GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 2)

i didn’t understand what i’d let myself in for.
trying to get this pink dress may just be the thing which breaks me.



ugh i just realized this dress has about the same drop rate as Ashes.

i want to go farm some of the leather/mail/plate/weapons… but i know the instant i go in there with a non-clothy, the dress will drop :unamused:


Managed to update W0W #1 with all the gear that you get if you haven’t logged in for awhile. This boosted gear was significantly better for most of my characters, I’m wondering how they stayed alive when I saw the difference!

It didn’t work for Malochai here. I had just re-geared Mal with that dragon flight armour right before the expansion dropped.

I think it’s a really nice thing. Because the level squish really messed up a lot of gear, and I haven’t played a lot of them since then. Now they are ready to go. Besides, the embersilk bags are really nice as well.

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day eleventy thousand and lost count. (in reality, about day 4) :crazy_face:

still no dress.

i’d just been going Rattlegore > Ras, but something called to me and I deviated from my speed run to go kill Jandice, and she dropped Staff of Metanoia which I didn’t have.

I need to start listening to that little inner voice :upside_down_face:

I’m realizing that it isn’t the “full” loot table.
I’m not seeing any deprecated spell book items like the ones which drop in AQ (and used to drop from Scholo)
…come to think of it, I haven’t seen any Pristine Black Diamonds either.

I’d better not be slamming my head against the keyboard for an item which wasn’t re-added to the loot table :unamused:

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only thing i don’t like about the gear update is it resets your spell bars and talent tree i think? that’s what it seemed to do to my dwarf rogue.


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I am so apathetic.
Oh well.
I’m just a perv.


there are quite a few not-so-nice consequences of using this:

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Yes, it’s a bit of a pain, they put the suggested talents in, some classes I play pretty close to that, so I only move a talent or two, but some are way different then my play style, so I just clear the talent trees and do them over.


Is there a point to get Time Rift rep or is it not worth doing?


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i haven’t touched any of the time rift stuff…

still busy farming the stupid dress :dracthyr_uwahh_animated:

stopped for a bit to go do a few other things… got the item to summon the mushroom for the Arboreal Gulper mount, then when I handed my covenant quest in, I got the Amber Ardenmoth! 2 mounts in 2 minutes. Taking a break from dress farming was worth it :upside_down_face:

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Yes and no. There are cosmetics and all that stuff along with higher level gear but it means chasing another couple of currencies. If I can get there with a bunch of others doing it then it is some easy stuff, similar to the hunts. Otherwise, there really isn’t anything there on my “I need this.” list.


I completed my mount and pet list I picked out I wanted.

Should I try to get Boffins?

Going to need to work on my renoun, almost done with tusker renown.



heh kitty has a new bed on the desk next to me… but he has to walk past me to get to it, which means he has to squeeze himself between my body and the keyboard (and i get a face full of tail-floof every time he walks past)

i have a roll of masking tape in the drawer, and i rip bits off to remove all the fur which lands on my keyboard and mat.
he decided to “explore” a bit of masking tape, so he bit it… and it stuck to his mouth, then he used his paw, and it stuck to that too.
he’s such great entertainment :blush:

(yes, i helped and unstuck him, he was never in any distress, just a tad confused… but gave him a chance to learn why we don’t bite tape) :smile:

i think i’ve been very lucky with him in this aspect.
he doesn’t climb curtains, or stick his paws in drinks, or knock things off benches, or try to get into dangerous places… maybe he’s working his way up to it? :thinking:

(edit to add random cat gif)



…check your mail.



oooof… just found out that one of my neighbors/acquaintance was T-boned at an intersection last night (…on the driver’s side) by an innattentive/distracted driver - car completely crumpled up/totalled

Luckily the guy is OK (car took most of the damage) and just bruised up a bit/minor cuts from glass, but it’s another reminder that there’s a lot of bad drivers out there still on the roads

Stay safe folks :eyes:


chrisnp here
still a potato
still accomplishing nothing of merit
oh well
i hope to get the trader’s post monthly mount done before the month is over
hopefully i can find things to do in dragonflight that don’t make me hurt or sick or bore me to death

Why are you a shadowy figure, who you hiding from?


so far, i’ve managed to avoid these morons by being hyper alert and paying attention on their behalf.

i used to love driving, and now it’s just mentally exhausting. :face_exhaling:

if anyone has a child who is about to start driving, i would suggest sitting them down in front of youtube, and making them watch hours of dashcam footage… just so they can see some of the insane situations they’ll be presented with, to get their brain ticking about how they could avoid putting themselves in dangerous positions, how to read the road ahead, and how to NEVER assume that other people know what they’re doing.

Some safety bunny tips: :rabbit:

  • Never sit in blind spots (especially when it comes to trucks)
  • Never pull in front of vehicles which are under brakes (especially when it comes to trucks)
  • A 10 ton vehicle can’t stop in the same amount of distance as your tiny bubble car. Give trucks space.
  • Don’t let other drivers boss you around by honking, or by waving you in, or waving you across traffic… they can’t see what you can see.
  • If you can’t see, DON’T GO. It’s better to assume something is coming, rather than assume the coast will be clear.
  • Always give a cursory glance left and right before entering an intersection, especially if the lights have only just changed.
  • Regularly check tire pressure and wiper fluid.
  • Check your mirrors constantly. Know everything which is happening around you, and look well into the distance.
  • Don’t fixate on the brake lights of the vehicle in front of you. Instead, watch for the high-mount brake light of the vehicle in front of THEM, so you get advance warning of when to brake.
  • No Loud music in the car. It’s not a disco. You need to hear what’s going on. You want to hear that siren approaching from a side street. Music should only be a background mumble, and keep a window cracked so you can hear the outside world.
    Feel free to crank it if you’re stopped for food, or just hanging out.
  • Put :clap: the :clap: phone :clap: down :clap: . Lock it away if you have no self control. Pull over if you need to make a call or update your facebook status. Even hands-free is a distraction.

I could go all day :stuck_out_tongue:


/big grin


getting so close to 1000!! :blush: