GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 2)

my friend from new zealand sent me a package of chocolate blocks and biscuits.

i have no restraint.



so far iā€™ve tested 2 different types of chocolate, and opened a pack of biscuits to have with coffee.
theyā€™re all winners.
(the only ones which donā€™t look amazing, are sour gummy worms ā€¦but iā€™m sure once i run out of everything else, theyā€™ll get eaten just because theyā€™re full of sugary goodness) :woozy_face:


I liked the individual story lines in Shadowlands, my main problem with it is, that after you open it up you either have to skip the entire storyline on your alts, or start the entire storyline from beginning to end.

In Legion, BFA, Draenor, etc once you got though it, or opened your Garrison/Class Hall whatever you could pick whatever area you chose to quest in. In Shadowlands you have to start with Bastion move on to the next land, then the next one, always in the same order no variety. Instead the choice is complete the full story or do World Quests.

If I could have just went into Oribos and picked wherever I wanted to level my alts and do my favourite places, skipping the stories I didnā€™t like, it would have been a huge improvement. Once you pick a faction, straight to world quests, all the story fun just goes away for awhile.

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My main problem with the Shadowlands expansion was Blizz being waaaaaay over their heads when it comes to dealing with death. What are the mechanics in relation to SL in terms of ressā€™ing someone? Animating the dead? Ghosts?

One of the covenants successfully sorts my soul out and then I whatā€¦ hang around and count butterflies? Practice politics? Become a successful gladiator for what? Odynā€™s hall of feasting made more sense from a mythical perspective. It was simply the same old WoW stuff on an set of islands in Neverland rather than an ocean. Andā€¦ perhaps worst of all, so many lore heroes and villains are now removed from future game play.

Some of the stories were excellent but it didnā€™t require death to do them. So now Blizz has spent a currency of ideas and sold it cheaply. Given how vastly different the void lords are from us, sadly, Iā€™m kind of dreading a void expansion because I donā€™t think the writing team is up to it. I donā€™t think they are bad writers but rather the limits a MMO places on the writing that kills any real subtlety and nuance as it has to be playable and rendered into a single global outcome.

This is one of the reasons I donā€™t get into the raiding/M+ endgame as the resolutions simply become increasingly unbelievable. Iā€™d rather stay a local hero who is helping and area avoid being swallowed up by the elementalists. I donā€™t necessarily disagree with them but I canā€™t see how beings like myself would survive in a world that returns to its elemental roots any more than I want to see it return to the age of the void gods before the Titan reordering. I donā€™t think the Titans had a lock on the truth but I am a ā€œcorruptedā€ product of them and Iā€™d kind of like to live the life that is mine even if it isnā€™t nicely ordered.

Sorry, that really turned into a rant.


Itā€™s ok to rant and let off steam, I do it too.



the sun finally decided to come out today.
meower has been relaxing comfortably in his window all day.

itā€™s nap time for me.
(after i sneak a couple more cubes of the hazelnut chocolate!!) :heart_eyes:


armory is borked so i canā€™t do a pet check.

do you have Anomalus (sludge with eyeballs) or Cā€™Thuffer (blue piggy)?

(yes, i finally got around to chipping away at the Horrific Visions achievements) :stuck_out_tongue:

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Respectfully disagree, it was the lack of content/extended content droughts imo

An expansion with only 2 major content patches (Shadowlands)? Even BFA had 3ā€¦

Plus the setting and aesthetics didnā€™t do it any favors eitherā€¦ bunch of grey/drab/brown/depressing zones and vibes left and right :-1:

Is the main story/lore important to some players? Sure, but if they took a general poll of the playerbase regarding Shadowlands specifically I bet most would vote/write down ā€œlack of contentā€ as the big reason they didnā€™t like it

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Thus I said ā€œMy main problem with the Shadowlandsā€¦ā€

Honestly, why others had issues does not affect me as I donā€™t do endgame which means content droughts arenā€™t an issue as that is when I start farming old stuff. In the case of Shadowlands, I racked up a huge number of fishing achievements such as getting the BFA ray mount and the ocean in a sphere thingy. I had fun, even if it wasnā€™t directly playing Shadowlands. Likewise DF is already entering maintenance mode for me and Iā€™m leveling alts for story reasons and eventual farming of BFA and Shadowlands.

Globally speaking, you are probably correct as to why so many disliked Shadowlands.








The Titanic one had me laughing loud enough to freak out my cat. These are great. Thanks!

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it had its moments.

looking out the porthole and kitty saying ā€œbrrrrā€ :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
the dance scene
Roseā€™s reaction to jacks sketch :laughing:


Canā€™t wait til August!

I wonder what this would look like on guy characters.

Now we just need BFA night elf bikini mog.


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ā€œPicture is too small.ā€


last week i made fraggle soup. (named by a niece, because it looks like Red fraggle) :laughing:
itā€™s been years since i made it, and it turned out a bit thick and was more like a grated vegetable stew.

this week iā€™m going to make it again, but transfer 1/3 to another pot, and add some legume soup mix (lentils, beans etc)

i wanted to test the legume mix last week, but wasnā€™t sure how well it would mesh with my standard recipe.

itā€™s time to get brave and test.

it doesnā€™t look very appetizing, but hereā€™s a pic of last weeks concoction.


all the veg gets grated on the biggest holes on the grater (apart from onion and celery which just get rough chopped)
beef stock
a handful of washed white rice (which splits open and turns into little butterflies, because it gets intentionally overcooked)
2 cans of tomato soup added about 10 minutes before serving

last week i forgot to buy a packet of powdered french onion soup, so i threw an extra onion in.

this week, i have the powdered french onion soup (i guess itā€™s just onion stock?)

Iā€™ll have to find a movie to watch while i make sure the kitchen is free of cat fur, and get all the veg prep done (gotta do the boring part to get to the fun eating part!!)


ā€œThat actually sounds real good.ā€

it wouldnā€™t win any awards for appearance, but itā€™s a nice winter comfort food, without being too heavy or stodgy.

iā€™m very interested to see how the portion with the legumes is going to turn out.
iā€™ve never cooked with lentilsā€¦ it will be a learning experience!

Iā€™ve decided Iā€™m going to get started on watching Ricky Gervais ā€œAfter Lifeā€ while I cook.
Iā€™ve been meaning to watch it for ages, itā€™s meant to be quite dark, so it should suit me perfectly :smiley:

ohā€¦ check mail, one hour. :upside_down_face:

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ā€œOOO!!! So Much PURPLE!!! Thank You!!!ā€

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