GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 2)


The new holiday is just extended Trial of Style once a year version?

Was hoping for St. Patrick’s Day WoW version to be honest. :shamrock:

:panda_face: :confused:

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:four_leaf_clover: Indeed. For the greener things in life

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i sleep with a fan… no matter what the ambient temperature is.

it has crossed my mind to steal the cats cooling pad, to see if it works as intended :stuck_out_tongue:


It probably does on their smaller scale :cat2: I’d imagine it’d take quite a lot more material to make it wowplayer-sized.

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i’m only a teeny human.

stupid genes, the males in my family are built like giraffes, and the females are built like… micropigs? haha trying to think of something short and stumpy :smile:

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I have the opposite issue, I’m the polar opposite to my character :fox_face:

I guess it would depend then :eyes: , then again, having one that is larger than smaller kind of makes sense on both scales

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i could probably fit knee-to-shoulder on a dog sized cooling mat.
that’s the main part of the body taken care of. :smile:

i have aircon in the bedroom, but i try to save it for the 30 degree nights.


Kind of works :fox_face:

I remember those back when I was over in Australia, sure don’t miss those.

I think the hottest it ever got where I use to live was 50c back in 2009 (Central Victoria/Australia)

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the air starts to feel chunky and hard to breathe when it gets that hot.

i start melting as soon as it hits 26.

i don’t handle heat well at all.

i’d rather be cold, with the ability to bundle up if needed.

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After living there for 25 years, you’d think being use to the heat was a thing.

Went to Missouri and almost died for about 2 years trying to handle the weather patterns. It was such an extreme series for me that I ended up full time on anti-allergy meds and a few other things.

Threw me for a loop. :fox_face:

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i’m in melbourne… so the heat doesn’t creep up slowly to let you get used to it.

in the last week, i’ve been alternating between the heater and aircon.

there’s not much in between.

it poured rain all day Christmas day, and evil me thought it was hilarious.
…all the kids who got bikes and balls and outside toys, were trapped inside all day.
which means the adults had to put up with the kids playing with all the noisy electronic toys. :smile:

in aussie terms, this is the ultimate in “suffer in your jocks” :laughing:


From a town called Kyneton, about an hour north of there, between Bendigo and Melbourne.

Was my home town ^^


ah cool.

i’ve got a friend who worked at a vehicle dealership in Kyneton.

small world :stuck_out_tongue:


Interesting. I knew most of the families that ran those places. Very small town indeed.

At one point, we had 6 pubs, but because they bypassed the Calder FWY we stopped getting all those weekend traveler extra’s.

So little by little it was slowly turning into Daylesford, you know…somewhere out the way.
But for some reason during covid especially or so I’m told by the few I do talk to that still live there, apparently its kicked on quite a lot in recent years.


i just spent 10 minutes trying to find a teleport item in my toybox… (could have flown there in that time)

…it turns out it was a physical item in my bag.


we need Relic of Karabor and Lucky Tortollan Charm turned into toys!!! :weary:


Been down this road a few times :rofl: You know what they say its always in the last place you look

‘Why is it always in Bag No.4?’ :stuck_out_tongue: :fox_face:


“I keep all my Portals, and stuff like that, in one place, together, in my bags. That way I ALWAYS know where to find them.”


(chrisnp/gotnov potates and wastes away as usual.)

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so do i.

…i just thought it was a toy for some reason. :weary:


“Understandable. Those I put on my side bar.”