GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 2)

I just got my new computer. On one hand its annoying how anytime i want to change any settings it’s a pain to do (so far) BUT this is the first computer i have ever had with a SSD so i was amazed at how fast it started up and how quiet it is.

It has been a pain getting it set up (and the light flashing keyboard that came with it is annoying as well) and don’t have much installed yet but i will have WoW installed soon and see how how better it plays now.


Baldur’s Gate 3 hype im broke to i will be watching everyone play it on twitch!

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Considering how Slaanesh is about Excess imagine what his tortures would be like compared to the Imperium’s…

The Imperium have a guy dangling from chains imbedded in his flesh, a lady slowly dissolving painfully over centuries and a guy stuffed into a Painting.

Needless to say given enough time the first two will get used to it and catatonic after awhile. Incidentally the third and oldest seems unconcerned about his punishment.

These tortures are dull and unimaginative compared to what Slaaneshi Cultists and the Dark Eldar would create. A true sadist would change the tortures every few days if not hours.

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Reminds me of the old joke:
Masochist: Hit me!
Sadist: No.


A wonderous Murder Mystery.

Now onto the matter of a potential US Adaptation that isn’t a Dub(the Writer 07Ryukishi greatly proscribes the idea of finding your own truth to the Story after all):

Imagine for example the story has Kinzo as usual mentioning his Family as Vultures seeking to plunder his corpse and begging Beatrice to show him her smile before he dies but when the scene gets to the Cast Members attempting to invite the Family Head down for dinner the Cast starts acting as if the Head is already coming downstairs.

Cue a cut to Kinzo screaming that the Family is going to drag him out to murder him and plunder his corpse and promptly starts begging Beatrice to show him her smile or at least kill him herself just don’t leave him alone.

Cue a cut to Krauss mentioning that skinny thuggish guy’s Wife is the head cueing a cut to Kinzo screaming that they are killing him and about to plunder his corpse and once again start begging Beatrice to show him her smile or kill him herself just don’t leave him alone.

Cue cut to Krauss introducing the thuggish guy’s wife as Baroness Kinzo Ushiromiya(who would look like the Life Action Cruella de Vil played by Glenn Close). Cue cut to the Kinzo seen in the open widening his eyes in horror as his face spontaneously bubbles up and explodes in blood as Kinzo’s voice screams “Beatrice why!?” over him being proven to not exist.

The story can then introduce Beatrice who would look like the Manga version of Child Beatrice wearing a version of Hanyuu’s outfit with the Red replaced with Gold while being a showoff with her Golden Butterfly Magic on screen while also teasingly asking Baroness Kinzo about if she saw the copy of herself that she made while Rosa glances around nervously.

All this would add flavor to a Western-made Adaptation of Umineko When They Cry I do believe. What other ideas do you think could be contributed to a potential Western Adaptation of Umineko?

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Please :clap: more :clap: girly :clap: and :clap: pink :clap: mogs :clap: for :clap: female :clap: players.


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Hey I wanna be the prettiest princess as well


pink mogs weapon enchants and face paint!


Pink pandas, worgans, tauren and vulpera too!

Yes, even boys can have this!



hey! boys can wear pink too!




OH! i went op-shopping the other day (thrift shop to you guys, we call them Opportunity Shops here) :stuck_out_tongue:

I found a vintage “Fur Real Friend”, PANDA!!! :panda_face:
(edit - i just checked, this series was released in 2004, i guess that’s “vintage” in todays terms) :stuck_out_tongue:

I thought I’d take a punt on it, it was only $5.
I was hoping it only needed batteries.
It did!
It works, and it’s just the sweetest thing!
I’m not sure if all of it’s functions work.
It seems to do the full range of sounds, his arms and mouth work.

It didn’t come with the bottle or spoon, but I have a bottle which came with the baby polar bear i got about 20 years ago, and a spoon is just a spoon.

Very pleased with my find!! :smiling_face:

here’s a video of what it does (not my video)


now back to the real discussions we should be having
permanent pink bunny ears
and pink spells variants like the green warlock one but pink


oh that would make people mad.
I LOVE IT! :grin:


I need these permanent bunny ears, in all colours for my guild. I would make it mandatory guild wear. (Check name of guild.)


I’m gonna have an early night.

Kitty has taken another downturn :frowning:
i can’t handle him being sick all the time… i love him so much, and i try so hard to do the right things to keep him as well as possible.
i don’t want it to get to the point where i’m keeping him alive and suffering.
…but he’s still so young!!
i just need him to take all his meds, and :poop: and stop ripping at his fur :pensive:

We’re gonna go spend some snuggle time together.

Random smiley stoat gif to make my post less depressing.


he woke me up at the time we’d usually go to bed.

managed to get some more meds into him.

he’s poking in his :poop: tray now.

(edit) i went outside for a smoke to give him privacy, and heard massive zoomies. :smile:
he did a small-to-medium, fairly firm.
at least something came out.
i’ve started keeping a diary.
i figured it might be helpful for the vet.
he might need to have his regular dosage increased… he was originally given meds for a “standard” size cat, and it just wasn’t working.
the dose was doubled, and it started working… but it seems his body may have got used to the dosage, and it isn’t working as well.
if the dose needs to increase, it’s going to get really hard to disguise it.
it makes his food bright blue, and must taste awful :persevere:


I hope that he gets better soon, I am glad he was feeling good enough to do some zoomies.

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“If they fill the game with pink, I will have to quit. I have Rhodophobia.”

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well in that case i hope it never happens

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“Thank you.”

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