GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 2)

best wishes Nobully
hi all
hope yall are well
i havent been doing much as usual
and nobody cares as usual

have a nice night/day/life

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I havenā€™t been here in a bit but guess what. I have a girlfriend now!

Second real relationship I have been in. (The first was to a real jerk that I wonā€™t speak of.) But this has really taken off and I want to see where it goes. I never thought I would be someone who met someone on a MMO.


good for you alice!

i wish i could have a girlfriend or wife, myself, too



another one incoming.
(check 1hr)

not as dark and foreboding as the previous one.

this one is pretty and flitty. :butterfly:

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Iā€™m super happy for you! Thatā€™s awesome!

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i wish i wasnā€™t so evil
i guess i should post on a warlock because i feel like iā€™m bad a lot of the time sometimes

chrisnp/gotnov posting on warlock alt as mentioned
i am a loser oh well
i hope everyone is having a good day, i am going to go to my dad and stepmomā€™s and mow the lawn and blow leaves and generally do things that a person 25 years younger than me should be doing with their lives.

Iā€™ll still give ya hugs :hugs:

Itā€™s been a messy day for me - but Iā€™m at least able to visit for the 2nd day in a row so I feel pretty good about that :slight_smile:


i REALLY need to stop visiting the forum on patch days.

i canā€™t understand how peoples brains justā€¦ break when a few pixels change.

itā€™s intriguing to watch the train-wreck, but quite frightening to wonder what goes on inside peoples heads which makes them have such severe reactions.


True. It makes me wonder how they are in their lives. I mean do they go into the break room at work and start complaining that someoneā€™s food is giving them cancer? Do they accuse the person in the next cubicle of cancel culture when they put on their headphones? Or are do they live lives so spiritually impoverished that being contrary on a public forum gives them a whisper of self worth?

Iā€™m finding that I am putting more threads on mute each day. Usually after the first insults fly or within about three posts.


thereā€™s also someā€¦ ā€œthingā€ where people seem to believe that there are only 2 options.

you hate any and all changes, and are upset
you like any and all changes, and think blizz are amazing. (which either means youā€™re a shill, and/or means youā€™re ambivalent towards other peoples feelings) :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

for some reason, itā€™s completely incomprehensible that thereā€™s any sort of in-between.

for meā€¦ on first glance, some of the changes are a bit jarring.
Iā€™ll live.
I have MUCH bigger problems in my life.

I donā€™t ā€œhateā€ anything yetā€¦ well, thatā€™s not really true, i hate that they took my water elemental, but itā€™s not the end of the world.
iā€™ll just finish farming the unfinished reps with my mage, then switch to my hunter, paladin, or warrior.

but things like changes to the micro-menu, or the reaching hand, or repair iconsā€¦ i donā€™t understand the drama.
people seem to want blizzard to create a ā€œtoggleā€ for everything, essentially putting development time into maintaining two different versions of the UI.


also, PSA.

Delete your Dalaran Hearthstone, and learn your regular Hearthstone = 2 bagslots freed up! :smiley:

iā€™m not sure where Garrison Hearth fits in, itā€™s also a toy, may need learning, not sure.
one of them was already learned as a toy for me, canā€™t recall which one.
check before deleting.
3 bag slots!! :smiley:


Yeah. I think that not getting involved in the end game of raiding, M+ or whatever it means that the whole min/max business isnā€™t a thing for me.

I just level, do some open world stuff, run alts and starting around mid- to end- expansion trying running raids and dungeons from the last two expansions. Sometimes even gated questlines just to see what that was all about.


yeah iā€™m the same.
i just plonk around doing my own thing.
i donā€™t care about the gear-treadmill any more.
if i can kill stuff, iā€™m fine.

my new mission is to get Krastinovs Bag, so I can run old Scholomance!!


I finished my niffens rep, finally!

Now to finish up the rest that I neglected.

Iā€™m still missing pets dragon parts, and the toy from ZC, they wonā€™t drop for me and half the time there is no one around to help kill rares so that forces me to forfeit the rare and go and do something else.

Iā€™m not mythic raiding just to solo them.



I actually just made a nelfy loc. Sheā€™s full night warrior dark eyes and dark skin.

looks good


i thought we were going to get lots of new combos (not sure why i thought that?)

i thought iā€™d finally be able to make a gnome paladin!! :sob:


I want a panda druid!



nelfy shaman and pally would be cool too