive.

Considering the Higurashi Rei Manga shows people dying in a way that matches the Witch’s Epitaph I suspect that the Ushiromiya Family is responsible.

Speaking of the Witch’s Epitaph the First Episode of Umineko says that Battler knew of the Witch but suspiciously didn’t remember her being named Beatrice.

Beatrice is Hanyuu’s romantic description of herself added to the Epitaph via modification in her & Rika’s merged Inori form.

I suspect that they considered bringing the Rika from the Reiwa Era(who is represented by Asumu in Umineko) to Rokkenjima(which they heard tales of) on the grounds that being older she might be wiser only for her(due to being more incompetent than the usual Rika) to lose all but 1 of her remaining loops forcing them to go with her pick of detective(Keitarou who is represented by George in Umineko) and the Normal Rika instead.

The story ultimately leads to Rika & Satoko getting massacred by an unknown assailant and when they are convinced that Satoko & Hanyuu’s Dairy tells them nothing Rika begins plans to loop continuously only for her to convince herself that she is losing herself to an Erika Furudo persona because of her obsession and give up and instead embrace the Legend of the Golden Witch.

Naturally Keitarou returns to the Reiwa Era along with Hanyuu who uses her true form(as well as proof of her powers) to convince Hinamizawa that Polaris is not evil and should be inoculated for Hinamizawa Syndrome which would remind Keitarou that he saw some of Rokkenjima’s inhabitants preform the same hair pulling as those infected with a Disease from Hinamizawa that Dr. Irie recognizes and point it out.

Dr. Irie confirms the association between Keitarou noted disease from Rokkenjima and the Disease he remembers while also mentioning the destruction of Rokkenjima and lack of Bodies.

Shortly after the crowd disperses 6 Bodies will appear at Twilight with one of them gouged in the Leg. Keitarou will notice that and after learning from Rika that in the last Loop she was gouged in the Knee and that the Culprit had in the Loop before that had gouged the Stomach and in the Loop before that gouged the Chest just like the order of the Twilights of the Witch’s Epitaph.

Keitarou will bunker up with his friends in Dr. Irie’s clinic only for Krauss to show up bringing none other than Une. Yes the same Une who tried to wipe out all life on the planet.

“On the ninth twilight, the witch shall revive, and none shall be left alive.” - The Witch’s Epitaph

Yes the Epitaph is Une’s writing and Higurashi Mei includes the 2nd and 3rd Twilights of the Epitaph intending to revive Une’s Master(the Black Witch) to finish the job of wiping out all life that Une had started.



Happy Wednesday!!

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:radioactive: :biohazard:


So much for Eua’s theory that Hinamizawa Syndrome won’t infect someone under stress…

Dr. Irie’s theory is that the Syndrome’s source of infection changed which would mean that the Queen Virus was out of Hinamizawa at the time. As Une shows in her first appearance the Queen Virus can usually only infect Hosts outside of it’s general vicinity via injections.

If I had to guess Mion(who in the old Loops was the only one not infected with the Hinamizawa Syndrome) was the Queen Carrier of the old Loops and was Shion in the new Loops which meant she went to St. Lucia and Rika’s Oni Blood killed the Hinamizawa Syndrome while she was away.

Once the Shion of the new Loops came back the Virus went back to it’s usual business.

In otherwords the Mion of the new Loops is Shion and only manifested the symptoms differently due to a different lifestyle. Since her sister only just got back Satoko’s injecting L5-Hinamizawa Syndrome into her Blood Stream got it exposed to the Demon Blood killing it on contact. Her sister is the source of her Terminal Hinamizawa Syndrome not Satoko who only deludes herself into thinking she is the cause of everything.

Satoko got infected right when she returned home to Hinamizawa due to Mion bringing her and Rika back to Hinamizawa for an Event along with everyone else including Shion. It’s why Satoko was so readily willing to start the Loops by killing Rika.

Why is Shion/Mion unaware of her true nature? Half-Blood Oni(not Half-Breed Oni but instead Oni who went through the Teleporter when it was breaking down) lose their Memories the moment they possess an unborn Infant. They have to possess a Child or Adult to retain their Memories which as one can see is what Une did to her host.

The Hinamizawa Syndrome probably had deeply entrenched itself into Rika(who was under a ton of stress at the time compared to everyone else and had stopped drinking Wine to dull the stress due to thinking she had won) by the time it’s source temporarily left Hinamizawa and had driven her to seek St. Lucia in a single minded manner.

Since the Virus affects Hosts in the same way the Oni who spawns it does(increase the intelligence of the Host) Rika quickly flourished in St. Lucia while Satoko flunked badly. Satoko after getting infected on her return to Hinamizawa despite still being reckless shows more competence than before.

Witches(like in the case of Lambdadelta, Bernkastel, Satoko and Rika) are Oni-spawned Viruses that have accumulated enough experience from their Host to become like the Oni themselves which is why Oni treat their Viruses as if they are their brethren.


YAY APPLES and BUNNIES :smiley: :rabbit2: :rabbit2: :rabbit2:



Here you go.






Fear bunnies in packs…


Bunnies are also fearsome alone…


If I may ask - is this…what I think it is? I may ofc be mistaken but is this the TL3 Lounge?


“No. We just have a lot of TL3 posters in here. This is the GD Lounge. Welcome to our Realm Of Insanity.”