GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 2)

But the goal post were raised by 400. Thanks Blizz.

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Thatā€™s nice but Iā€™m meant by doing extra or remaining activities.


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Any tips for fire toss achievement.


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I think the key was, when I did it so many moons ago, is to watch the shadows of the torches on the ground and not the torches themselves in the air. As well as doing it somewhere where the ground is a bright contrasting color to be able to see the shadows easier.

Also, put the torches on a hot key so you can just focus on watching the shadows and moving.


yep, what Khaelli said.

if you meant the tossing, hot key the torches.

if you meant the catching:

Find the location with the least amount of ā€œbusy stuffā€ on the ground, the fewer bricks or tiles or rocks, the better.

Try doing it somewhere without a lot of people, you donā€™t want people wandering over your tossing area.

A clear view of the shadow is needed

Just chase the shadow.

Sometimes it feels like you catch it, and it fizzles anyway.
Just keep at it.
Walk away and take a break if you need to.


good luck!


chrisp potating here
got no soul
or something dumb to say that i usually say like that
i bore myself

Ok, need to fix shadow settings than, I would see no shadow sometimes.

I got it twice, but I feel Iā€™m not moving fast enough to catch it.




Youā€™re very welcome!

But yeah, it can be like Nobully saidā€¦ for all appearances it looks like you caught it, but the server decides youā€™re just out of sync enough or something aggravating like that, that it doesnā€™t count. It can be frustrating when that happens.

If my cloudy memory serves, I donā€™t think I ever got it first shot on any character that did it, except for maybe one alt.


donā€™t forget to grab your off-hand sparklers today!



check mail.
one hour.

i found another one :blush:

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I did and forgot about that last achievement.

There is a Barbie movie coming out and itā€™s a map that is making it banned in some countries.

Yeah, this movie is not for little ones.




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I like this version.



ā€œSo do I, but I couldnā€™t find it. Thanks.ā€

thatā€™s too much pink. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

Kitty had an accident yesterdayā€¦ he was on his stool, and tried to jump onto the desk, but the stool flew out from under him and he slipped and landed sideways on the leg of the stool. :anguished:
Heā€™s ok now, but we both got a big fright, and it hurt him enough that he started ripping his fur out where he landed.
Thankfully it was only one small chunk.
Heā€™s enjoying some rare window sun at the moment :smiling_face:


ā€œThank you for the pet. I named her Lenore, to go with Edgar Allen Poe, my other Raven. Now he has a Sweetheart.ā€


it felt like something which would suit your persona :blush:

Not many to go now until you get Hearthy!


ā€œItā€™s times like these, that I wish we could bring out more than one at a time.ā€


Iā€™ve seen fans complain about continuity a lot and I must say:

Can you imagine what would happen if there were laws that forced continuity in stories requiring a Continuity Editor to force a Story to follow previous Canon(including Canon Characterization) with severe punishments for refusing to comply?

Any Editors found guilty of violating characterization in favor of their own causing character derailment would also receive severe punishment.

TV Companies would be forced by law to stop airing Episodes just to restart the story before the Episodes were derailed and be forced to follow the original characterization. Iā€™m sure the Writers would be scrambling to write a proper story.

Novels and Lore Books would also be recalled en mass just to appease the Lore Historians putting guns(literal guns, Therapy Techniques or even outright Mind Control with various levels of self awareness including the most brutal Mawsworn level of control) to the Writersā€™ heads.

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sighā€¦ i had to get an emergency booking with the GP this arvo.
not going back to hospital unless iā€™m dying :stuck_out_tongue:

i developed a 8 x 10cm ā€œthingā€ like a bruise or blood-blister on my abdomen.
doc has no idea what it is.
it hurts though :stuck_out_tongue:
heā€™s likeā€¦ are you sure you didnā€™t bump something?
ummā€¦ it would need to be a ā€œbumpā€ like being kicked by a horseā€¦ i think i would have noticed?

so he sent me to get bloods done to check something with platelets.
so over it.

gonna have some midnight pasta for comfort food :blush: