I couldn’t watch live action Lion King for that reason.
'I saw snippets, but my wife at the time told me it was scary to watch. We use to watch a lot of animated films, mostly because there wasn’t much in the way of new films that were good. If you had a meter it would go from ‘Animated Films of High Quality’ to ‘This is straight up horrific content’ on the other end. With no modifier in between. I guess that is why films like Oppenheimer are actually getting rarer by the minute, because it doesn’t seem to cater for this new demographic in film change. It’s weird. I remember back in the 90s it was nothing like this.
You’d have films for every single category being made and well too. It isn’t just streaming that has done this either, it’s actually a dramatic shift in the way we live too. Everything is instantaneous/on-demand, the “I want it Now, Veruca” complex.’
“Veruca Salt - I Want It Now”
There are rumors of live action Bambi. If true it’s going to be a train wreck.
Look in Discord, that parody is funny I can’t post it here.
Solo’ing Eternal Palace right now, this place reminds me of good memories actually… albeit a little fishy
I’ve only done Uldir than I had to quit to take care of some family matters. I would like to solo those raids if they ever nerf them. I have Najatar opened only on one character when I came back.
The tome on the hunter I want it on is not geared enough to solo normal.
'I’ve been doing them a bit lately. We could do it easily with the two of us.
Some of the boss mechanics require more than one person, but outside of that isn’t bad (like Queen’s Court in EP, because if the mobs are together they take little to no damage).
If you’re ever looking for a group to do it, just let me know in advance and I can and will help’
check mail
I didn’t get to watch cartoons on Thanksgiving or Christmas day as a kid. We went to a relatives house and it was nothing but sports until we left later that evening…
Oh, good news. There’s a video of Ion saying that ALL of the BFA raids will be soloable before DF ends. Whether that’s true or not we’ll have to wait and see.
I’ll take you up on your offer I have a window opened for Sunday.
Thank you!
I’m so confused right now.
Last year I bought a ticket for a Christmas break-up lunch.
It was awesome, so I got another ticket this year.
I race the clock to get ready in time, then get out the door and discover there are no cars in the carpark.
No smokers hanging outside.
…nobody inside, and the bar is locked up.
There is no time printed on the ticket.
…and the only person whose phone number I have, isn’t answering
I can see inside.
All the tables are set.
I guess they’ve changed it to an evening meal.
but I’M READY NOW! I even put a huge red bow in my hair, and some red bow ear-rings (with jingly bells)
That sounds sweet and also fun but I am confused, what is a Christmas break-up lunch?
end of year celebration for the lawn bowls club (it’s directly across the road from me)
Scarlet Crusade is love Scarlet Crusade is life like fire we spread and our time shall be soon again
I think this was the very first Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer, I just happened to stumble upon one day on YouTube.
So far the Fire and time has been smashed by the Forsaken and Worgen.
‘Depends whose parents house we went to, if we went to Mums it was always cartoons. If it was Dads, it was always the Boxing Day Test, or something similar’
yay i got to sit at a table with some people i knew… that’s always comforting!
i won the door prize (a bottle of Baileys!!)
…and i also won a raffle prize (a pair of cheetah print swim shorts)
pork and chicken, baked taters, salads and dinner rolls
with frog in a pond for dessert.
“Thank you for the pets.”
/big huggle