GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 2)

Lordaeron will soon rise and i will be here for my people


hi norinila welcome back
gotnov/chrisnp here
i remain a worthless sinner but oh well iā€™m trying to be good some/most of the time but i have bad days and sometimes the world bites back


ty Comrade /salute


ā€œYou are too late. It is already back in OUR hands.ā€


i know lol i will still be here for my people no matter what that looks like even if they are missing a jaw



thereā€™s a squished bunny on the road near my house

itā€™s reaaaaaaaaaaaally flat.

poor thing.
i hope the others see it, and learn from its mistake!

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I hope Microsoft is doing an overhaul to the forums, getting sick of seeing people sockpuppeting with alts to manipulate, troll, twist and turn the conversation in their direction.

Sick of people liking themselves to make themselves look good, itā€™s like voting for yourself 160 times for president and useing those as flags so everyone gets 160 flags or more depending on trust level.

Wait til classic Cataclysm that will be another additional 50 characters to play with in the forums, so 210 characters to sockpuppet and mass flag with.

No one should have

50 base Classic

50 WoLK Classic

60 Retail

Characters on one account to post with, manipulate, troll, twist and turn discussions to their direction.

Coming soon an additional 50 Cataclysm characters.


for those who havenā€™t seen it yet:

itā€™s a bit of a ā€œmehā€ selection this month.
iā€™ll grab the cloaks and gloves, and i think iā€™ve got a mount i put on hold a couple of months ago, so i guess iā€™ll get that.
The mounts on offer for august are eww.

I see alot of stuff I like, because itā€™s faction related. I donā€™t think Iā€™ll have enough I have the pet on freeze. Getting the mounts are hard on my spending, because Iā€™m trying to reach the 500 mount achievement.

I donā€™t even know if we will get another chance to buy the items we missed.

No not willing to pay RL money for a currency you can earn in game.

What does the toy do?


itā€™s a transmog dude

not sure what the cooldown will be on it (probably excessive, like all other toys)

if youā€™ve got the transmog mount, you can probably live without it

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Yeah, probably has a short timer it can stay out, I sometimes mog for 30-45 minutes. No point mogging in raids or dungeons.


I have the toy that turns one into a blood troll but this appears to be an actual tmog. Nice.

Will have to see if there is anything I want to spend. Right now I have thousands of points available as I only find one or two things a month I want to buy. The Spirit of Competition looks cool. I remember when it came out and I was so clueless I didnā€™t even know there was a competition for it. LOL

I wonder if Blizz kept the elevated number of points (1,400) to get the bonus or if it went back down to 1,000?

as per the article:

These activities provide the opportunity to earn up to 500 700 additional Traderā€™s Tender in August.

itā€™s up on wowhead nowā€¦

10 min cd, stays out for 10 min

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woo just got my Silverwind Larion

i guess thereā€™s an upside to missing a chunk of Shadowlandsā€¦ i can go back and get all the stuff done fairly quickly :stuck_out_tongue:

a couple of months ago, i was trying to push to get 28,000 achievement points, and now iā€™m almost at 29k

then i pushed to hit 400 mounts, and suddenly iā€™m at 415

hooray for stuff and things, and wasting lots of time in order to feel like iā€™ve accomplished something :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

(and iā€™m going to add Cyndiā€™s achievement of 1000 pets to my own list of accomplishments, because i helped out with the push) :grin:

ā€œAs well you should. You helped a LOT.ā€


I also play with music off, I can hear the dialogue clearer without it and the looping can be a bit anoying.

:panda_face: :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:


ā€œI play with it off too.ā€




Maybe the currency is cereal.




i wish i could mute the sound in the real world too. :expressionless:

(and i appreciated their apology at the end of the video, it hurt my brain watching him ā€œplayā€ violin in gloves) :smile: