GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 2)

Someone gave me the full story about the streamer getting ban for a name, all I have to say is never believe the forums.

As for Kel’Thuzad still transferring out little by little the prices on the AH House is pricy and is too much for me compared to other servers AH.



he made a whole response video about it as well


‘The wind whispered to me, maybe it’ll whisper to you also’


'I saw that, I am a regularly watcher of the deaths in hardcore, mostly out of interest and I’ve been playing this game so long I can sorta see what is going, but the explanation of the abilities is handy to me going forward so I kind of put that in my toolkit and move on.

The disparaging of those people I don’t agree with, but the circumstances in which they die is sometimes quite comical. I’ve done this myself several times. Especially in raid I’m like cool I can soak that ‘insert tank mechanic here’ as a healer, and yeah, nar, thats not how that works xD’


'As for the streamer themselves, I disagree with 99.999999999% of what they say.

I use the term they because that is what I refer to myself as. I have always done this. From even a young age. It is part of a reasoning that involves me not wanting to involve myself. I will always elevate others over myself, because that is how I am. I don’t think much of myself. I’d much rather promote others. It helps with my healing too, I always think more of the raid than myself, which sometimes leads me into trouble, but I also know that if I am not alive, I cannot heal. So I balance those two aspects’

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I would like to see that, and his opinion about the forums and how they twist things around.

I just let out a long sigh when I see people make topics about him.

If people don’t like him why are they watching him?

It’s a mystery! :panda_face: :mag_right:

Did that thread 404?

I hope the wind whispers me your secret hiding place for your cookie jar full of chocolate chip fox shaped cookies.



“You have to listen to the wind’s whispers, to find it.”

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‘You certainly know how to draw a fox out’

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why is this so good?!?! :smiling_face:




thats just me :sweat_smile:


i forgive you.

maintenance (weekly shower day) isn’t until tomorrow! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


So OP was over reacting and deliberately challenged mods and Blizzard, I see that thread is still there. I guess they don’t do anything about inappropriate names in the forums.


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‘I would expect someone with that strong of a pull in the community to have a decent backing at the company. I wouldn’t anticapte anything less sadly, the man could get away with just about anything…even if it is blatant violations’

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I really wish they would have the shoulder for both shoulders and not just the one.

There are some one shoulder pieces I would like to see on both shoulders.

I like the umbrellas, but as mogs they won’t work.

Umbrellas are for having above your head, it’ll work better as a toy.



‘I never did understand the whole “one shoulder” look. SWTOR did that to death also, and it’s so bleh, like who the heck thought that protecting just the one shoulder was ever going to work? Whether that is against warfare violence or against weather conditions…no Elf I know wants to walk around with one sun-tanned shoulder. It must be an absolute nightmare for true RPers to have to use things like that…makes no sense…’

Symmetry is beauty in design…

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I hate the one shoulder look too I never understood the one shoulder look myself, but they have it where you can toggle a one shoulder piece if you want it for most shoulders now. You can’t mog the one shoulder on both shoulders :confused: .



'That would be the easier solution to the whole conundrum…just make it so it can be mirrored. Would solve a multitude of issues. Other games allow this actually, I can’t remember specific examples off hand but I have seen it before as far as appearance windows go. I finally started farming out my mythic legion Priest sets, I have bits and pieces so it’s not a complete look yet, but it doesn’t look horrible so far.

My real goal is the Antorus set but I struggle to get past Eonar on Mythic on my own. I know it can be done and there are videos for it, but I was trying to do it ye olde fashion way, which by the way, was a lot of fun on Mythic KJ. Having to figure out the ping-pong order was actually an exciting way to play…for about 30 seconds then when he landed he was toast xD’

can’t link images, but .http.s://

‘Now just shrink it down to my size, and you’ll understand why I want it so badly’


‘Just missing the shoulders now. Speaking of shoulders, I saw that option you were referring to. What on earth were they thinking with that?!’

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