GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 2)

yay for liking it
meow dragon roar style


oooh the dragons are pretty


ā€œThey did a great job, and they have so many cool customizations. You should make one. I would love to see what you come up with.ā€


ā€œThat would be Ms.ā€

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Iā€™ve just stopped using gender-specific titles or honorifics. I have yet to be accosted for misgendering someone, but there have been a couple encounters after which Iā€™ve wondered if I didnā€™t maybe get it wrong. I would never do it intentionally, but itā€™s so awkward and embarrassing when itā€™s done accidentally.

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ā€œItā€™s only human, to make mistakes. The real lesson is when we learn from our mistakes.ā€


Thank you! Mine was still in Japanese this morning, but I finally got an option to switch it to English, but when I reload it switches back to Japanese. At least I can see it in English if I donā€™t leave the website.


Time to do my Dracthyr post!! (Malochai)

I am having fun with this new race, and I glad that the starter zone seems to be just about the right amount of time. The goblin/worgan/pandarian/demon-hunter zones seemed to take forever, not to mention the crawl through the maw. This is just a small but sweet intro, and then you are on to playing your character.


I used Ms for a whileā€¦ it just sounds like ā€¦ a confused bee. :laughing:
:honeybee: mzzz :honeybee: mzzz :honeybee:

iā€™ve got my plot of land in Scotland now, so Iā€™ll use Lady whenever I canā€¦ just because itā€™s hekin hilarious :rofl:

i havenā€™t got the expansion yet.
i suppose i should get around to doing that.
i normally buy it on release day from EB gamesā€¦ but iā€™m all grown up and have a credit card now, so i suppose i could just make a digital purchase.

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For a sub?

That to is silly.

If a company wants to know itā€™s audience all they have to do is ask for a survey with a prize involved.

I did a Blizzard survey for kicks and giggles, it did ask for gender and I selected other for, non of your business.

Pre paid cards too.

You canā€™t see the person on the other side of the computer (itā€™s better this way, because people will discriminate against you over gender in game). Guys like to play female characters and some girls like to play male characters. I have a few male characters, people think Iā€™m a dude, and that does make me giggle.

Sounds about right, maybe Disney + is planning to add things that are over the rated G selection.

I donā€™t do sub channels I barely watch my own TV.

Please donā€™t eat me.



i used to be super paranoid about getting into vent to talkā€¦ then i started using the cataclysm head-set with voice changing capabilityā€¦ it was pretty funny.
people who knew i was using a voice changer had to try not to laugh, and the people who didnā€™t know i was using it, just thought i was a dude.


For me itā€™s social anxiety, I have a bit of speech impedimentcy from having meningitis. It slips sometimes, but it takes awhile for me to get comfortable around others.

It took a year for me to get comfortable talking in raid with my guild. I canā€™t talk at all now because my computer wonā€™t let me talk in discord for some reason.

At least I can listen.

My dragon will be coming late, Iā€™m just letting everyone jump into the pool first.


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Iā€™m not uncomfortable with either of the questions. Anyone who knows me knows i support the LGBT+ community. The ā€œwhatā€™s your genderā€ question can be potentially used in a bad way AGAINST the LGBT+ community which is not a good thing.

Itā€™s simply a matter of privacy and companies asking for more information than they need. I can see why your app MIGHT need the info but your utility companies certainly donā€™t need it.

Itā€™s still a pointless question. A ten year old could say their DOB is 5/21/75 for example.

OK troll. On ignore you go.

Practice what you preach.

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They can also do this to enter anything else as well, Diablo forums ask for a DOB when coming in the first time, anyone can put any date they so choose.


youā€™re confirming that you are an adult who is able to enter into a contract.
it doesnā€™t matter what a 10 year old says.
they are too young to enter into a contract.
if parents donā€™t supervise their minor children online, they can be held liable for the actions of the child. (unintended billing is probably a better way for parents to learn to supervise their kids, than a lot of the other options which could be much more harmful to the child)

itā€™s illegal for them to use personal information in any of the ways youā€™re imagining.

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i never used to play with sound, and i have sound nowā€¦ i keep hearing a ā€˜meowā€™ sound, and i donā€™t know what it is.
i thought it was my kitty being cheeky, but heā€™s sound asleep and i still hear ā€œmeowā€ "{


ā€œI have been meaning to ask for a Kitty Update. I take it he came out fine?ā€

ā€œAlso, Kitty could be snoring, in his sleep. My big Bombay does that, and it can sound like a meow, occasionally.ā€


he seems to be doing ok.
still on the pills, still taking the lactulose.
sleeping a lot during the day, then keeping me awake all night. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

his liver is still visibly pushing forwardā€¦ he needs to lose weight.
he doesnā€™t understand that i wonā€™t let him starve.
i think he has been in a situation where he had to fight for food, or wasnā€™t fed properly.
heā€™s almost 2kg overweight, and thatā€™s pretty chonky.
heā€™s lost weight since iā€™ve had him, but needs to lose more.
he likes to run around, so i just have to encourage him to play ball and laser pointer


ā€œGet him a Kitty Exercise Walker.ā€


nearly $1000ā€¦ plus postage :grimacing:

iā€™m just going to have to get him to chase stuff.

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