GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 2)

Stumbled accross the horde patrol in trouble with the hooman patrol in arathi - dealt with the hoomans -felt good :slight_smile:

ā€œI LOVE the part, where they BOTH flame on, and tear up the highway together.ā€
/wicked grin

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If we did, we canā€™t really talk about it. At least not here, anyway :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Also, my inspiration juice for music video spam is a little low. Gonna need time to re-fuel.


aye yo whats the best sandwhich?
had a beer battered fish fillet sandwhich today with some french fries and honey mustard.


I always like a steak and cheese at Dā€™Angelo s, I have it rarely due to calories. Another good sandwich is toasted melted cheese and tuna with tomato soup.


undeads need to eat more.
you guys are just skin and bones.

you know, i cant stand the canned stuff but tuna fillets do sound bomb on a sub. ngl.


Gnome Run Today!!!

This yearā€™s Running of the Gnomes for live side will be on October 8th, on Scarlet Crusade US and will leave the starting zone at 4pm PST / 7pm EST.

I made some shirts to hand out to people, on my Gnome Aristella.
Then I will switch to my running Gnome Pixels.


I had forgotten all about that.


This inspired me about this song :laughing:


fires up Facebook with old throwaway account to see whatā€™s changed

Anyone else find Facebook meh these days?

Iā€™m just casually scrolling down the front page/ā€œMy Feedā€ section here and this is what I see as Iā€™m scrolling down:

  • ā€œmemeā€ posts
  • :poop:-posts with a meme sprinkled in
  • random political ad for a local politician
  • ā€œcuteā€ animal viral videos
  • ā€œoutrageā€ viral videos
  • random insurance company ads
  • random fast food ad

I took a peek in one of the local ā€œbuy and sell cars and trucksā€ groups Iā€™m a part of just now, itā€™s full of scam posts and ā€œwork from homeā€ MLM type scams that have nothing to do with buying/selling a vehicle lmao

Itā€™s like, where are the mods for some of these Facebook groups?? Seems like thereā€™s no moderation or they asleep at the wheel or something, when I can spot multiple scams/:poop:-posts just casually scrolling down the page :yawning_face:

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I personally like to blame theā€¦ wellā€¦ dead part, our muscle mass decomposes depended how long weā€™ve been dead before weā€™re raised again.

Thanks to Blizzard we are now on the endangered species list.

Sure, night elves can reproduce, but we canā€™t.


Whitney always had such an amazing voice.
No one can hit those notes like she can.
I was just talking about her with someone earlier today.


idk man.
we will get that fixed with weigh protien shakes and 90 % deer meat diet.

i always wondered if a undead could use a host ( forgot how to spell sergat ) mother for there kid.


ā€œWe just adopted ours. Mr. H and I have six now.ā€

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Well supposedly we can but when was the last time ya saw a night elf little one :frowning:


ā€œGood point.ā€


It bugs me a little too. There is one mentioned in one of the attached stories to BFA, but never mentioned in game


They got a Jem and the Holograms thing in Darkmoon. A Nelfy would be a good representative for Jem - sheā€™s already got her face paint all set :slight_smile:


i know this might be a swing to a weird corner of the conversation.
do you think theres a horror movie where someone adopts a gnome child but infact its not a gnome child its a fully grown gnome.