i had an extra one in my backpack ready to send to you, then i double checked it against my collection, and discovered the reason i’d kept the double was because it had a different colour variant (some sort of slime, one was gray and the other was reddish)
it’s so sneaky when pets come in more than one colour
they have always been the bread and butter to any hi fantacy from anime like Lotus War to The Legend of Zelda games and LOTR.
as for wow they have a huge part of the story back when i first started this game
I didn’t know I was an obsession? ponders this mystery of the universe a little longer
changes to out of character
‘I am unsure why this is the case, it was no different in any other game I have played. Warhammer Online had a lot of High Elves and Dark Elves that people loved to play. I played both but predominately a Dark Elf. Because she was a soul-sucking evildoer, it was hilarious to play. Especially considering I was a healer.’
Also, love Friday the 13th as well. When i first started playing and saw Crystal Lake ingame i was hoping Jason would periodically come out of the lake and walk around goldshire one shotting everyone. lol