'I’ve had several people do this to me. It’s amazing to me the lengths people will go to, to make sure you are discredited, especially when you tell the truth.
I had someone who just so happen to be on the receiving end of my mental health issues. Someone I grew close to over time, and wanted to be good friends with, but they wanted something I couldn’t give them. It was just the way it was at the time. It was no slight on them whatsoever, it was purely and simply the fact that I was sick at the time. But that is life. These things happen to the best of us, regardless of what we want out of life. I learned that very, very quickly over the course of about 2 years. It’s also a large majority of the reason I hardly associate with anyone anymore.
Because the way the interaction usually goes is not a comfortable experience for me.’
‘It is also very very easy to play a character on here and not be anything of what you are in real life. You want to talk about fake people? I’ve met more than a few of them, it’s the genuine ones you want to find’
‘The people who do the kinds of things you describe fall into one of two categories: They are either, not themselves to the point they need actual help irl, or alternatively, they have always been that way and will continue harassing and being cryptic, and throwing loops around as many people as they can to try to escape what problems they had. The difference between the two, is the former actually acknowledge they made mistakes, the latter will not.’
the only good thing that came out of all of it i met a couple of real ones
‘I’m glad that you did. That is extremely rare. I think I’ve found maybe 10 people total over the years from here that I truthfully trust. I’m hoping to grow that list slowly, but I’m taking very small steps these days.’
for me that Would be like 3 people and iv been here since 2015
‘I find there are more occurrences of things like this in virtual environments than there was in my retail stores that I’ve worked at over the years. Which is saying quite a lot really because those places are usually drama central. At least we have a few select safe places to hang out like here. If this thread and others like it from similar authors didn’t exist. I would not be on the forums period. Just not my scene outside of that’
i still remember last years video lol
I might consider trying retail again if they ever added a decent housing system. (no garrisons are not housing.)
I mean look at these photos.
This is my free company house (FF14 guild.)
These two are my house.
I would just adore being able to customize like this and make it my own.
upper deck now has a new series of wow trading cards
so temped to pick up my old hobby with this one
Jaina’s hobby-horse is adorable! 
‘I don’t know why, maybe because in my family we use to be sat down every Christmas and watch animated films “to keep the kids busy while the parents did nefarious things” , so I adopted this one from a very young age. Definitely by far my favourite and I am so glad they never re-did it. I sincerely hope they never do’
‘Those rhino’s yoooooooo’
If they did a live action, it would be weird with the talking animals.

‘It would be like that shudders lion king adaptation’
runs away screaming in Fox language