GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 2)

i think there’s an addon which can do that.

or i could use some of the fancy sticky-notes i got last week :stuck_out_tongue:

i’m not quite sure that i want the gold on that realm, so i’ll have a think on it

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the new humblebundle has all all the previous baldur’s gate games and neverwinter nights as well as pathfinder

Forum glitching this is not my mog set.


so annoyed at myself :confounded:

spent an hour and a half questing, my DMF buff fell off, so i went to refresh it before handing in the quests… not realizing that dailies had rolled over.
i zoned, and all the quests were removed from my log.
no rep at all. :sob:

wasted all that time.
(not like i had anything better to do anyway, but NOT THE POINT!)

eh… at least i got a mount in the process.
i suppose i should count myself lucky? :zipper_mouth_face:
low drop rate.

i guess it looks kinda cool.

lesson learned.
pay attention to the clock when doing dailies.


Low drop rate and that rare is so annoying to farm, i’d say you struck gold

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Data says it’s owned by 20% of accounts.
unsure how accurate that is.

poking around trying to find some new goals… i’m not sure if this link will work…
i need to find 11 quests somewhere, so i can get my spot at the top of the “most quests completed” leaderboard (for Blackrock) :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Data For Azeroth: Quest Completion

I don’t want to be number two. :confounded:

I haven’t done the whelp daycare stuff yet, suppose I could do that.
…and the mole-man cavern stuff is still in progress.

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awww whelp daycare is cute

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i like cute. :smiling_face:

i’ve just been distracted with making a push at a bunch of BFA and Shadowlands stuff I never got done.
reps, achieves, torghast, maw, korthia, zm, island expeditions, mechagon/nazjatar etc etc

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I’ve tried torghast but like… it’s still so boring. And I didn’t “full clear” it last time I skipped a lot and it kinda ruined it for me. I don’t want to have to kill EVERYTHING if I can already blow up the boss

i just wanted the achievements and titles… still need Patrician Cromwell (i think her name is?)

International Cat Day

(ChrisNP/Gotnov potates and plays hearthstone for 24 hours and spends all his money on dumb stuff)

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Any Warhammer Fans have any idea how an alliance between the Tau and Iron Warriors would go?

I wouldn’t be surprised if they did make an alliance since they are the most likely Space Marine Legion to ally with the Tau:

  1. The Imperium’s Astartes are too overzealous to side with Tau.
  2. The Emperor’s Children are too hedonistic to be accepted by Tau.
  3. The World Eaters are too bloodthirsty to be accepted by Tau
  4. The Death Guard are too disease-ridden to be accepted by Tau
  5. The Night Lords are too nightmarish to be accepted by Tau
  6. The Alpha Legion are too obsessed with backstabbing their allies to be trusted by the Tau
  7. Thousand Sons are only trusted if they aren’t loyal to Tzeentch so small groups could join the Tau

In the end Iron Warriors and Word Bearers are the only Space Marine Organization whom the Tau would likely ally with getting Daemon Engines in the process.

In the Word Bearers’ case they would be insisting on civilians constantly killing each other in rituals to appease the Gods which would only work if they convinced the Tau it was for the Greater Good.

The preferred ritual I would hope would be one where the sacrifice is injected with a Drug(made from previous sacrificed) so that they are in perfect ecstasy as they are skinned alive.

Iron Warriors also skin victims though in that case it’s a GMO variant of Human with more skin growing off of them than normal that need to be skinned so that new Iron Warriors(who are born skinless) can get skin attached to them. Clearly necessary for the Greater Good.

The Iron Warriors will likely ally with the Tau first followed by Word Bearers.


wow. warhammer lore is messed up

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got my “available in 8 colors” achievement 15 seconds before servers went down

possibly a little progress with kitty, he did a MONSTER :poop: this afternoon.
then he had a big play with his new toy, and a huge sleep.
was so tired he didn’t even come grizzle for his supper until just now.
(he’d normally be nagging 4 hours earlier)
just need to keep his insides moving at this rate now.

i took it upon myself to raise his dosage, i can’t keep taking him to the vet for $500 per visit every few weeks.
they’re not doing enough to help.
it just stresses him out having to go in the carrier, and in the car, and then have things shoved in his rear… with no actual change or progress.
he started ripping his fur out again, in HUGE amounts.
i now know that this means he’s in pain.
his belly hurts, so he rips out the fur either to distract himself from the pain, or to try let me know he’s sore.

i’m giving him a tiny bit more of the cat laxative, and an extra 5ml of the lactulose during the day.
giving him gentle tummy massages when he’s able to tolerate it.
if he clears out properly, i’ll reduce the lactulose.
i’m going to keep fighting for him, he’s still young, and i love him so much.


bless your heart for taking care of a loved pet like that

gotnov/chrisnp did nothing today of note


honestly, if i’d known he was unwell, i would never have adopted him.

getting a kitty was meant to be therapeutic and relaxing.
a lcompanion to keep me company, and a little friend to spoil.

by the time i figured out he was very ill, i’d already fallen in love with him.
i love him more and more every day.
i don’t even care that he has poopy “pants” some of the time :stuck_out_tongue:

after they do enemas, they don’t clean his butt.
and if he does very liquid number twos, it sometimes sticks to his fur.
i’d prefer that he have liquid poop and be a bit messy, than no poop at all.
he REALLY doesn’t like me trying to wipe him, and i won’t entertain the idea of bathing him.
…but if there’s a chunky one annoying him, i’ll grab it.
i can always tell, because he’ll sit with one back leg up in the air.

he’s almost skinny enough to be able to clean himself… i just have to keep up with his exercise.

it’s weird to me how i can cope with kittys bathroom issues, but when it comes to small humans, i gag and retch. :flushed:


Interesting how Yoda is the reason for Luke’s Green Kyber Crystal being the color it was.

The same must go for all Green Kyber Crystals known in Star Wars during Yoda’s time. Yoda trained a lot of Younglings so it is natural for their thoughts to turn towards him of all Jedi.

I’m sure if a Dark Sider were focusing on the thoughts of Darth Sidious firing off Sith Lightning at him the Kyber Crystal would turn Blue.

Thoughts of the Witches of Dathomir would turn the Kyber Crystal Green like Yoda’s power but would be Dark Side-aligned.

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To be fair, small humans poo smells really bad!! :joy:

When my daughter was a baby, she did a poo so rotten that I took it immediately out to the curbside garbage. I could hear people walking past gagging and complaining about the terrible smell. When they lingered too long I’d look out the window, I saw more then a few people glance inside the garbage to make certain nothing was dead in there.


when they first start eating solid food, they release stench demons from other-wordly dimensions. :nauseated_face:

i felt like i was an awful mother because i always changed number 2s with my jumper pulled up over my nose like a mask.

i guess… we do what we’ve got to do :stuck_out_tongue:

kitty just woke me up at 3am to tell me he evacuated his guts… and i’m ok with being woken up.
it seems like this might have been the one which broke the flood gates.
it was fairly hefty.
he must be feeling SO much better to not have that inside him any more.
he wanted a snack, so i added 4ml of lactulose to it.

i figure if he was able to get that much out, there’s probably still a lot more which is backed up.
it’s taken about 3 days to start seeing a result from the additional meds