GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 2)

Am currently waiting for the rain to go away so that I can enjoy the view…

…the view of Valley of the Four Winds specifically! Waiting for the Rain to stop pouring on the Valley of the Four Winds is getting annoying!

Edit: on a more recent note since I got back from my tour of the best places in Pandaria:

I have learned that in the old Star Wars RPG a Bantha Sandwich had the Bantha cells grow into a Bantha larger than a planet due to exposure to a planet’s atmosphere(said Planet was not one where Banthas are native to otherwise the Larger-than-Planet-sized Banthas would be all over the Star Wars Galaxy).

The mutant Bantha Clone proceeded to eat the planet it was born on. A lesson to never let Banthas near Planets they aren’t confirmed to be unmutated by.

These Larger-than-Planet-sized Banthas can be killed by the Biscuit Baron’s Blue Sauce. There is a reason the Biscuit Baron Fast Food Restaurant uses it with their Bantha Biscuits.


tehehe… i knocked the leader down a notch :stuck_out_tongue:

Burnin is number 1 now :crazy_face:


I just had to break up with my girlfriend



Due to noticing a Super Mario World Hack that looked boring on YouTube I decided to look for Secret of Mana Hacks because I know that Secret of Mana looks aesthetically pleasing.

Unfortunately the only hacks I’ve seen are the Climate Calamity Hack(which only changes things for the Desert Level while leaving everything else untouched outside of coloration) and the Ancient Cave Hack(which has no story or cohesion whatsoever).

Why don’t we see Secret of Mana Hacks that completely redesign the Map while having a Story to them!?

✱Gives Hugs✱


/comforting huggle





Friendly Hug.


my sympathy Alice

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fasting for a test.

but i only want ONE coffee?!! …and maybe 4 dried apricots.



Considering how in Warhammer 40K Commander Shadowsun is now on Aun’va’s bad side yet Aun’va is infact dead and replaced with an AI by the High Council what are the chances that Shadowsun will find out and seize control over the Tau Empire?

I dare say she will get in communication with the Inquisitor that defected to the Tau Empire and learn about the full extent of the Chaos Astartes and the Chaos Gods.

She might learn that there is no difference between a “God” and a Greater Daemon and thus decide to use it to her advantage.

Daemon Princes are Greater Daemons by default and the Daemon Princes of Chaos Undivided are the most suitable as “Gods” for the Tau Empire.

Lorgar, Perturabo and Vashtorr are each worthy for the Tau Empire alongside Tau’va and thus making sure the Religious worship those 4 over the Chaos Gods or the Emperor would be their best bet for ensuring the Tau Empire survives for the Greater Good.

Perturabo’s Iron Warriors do barbaric things for the sake of raising their numbers and Lorgar’s Word Bearers have a habit of preforming skinnings for the sake of appeasing the 4 “Gods” but in the latter case that can be fixed by arranging for only Word Bearers that worship Lorgar, Perturabo and Vashtorr are permitted in Tau territory.

The Word Bearers of the Tau Empire can even use some of the leftovers from the Iron Warriors’ own skinning of their Genetically Engineered creations(required as the Astartes the Iron Warriors make have no skin) to write their Sacred Texts containing Enuncia. They can even takeover the skinning themselves leaving the Iron Warriors to build things thus appeasing Perturabo.

The GMO Creations can be Vat Grown like certain Servitors and be culled before they become self-aware as letting them become self aware is needlessly cruel and goes against the Greater Good.

Considering the Word Bearers ascended Angron to Daemon Prince with Enuncia it shouldn’t be hard for the Tau to have the Word Bearers research how to use it to create the necessary “God” for whatever the Tau need at the moment.

Shackling a couple of Lords of Change, Epidemius(Nurgle’s recorder of Plagues) and Keepers of Secrets in place while using Enuncia to extract what honesty and knowledge they have to create a “God” of Knowledge that serves the Tau Empire would serve the Tau well to say the least.

Imagine: Lorgar, Perturabo, Tau’va, Tau’va Daemons(Tau-themed) and Lorgar Daemons(Book-themed)released by Games Workshop while the Tau in Lore recruit the Word Bearers not working for Kor Phaeron or Erebus, the Iron Warriors(including Daemon Engines) and Dark Mechanicum(also including Daemon Engines) into their Ranks…

An epic ascendency of the Tau!

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stopped into an opshop near the ultrasound place, and found a fairly large Spyro plushy with tags :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

mine now.

i’ve had something to eat, but still need to drink a few rivers… and then try nap because someone kept me awake last night by wanting to get UNDER THE COVERS with me.
not sure if he was cold, or just being sooky and wanted snuggles.
i eventually caved in.
i’m such a push-over :expressionless:


cyndi! mail!
i discovered how to obtain a pet, and the game spat two of them into my inventory :rofl:

if anyone else needs some pets, let me know.
i still have masses which need homes.

(i do expect you to keep them and love them and use them to work towards achievements though… not sell them because “free stuff/easy gold!”) :smirk: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I love pets. I even use them in RP. Every once in a while i’ll go browsing through the AH and buy all the cheap pets (cause i don’t have a lot of gold) and even the cheap pets need a good home.


which character/realm would be the best to send them to?
it looks like you’ve only got a small selection of pets, so i should be able to reclaim some bank space and bag space on alts which exist solely to hold pets :laughing:


This is my cat and me when I’m trying to prepare his afternoon snack. Well, when he’s feeling calm. LOL.


Here is something Sundayish.

If you don’t understand the Bugs Bunny reference.
