GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 2)

“Indeed!!! Only 6 more to go!!!”

“You are SOOO sweet!”


i’ve got grand plans to make a huge pot of soup over the weekend.

i went to get started, then decided i needed to clean the kitchen floor first… which then turned into the dining room, and lounge… and then i stopped for lunch, and now i’m ready for a nap.

i’m totally going to be up at 2am making soup :joy:


“YAY!!! WE DID IT!!!”

“I collected all my shiney charm things, and my polished pet coins, and found four pets I could afford!!!”

/big huggle




“I couldn’t have done it, with out your help. You are truly a good friend.”


aww thanks :blush:

i’m very awkward when it comes to accepting thanks or praise

i’m just glad all those little dudes found a loving home, instead of rotting away in an alts bank


“They are loved AND welcome.”

“And I still have room for about 1000 more lost pets, if you run across any more that need homes.”


Android phones have a setting where one can put the phone on auto-answer when the phone is in car mode. Mine says “I’m driving right now. I’ll return your call/message when I have stopped. If this is an emergency please call 911.”

Just passed the “California Mature Driver” course to ensure I’m not completely addled, yet. Goes to the Dept. of Motor Vehicles (DMV) and gives a small discount on auto insurance. Will only take about five years of discounts to pay for the class. LOL.



i hate the attitude of “i’m a good driver, i can drive and talk at the same time”.

good drivers understand the dangers of distracted driving.

i can’t count the number of times i’ve had to take evasive action because a “good driver” was on their phone. :roll_eyes:

it doesn’t help that they throw a licence at anyone, without proper driver training.
they’re taught to pass the test.
they’re only taught what is required to pass the test.

the only requirement to go from a probationary driver to a fully licenced driver, is to not die during the probationary period.

…and then authorities complain about the constantly rising road toll, as if it’s a shock.


Before retiring I had a lot of fellow tech workers declare they could multi-task, something only about 6% of the population can actually do. I had a few try this demonstration to prove my point…

On the whiteboard do the 13x tables while singing the birthday song. Not one could do it. Either the song or the math would stutter as their brains tried to rapidly task swap back and forth. Most folks don’t realize that they are task swapping and there is a definite perceptual and computational lag as that happens.

They also fail to realize that at 50 miles per hour (60 KpH) they are traveling nearly 75 feet (@23 meters) per second. Taking 3 seconds to realize the light has changed and the brain and reflexes to hit the breaks means if the light is less than 225 feet away, one is going to enter the intersection and into cross traffic.

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i wouldn’t be able to do 13x tables without singing :stuck_out_tongue:

there are quite a few things which i’d consider myself as being able to multitask, but i wouldn’t risk anyones life over it.

a high risk activity requires full attention.
(and i think this is one of the issues… people don’t consider driving as “high risk”)


Made my soup.
It’s amazing.
Sometimes I forget I can actually cook good stuff when I put the effort in :stuck_out_tongue:

I was going to take some to a friend down the road, but… uh… next time :upside_down_face:

I want to try another variant, and use some of that legume soup mix in it?
Lentils and beans and stuff.
It will be very adventurous for me, I’ve never cooked lentils before.
I guess it’s just a matter of creating the soup base with the veg and stock, then wash the dried soup mix, and throw it in?

I’d hate to waste half a day cooking a big pot of soup, and discover I don’t like it with weird bits in it :grimacing:


the elevator boss just got me in the most hilarious way ever :upside_down_face:

i blinked and went SPLAT into a lil chunk of meat :rofl:


:panda_face: :facepunch:


Oh, I didn’t know they made a live action of this. I loved the Anime.


I don’t think it’s real just like the others I posted.

Could be a fan made ones like the others.



we had another vet-mergency today. :frowning:

another enema.

he’s home, had dinner, and is sitting next to me.

i’m not doing as good.
i hurt myself trying to haul his massive carrier into the car, my tailbone is sore from all the driving, and my jaw hurts from clenching against the stress.

tomorrow is a new day.


start over fresh.



Shadowlands was such a good expansion. It annoys me how people try to say it was bad.

To be fair though I didnt play the first couple months of it. And choregast/korthia was super annoying… but even when they were annoying I still felt it was my favorite expansion.


“I think the Art Team out did themselves in SL. It’s really well drawn.”

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