GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 2)

Last week I ate a glowing green bamboo that was in a pile of my own bamboo and I’ve been craving meat since then.




I have been hearing on the WoW Forums about the Word Chaos’s original meaning in Hebrew but noticed something: The actual word Chaos doesn’t appear in Hebrew! Believe me I checked.

A word meaning Disorder or Nothingness appears but not the actual word Chaos!

Chaos’s root is the Greek word Khaos and that word means Yawn or Chasm or Yawning Chasm(the root of Chasm is Khasma which means the thing as Khaos I.E. Yawn, Chasm or Yawning Chasm). It does not mean Nothingness(which at it’s root means Nothingness) nor Void(which at it’s root means a state where there is nothing inside like how a Bottle emptied of it’s contents is a Void).

Fun Fact: Chaos in early Greek Sources while claimed to be born before Gaia I.E. the Land is not claimed to be the origin of Gaia nor of Tartarus. Chaos is the mother of the Darkness of Night Erebus as well as the Hours of Night AKA Nyx. Chaos therefore is the Yawn that birthed the Darkness and Hours of Night(though not the Darkness of everything else which is Mauros).


why do i attempt gardening?

i hurt myself every single time.

i’ve got an invisible spiky thing stuck in one finger, and a tiny chunk out of my thumb… in the exact spot where i need to apply pressure to use my extra mouse button. :grimacing:


my sympathy Nobully.

I had a bad night and couldn’t sleep.

I waste all my days and nights nowadays anyway.

Nobody sympathizes with me except maybe my family and some insincere people or people on the internet.

Horrible what’s happened in Israel lately. Hamas really has some evildoers in its ranks.


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be thankful that you have family who care.

if things are weighing heavy on your mind, stay away from news outlets for a while.

they never report on anything uplifting.

go watch some cat videos or other cute animals on youtube to lift your spirits.

stoats are always squiggly and adorable :smiling_face:


can’t sleep again. gotnov/chrisnp again. hope yall are well.
got a headache too. at least i’m not hearing people out to get me tonight too badly.

Figured out the Culprit of Higurashi When They Cry Mei’s Character Stories: It’s Frederica Bernkastel.

She is locating each of the Ushiromiya Family Members(the true versions not the metaphors from Umineko When They Cry) who have survived through Dreams and is ensuring they all wind up at the same destination.

First she will locate Beatrice/Native Hanyuu, Battler/Satoko, Ange/Rika and Ange Beatrice/Rika’s Hanyuu.

Her locating Battler and Beatrice will be easy since Chisame is blatantly Satoko judging from the Character Story and Kazuho is summoned by Chisame calling out to her.

Locating Ange and Ange Beatrice is also easy since who else is tortured by being trapped in St. Lucia but Rika? And who else but Hanyuu has the adverse reaction to Spices that the Rika of Mei is using?

Bernkastel pulls Rika back into reality while releasing Hanyuu from Rika’s Body while doing the same with Satoko and her Hanyuu and making them all aware of the other potential survivors they could rescue and reunite with. Cue Loop.

Bernkastel realizing she found a Gameboard where Maria survived naturally is grounds for having Erika be sent after her. Of course Erika doesn’t realize she is being sent after Maria and thinks she should target all versions of Nao.

She ironically winds up in the possession of Maria playing Rika by doing so so mission success. All Bernkastel has to do is make use of the Umineko When They Cry Character Stories for drawing her out using Red Truth. Mostly by having Metaphor Maria call Rika her Game Piece.

With luck all Bernkastel needs to do is wait for Metaphor Maria to get “Rika” to say in Red “I am the Real Maria Ushiromiya” then have “Rika” trick Metaphor Maria into trying to say the exact same thing. The sheer force of the Red Truth will force the Real Maria to manifest in her true form and get exposed to Erika in public while Bernkastel reveals herself to be the true identity of Kinzo.

Talk about “killing” two members of the Ushiromiya Family! The Catbox now enters a new phase as a result.

Of course while Bernkastel’s grand plan to revive the Ushiromiya Family may apply to the Character Story Gameboard the Main Story Gameboard is quite another thing! The Culprit is Beatrice using Jessica I.E. Une to trap everyone in Sleep creating Dreams the Culprit can bring into Reality. This Beatrice wants the Blue Flowerbed of Rokkenjima to be Real.

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if you can’t sleep, i highly recommend watching some videos from Baumgartner Restoration

it’s educational, and Julian has a very soothing voice.
…so if it doesn’t lull you to sleep, then at least you’ve learned some stuff!! :grinning:


So many Anime Isekai a Normal Man into a Fantasy Setting or a Fantasy Character into a Non-Magical Setting…

Why don’t we get an Isekai where some Fantasy Big Shot from another Setting winds up in another Fantasy Setting and both the setting and the Fantasy Character try to figure out how to deal with said setting?

The closest thing I’ve seen to this is Overlord and even then the guy leading these Fantasy Characters is Human forced into the role of a Lich Overlord.

Why can’t an RPG’s Dungeon filled with infinitely vast Layers be sent into another setting without bringing any Human Player Characters?

Imagine a Dungeon Master writing an RPG Campaign deciding to make a Dungeon that is 7 Infinitely Vast Heavens dedicated to Evil and World Domination along with(just in case his Players decide they want to be Evil) a Dungeon that is 9 Infinitely Vast Hells dedicated to Goodness and Protecting the Innocent and both get abruptly Isekai’d to a random Fantasy Setting normally dealing with Good Angels and Evil Demons with their own Heaven and Hell.

None of the Humans involved in writing the Dungeons into existence are sent to the new setting with the one responsible for the Isekai being beings from the new setting trying to bring something from another world that can actually fulfill their objectives whatever it may be unlike some novice like an ordinary Human would be.

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The Blizz con stuff is awful looking, yikes.

Good bye Blizzard goodies, hello Michaels.



I like the Diablo horses, but they aren’t for WoW… the WoW stuff is not so great. What is that WoW mount, a wind elemental? It looks like it swims through the air.


I think it’s suppose to be a ice elemental, I hate mounts that rides on the back upwards like a piggy back. The only piggy back mount I like is the yeti which I have not obtained as of yet.

I like the murlock pet that’s it, the rest is trash.

I don’t play the other games, so they won’t benefit me.

D4 stuff is the only thing that looks good.



oooooh… are you going on a craft shopping spree?

WHAT YA GONNA GET??!?!! :smiley:


Looking for Christmas light the mini mini ones and probably other things.

I made a Halloween firefly jar, just need ideas for a Christmas one.



firefly jar sounds cute. :smiling_face:


I have an interesting theory concerning Higurashi When They Cry Rei(wa):

I strongly suspect that by Looping Rika rips the Guts out of the inhabitants of her Soul and casts the leftover shells out into Reality creating Polaris.

Ironically I suspect on the Final Loop that Rika made a mistake and partially lost to the Rika she usurped getting her Hanyuu-Rika’s Guts ripped out at the same time the Rika she Looped into got her Hanyuu-Rika’s Guts ripped out and sent into K2.

This would explain why Hanyuu is inside Rika’s Head. Of course Lambdadelta/Sakiko once she finds out will probably be laughing about how Bernkastel lost one of her primary Game Pieces.

If I am correct than we will first see the Inori Mikazuki from the Final Arc randomly quit Polaris then destroy the World inside K2 by pulling the Hanyuu out of him(along with Duex AKA Une’s descendant) into reality publicly followed by doing the same to the Maria inside Rena’s Son.

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Hoping for void knights for velf, and more voidy customizations for Blizz con announcement.


Pmada druids and paladins.


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i just want my gnome paladin!!


^So much this.

100% agree.