GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 2)

pounding his fist on the table and just having a stare down with the judge :rofl:

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Some FPā€™s in panda land need to be opened by doing quests, as well as others I donā€™t remember where else.

pepe flies on Shalilā€™s head

You will love Pepe.

You will join Pepe.

You will embrace Pepe.

We love Pepe.

We are all Pepe.

Everyone have a Pepe and place it on your head.

Join us.

Join us.

Join us.


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The video makes it look like Moocluck is more of a menace than the Bird is.

The Bird is played for Horror while the more dangerous Moocluck is played for Comedy.

We could do with more Horror WoW Machinimaā€¦

We could also do with more Pandarian Machinima while we are at itā€¦


Pepe can see what we can find for horror WoW Machinima.

Pepe can post that is suitable for not getting us a vacation.

Weā€™ll continue to post scary stuff until Halloween.

Love Pepe.

Join Pepe.

Embrace Pepe.

Become Pepe.

places a pepe on Yvenathilm head

We all love Pepe.

One of us.

One of us.

One of us.



So itā€™s that spooky time of year again.

One movie I havenā€™t watched in a long time is The Rocky-Horror Picture Show and I think that would be a fun film to watch due to the spookiness but still upbeat vibe.

Anyone else like the movie? I know itā€™s an older one but still a great movie.


I was a bit annoyed by his fake crocodile-tears charade during opening statement, and then like 1 hour later he was perfectly cool/calm/collected like a battle-hardened lawyerā€¦ itā€™s like, he has no remorse at all and is totally ā€œice-coldā€ underneath all the fake crying and immature antics :joy:

Just his behavior alone is such a roller-coaster; one moment heā€™s cool/calm and talking like a regular person - then in the very next moment heā€™s SUDDENLY RAISING HIS VOICE and yelling FULL-VOLUME at the judge :clown_face:

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Iā€™ve enjoyed reading the Reforged threads and just want to say that this Reforged are by far the most friendliest megathreads Iā€™ve read on the forums. Keep up the great work :smiley:


i heard on a news recap he tried to intimidate the jury with his shoe? lol going to have to try to find that one :crown:

If weā€™ve already seen all this craziness while the trial is still ā€œin progressā€, I canā€™t imagine what heā€™s going to pull once the inevitable ā€œguiltyā€ verdict is read out-loud right in front of him :joy:

I wonder if theyā€™re gonna ā€œpre-emptivelyā€ strap him down/cuff him on that final day of court, I have a STRONG HUNCH heā€™s gonna explode/do something physically violent when (not if) he loses lmao :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:


Never saw the movie but loved it as a play at the Roxy Theater in L.A. in the early 70ā€™s.


Harley update.

He is 11 weeks old and he is doing very well. Almost 3 pounds maybe more!


ā€œEver seen the Roxie Version?ā€


The question about Eua and Featherine makes it blatantly obvious that the Cast Members of Higurashi arenā€™t having physical adventures but are idling away their time Roleplaying Characters.

Seems that Satoko at one point Roleplayed as both Takano Miyo and her backers Tamurahime no Mikoto & Lambdadelta as well as her various selves and Une(she is that eager to hog the Villain Roles in Roleplay).

Hanyuu roleplayed as Beatrice(and all of her incarnations), Featherine, Maria, Eua and herself it seems.

Rika roleplays as herself, her Witch Self, Bernkastel, Battler, Ange, Erika Furudo and her Dark Awakening Self.

Iā€™m sure if someone showed the trio Guild Wars Factionsā€™ Cutscenes and Walkthroughs they would probably get Hanyuu to Roleplay Shiro Tagachi due to how similar he is to the role of Oyashiro-Sama.

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I have not!


ā€œYou should. It has some of the ā€˜lost versesā€™.ā€


Oooh that sounds like fun! Thank you Iā€™ll look it up. :smiley:


ā€œI bought the DvD. Itā€™s my favorite version.ā€


ā€œYou would LOVE the Movie. You should give it a look. Be sure to get the Roxie Version.ā€

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