GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 2)

“Will he do a harness? If so, you could take him for actual walks.”

ahhh… i found the “meow”…


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The kitty mount meows when you call it/mount up.
I have three cats and was looking around every time I heard it. :rofl:


he freaks out. tried getting him into a harness just so i can take him into the yard.
i’m not allowed to take him beyond my property limit, and i wouldn’t want to anyway… i’ve got a dog park at the end of my street, and there’s always dog walkers passing by

“You didn’t say you wear in game.”

“Maybe a Running Wheel then. Something he can really run on.”

i have a human treadmill, but no space to set it up indoors

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he does zoomies at least twice a day.
he can get up a bit of speed for an old fella :joy:

(removing the link before i get meanies spamming my channel) :joy:


:dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: Just for fun! :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

:dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

:dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:


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Ugh… Highlord Darion Mograine can just shut up now!

The problem with Orgrimmar is that he is right there, where you have to pass him every time your characters go from the tavern, to the bank, or practically everywhere else.

Before, I just cautiously scooted around him on my level 50+ characters that I wasn’t ready to commit the time to Oribos on, but now he is yapping at my newly made Dracthyr, and my low level 10 characters as well.

Is there no release to the torture from this Death Knight?!? Have we not suffered his pining enough?!?

Highlord Darion Mograine says: <Champion/Deathlord>, the veil between our world and the Shadowlands has been sundered. Preparations have been made. Nazgrim will tell you of the grim fate that has befallen our allies.

Aaaaagh!!! Stop!!! Stop!!! I’ll do the stupid quest when I feel like it!

… Somewhat joking you all, but he does annoy me. I wish there was an off switch on him.


woo… got my Sha mount.

want to go farm the others but suppose i should do the daytime stuff i need to get done.



Blueberry background!


And it snowed today, it was short.

:panda_face: :blueberries:


(Lady Cyndi Lou wanders in.)


Did someone order some karma for ABK?


I heard something like this was going to happen 6 months ago.

It’s no surprise.

I’ve always thought China would do something like this, because they have very strict criteria on censorship.

These are old videos not recent.



i want snow!!
i got a blanket of hail a couple of weeks ago.
for a few seconds i could look out the window and pretend it snowed :stuck_out_tongue:


“I love Snow too.”


Job is have a mini thanksgiving deal that I remembered about just now.
I wanna call in because I’m lazy and sleepy but I also bought cookies for it last minute.
Might as well go to work and pick up some stuff they got lol.


i don’t know if i love it or not.
it doesn’t snow here. :frowning:


We get a lot of it in the East coast.

What size?

We can call it solid snow of death if you try to go outside and dance around in it.

I hate it when I have to clean it up and reason I slipped and sprained my wrist while cleaning the car last year.

I don’t mind snow if it’s no more than 5 inches and not a foot of it.



Snow is very very pretty and I love watching it fall. However, it was more fun when I was little and it meant a day off of school then lots of fun playing.

Growing up and owning a house means I have to shovel and maybe even drive in it :frowning:

My favorite snow now is the kind that falls on Friday night and melts by Monday. Best of all worlds.