GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 2)

“Do we get to keep them?”


there’s a toy u can get which will allow u to bounce into your soul shape in the mortal world

After I burn bacon I’ll look it up and send the name over to ya

off to burn bacon (hearing that I’m later :rofl:)


Good morning everyone, Happy pre-patch day!!

I’m looking forward to getting my three new Dracthyr built. The names are already picked out. I’m switching to my first account for this one, so Malochai will not be leveling anytime soon. No need to buy it on an account that is going to lay dormant for the most part.

I’m trying to get all my professions up on my old account, but I didn’t get to all of them before the pre-patch. I did how ever get one whole account to the level 50-60 range and another to the 40-50+ range… I also have no room for alts on these, hence the switch to the old account.

Deciding whether I want to switch forum mains… but what would I pick, and having to get the TR3 back on a new character seems like a pain. :rofl:

Just rambling…

Happy pre-patch everyone!! Have you all decided what your Dracthy is going to look like?


that gif is amazing… but i feel sorry for the cute dragon :frowning:


Ok ya’ll lets see those dargons.



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Looks like Disney is about to lose quite a few subs from Disney+

Yes, i verified this through other sites other than reddit. It seems if you don’t verify your gender and D.O.B then current subs will no longer be able to use Disney+. I’m thinking Disney did not think this decision all the way through.

BTW, i really don’t see the need for them doing this since they can verify someone is an adult through your credit card. Date of Birth also seems unnecessary unless they are planning to ask you for your social security number as a requirement sometime later.


Gender shouldn’t matter as long as you’re getting money. Yes, I also see this as a first step as acquiring personal information that shouldn’t be necessary just for a sub.



Plus from what i read. You can’t do it on the main part of the site (my room mate is subbed to Disney+ and checked). Apparently you have to wait for an email from them and the email is going to look an awful lot like a spam email.

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anyones credit card can be used.

i didn’t read the reddit drama, but what’s the problem with this?
it’s pretty standard information when creating any sort of account.
not sure why Disney would be called out for doing something which most companies already do.

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“JUST made mine, won’t show up yet. Sorry.”


Thars what I’ve been getting form Blizzard since I signed up for beta key.

No worries.




Disney will now be the only streaming service to require it. You seriously don’t see the problem?

You mean the things companies only ask you if you are applying for a JOB with them? Outside of that i can’t think of a single time a company as ever asked for my Date Of Birth and Gender.


Why is my Battle.Net Shop in Japanese???

Is it in English for everyone else, and I am the only one with this weird glitch?

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“Mine is in English.”


my utility companies, and the app which manages medical appointments are two which immediately spring to mind.

most people already have their info out there for the world to see.

this is why i’ve resisted smart phones every step of the way.

surely it’s better than them making people check a box which they’re uncomfortable with?
up until now, the options have only ever been Mr/Ms/Miss/Mrs


How exactly? You don’t need to be an adult to apply for and be approved for a credit card. Parents routinely allow their kids access to their credit cards. Hell, my dad added me to his account so that I had a card in my name. I was 15.

DOB is required because it is how they verify your age. Also, not all their content is appropriate for all ages. Can you lie to them about your age? Of course. Are they going to make you provide a notarized copy of your birth certificate as proof? I promise you they will not.

There is no need for them to ever have your SSN, and you claiming that’s their endgame is just blatant fearmongering and an obvious but weak attempt at spinning conspiracy theories.

Sometimes, if you don’t have a clue what you’re talking about, the best course of action is to just not talk. You’ll look less foolish that way.

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i’m pretty sure anyones credit card can be used to activate an account.
a credit card isn’t a proof of age identifier.

I sub to Disney, and I don’t even have a SSN :upside_down_face:
(I think my sub just ran out… they sent me a renewal reminder, but for some reason it was in French… I guess they think Australians don’t speak English or something?) :laughing:

quoting myself… because i just remembered the last time i was asked for my “title”…

i went to fill in paperwork for the vet.
instead of the options of Mr/Ms/Miss/Mrs, it just asked for “title”.
so I put down “Lady”… and told them if their system wouldn’t accept the title, to just put Miss… even though I’m divorced and still using my married name… so I don’t even know if I’m a Miss or a Mrs or a Ms.
It’s all too confusing.

I just wanted them to walk into the waiting room and ask for “Lady Dex” :joy:


“Finally! Here She Is!!!”


heres chrisnp’s dracthyr

hi all wish you well


“I like it. My other fave Dragon Color.”