GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 2)

"Maybe She’ll see this, maybe She won’t, be even if She doesn’t, at least the thought is there. I’m glad to see…people moving on with their lives, getting things done and going, although in a lot of circumstances I wish I had the same to say for myself I honestly do not. My life ground to a halt a couple months back, and I haven’t done a lot with it mostly because I feel like I don’t have anything more to contribute except trying to project good things on to others. I don’t wish anything for myself, I just wish that other people would get what they want out of life.

Maybe that is too much to ask, but I can damn well try. Same ideals I try to bring to everything I have been doing lately"


i randomly clicked on this, and it’s SO COOL.

so much stuff i haven’t heard for ages.

i’m about 1/3 of the way through, and having a blast.
(i also noticed that they didn’t add Patrick Swayze in the “actors” batch, but there’s still plenty of time left) :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:



The way this image froze I wonder if she isn’t a man eater. She has 2 sets of bottom teeth.


Didja hafta point that out? I can’t unsee it now

hides with tail sticking out

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I was a teenager in the 80’s and remember most of these songs. The few i don’t makes me wonder if the person who put that video together grabbed Music Videos from slightly before or slightly after the 80’s.

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'They’re definitely from the 80s, the vast majority I heard were from 85 to 89 though. I was born in 1987. My father was a carpenter by trade and he always, always, always had the radio on. It’s what I grew up listening to for the most part.

Stuff like Icehouse, Dire Straits, etc. etc., but I will say some of it is rather obscure in comparison. May not necessarily be all hits from the US of A though, which is why it most likely seems foreign. Then again I’m only taking that from the sampling demographic of WoW where a large portion of the player-base comes from, it’s not necessarily the case…(myself included)’


I remember all of these songs growing up in the 80’s. I wasn’t into “Heavy Metal aka Hair Bands” at the time preferring Rap (old school now) and easy listening which most of these bands were. My father was an electrician and ran a computer business on the side, so his job sites listened to this and when I became one, it was a mix of country and hair bands in the 90s.

The only major era of music I still have a hard time listening to is disco even though I play “I will Survive” when I raid tanked back in the day. My wife prefers Death / Heavy / Speed Metal still which makes my brain go numb. She listens to Octane on Sirius XM while I tend to just keep radio off.

rebuffs everyone with anti troll blessings

/pushes tail into hiding spot, i don’t want her to use your tail as dental floss.

it kind of depends on where the person grew up.

As an Aussie, I got the stuff from US/UK, and the aussie stuff.
…with the occasional euro break-through.

There was heaps of good aussie music which probably didn’t hit the charts overseas

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“Like The Whitlams.”

they were 90’s, and… you can have them, i was never a fan :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

early 90s for me was all about the grunge/seattle sound

hey that green worked really well!
looks heaps better than orange would have.
the green paint was a bit thick, but because i’m a bit derpy… i just pushed through instead of stopping and adjusting the viscosity :upside_down_face:
it’s not neon, more of a “metallic slime”.

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“I want pics!!!”

it’s that weird stage of dusk where ambient light is too dark, and artificial light gets… eaten?

i’ll grab a pic in the next few hours.
(deciding if i want to go over the road for the meat raffle, not sure if i’m feeling lucky)

gonna leave some aussie songs instead.

i love this one, they’ve done a couple of versions of it

this was popular too, but is 90s

this one was a huge hit

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just found another version of “Throw your arms around me”.

no idea why they released multiple versions.

i’m sure there was also an additional live version which was released back in the day.

the difference between this one and the one above are only slight.
one has more jangly guitar (maybe steel guitar?) and woodblock-ish sounding percussion, and i think they’re in different keys.

i originally thought it was a love song, but now it just sounds like a stalker song.

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“I totally know what you mean.”

it’s much more vibrant in real life.

the true colours aren’t showing.

as you can see, the green is chunky, but this is an up close pic.

once the green is properly dried, i’ll give it a couple of coats of sealer, then it can live next to the fence/under the tree where it won’t get any sun.
i’m pretty sure it was the sun which destroyed the original paint.

(the brown is just a cardboard tube to hold it upright because the base is a spike)


“I LOVE IT!!!”
/happy grin


'Well this is weird. My trust level got reset. Along with all my posts. I’ve lost everything I was writing in and on. All I did was change my password for the forums/bnet because I was getting disconnected constantly and I hadn’t altered it a few years I figured it was time to. Now I can’t see anything at all.

It’s very strange’

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Did you server transfer? I think that you and Cyndi had discussed it further back up the line. Server transfers can, or have in the past from what I recall seeing folks talk about, screw up your trust levels and post counts. It’s like the data base looks at you as a brand new character or some nonsense like that. Which bites. They should just make it tied to your battle net account. But no, it has to be tied to each character on an individual basis because of how the forum client they use works. :roll_eyes:


'Yeah that is exactly it. Thanks for that. It’s nice to at least know why it happened.

I find it a bit strange that as you said it isn’t account linked. Oh well! time to get back to work on that one I guess’ :fox_face: