GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 2)

i think that’s all of them.

i can see azure in the database, so that may be for august


So far no bikini mail top, as promised.


we just had another tremor :confounded:

Stay on gaurd make sure you have kitty carrier ready and cat in the same space as you incase you need to grab and get out.

If you feel the need to stay out for awhile that’s fine, bring kitty with you.

It could be bad advice, check internet earthquake safety precautions.


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we don’t really get anything “mega” here.

i have an emergency evacuation kit, with a garden cart to put the cat carrier in, in case we need to evacuate for any reason.

i’m the street warden, so i get a fancy lanyard and high-vis vest :stuck_out_tongue:
it’s my task to ensure everyone in the street gets to the evacuation point safely.
i’ve gone overboard and created a back-pack with first-aid kit, antibacterial wipes, tissues, notebook/pen, torch… just a bunch of stuff which could be needed if we have to get out fast.
The only evacuations so far have been fire and flood, but those were before I moved here.


Holy smokes, well BlizzCon is a never for me!

just the ticket price and buy goodies fun money, sure.


In my case it would be Con ticket + plane ticket + Ubers + food costs + hotel costs + gift shop costs = Too much for my blood especially when it’s on the other side of the country.



thought I’d queue for Ahune just for some blossoms and a chance at the staff (which is actually an upgrade for my mage)

15 minute queue? :open_mouth:


just looted Verdant Skitterfly :smiling_face:


I hear you. I live within driving distance and it’s still more money than I have interest in paying. For that kind of money I could clear out the gift shop. :wink:


I’m jealous.

I’m finished collecting from the vendor and have 2 more achievements to go!



i also got mt first Ottuk mount.

cute :blush:

time to go do some more rep while the bonus survives.
i want to get as far into Rajani and Uldum Accord as I can.


cleaning up my bags, and discover a Colossal Wraithbound Mawrat hiding in there. :open_mouth:


Yes, becareful what you throw away.



looks like you’re wearing the same top as my hoofy paladin!

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This is as close to summery as I can get, it’s hot outside.


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I’m going to be sad when my Kul’Tiran is stripped of her water elemental that signifies her as a tide sage.

:panda_face: :sob:


yeah… same.

i don’t know what i’m going to do when the elemental goes.
it’s my soggy lil adventuring companion!! :sob:


That is the only reason I rolled a Kul’Tiran frost mage so it feels that I had a tide sage. Now she is just a mage.

They should have tide sage as a spec for mage, for Kul’Tiran only.


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I got the new purple stuff from the trading post, but the cloak doesn’t show in armory yet.

the shirt thingy does though

it’d be nice if the sleeves were just a little bit longer.
it looked weird because there was a strip of skin showing between the sleeve and the glove, so i had to add bracers.

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I have the cloak and scarf, I had to put kitty on freeze, because I wanted to get the fire horse that I had on freeze.

I wish we could continue to earn a bit extra after hitting the goal.


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this month and next month, we can earn an extra 200 tendies