GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 2)

on a dark desert highway

take care Nobully
and everyone
hope everyone has a nice day and week and life and afterlife i guess

aww… i tried to start a sing-along.
it didn’t work :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

you too

oh no… when this life is done, i just want… nothingness.

In happier news, I just got Tyrael’s Charger.
I’ve got all the goblin loot now, apart from one of the legs, which I can buy from AH if I get bored enough.

Might kill gobo once a day for bags on the few toons which haven’t got them yet.

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Have you ever wished you were the writer of a Fictional Story so that you can descend into the story to tell a Character whose treatment of other Characters is getting a bit too cruel and/or is getting in the way of the Plot that they are Fictional then utterly strip them of the illusion of free will as punishment?

It is my opinion that certain Fictional Characters get a bit too uppity and need to learn their place and frankly I do not care for the notion that they should learn their lesson as Fiction should exist to enhance the story not get in the way of it!

There is a reason people find Bureaucrats to be more trouble than they are worth and when Fictional Characters act like Bureaucrats by getting in the way of the plot I would prefer to make an example of them publicly by reminding everyone that Fictional Characters should aid the Plot not hinder it before publicly rewriting the Character’s Personality on the spot so that they and their Knight Templar Attitudes stop getting in the way of the Plot.

And yes that includes not only making sure they don’t hinder the Heroes but also making sure they don’t get in the way of the Villain’s schemes until it is most convenient for the Plot.

That also includes making sure the Big Bad doesn’t get rid of/waste an interesting Evil Monster of the Week that could interest the Fans!

You remember how we hated how Rastakhan, Zul, Eternal Emperor Korthek of the Sethrak Empire, Zul’jin, N’Zoth, Krexus, Akarek and Stradama were all wasted despite being interesting Characters!

At least Azshara, Sindane, the Primus, Denathrius and Bwomsamdi weren’t wasted!

Surely we all want the Story to appease us and not ignore what is obviously an interesting Plot Line nor delay the story by having some Knight Templar(Parent, Police Officer, Ruler or Bureaucrat) bar the Good Guys and Bad Guys.


welp, looks like another trip to the $tealer$hip is coming up :clown_face:

We got some unusually heavy rainfall yesterday, it overran the city sewer systems/quickly built-up on the surface streets and created a bunch of those “standing water” puddles at low spots and dips in the streets - the “sides” of the streets were especially deep (looked like some spots were 12-14" high)

Ended up driving thru a few such standing water puddles on my way home (a big no-no, but also there was no physical way “around” the puddles). Today my car mysteriously won’t start, no click or crank no start… just nothing happens when you turn the key

Ah, the joys of adult-ing :woozy_face:


/understanding hug


(chrisp/gotnov potates)
did the entry to zaralekk caverns finally tonight like 8 weeks after it was patched in or whatever… always late
at least i can hearth to loamm now lol

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It is only a matter of Time before an Advanced Race becomes so advanced they can make Fiction into Reality so…

What Magics of WoW would you want brought into the Real World and experimented on?

Imagine Scientists getting their paws on Fel, Revendreth Death, Necromantic/Maldraxxi Death, Necrotic/Mawsworn Death, Devourer Death, Drust Death, Void, Sha and Nightmare Energies… What would they learn from them?

“Stealth. So I can hide from the idiots and the fools.”

Does Raz skin drop in LFR if anyone knows?

If not I would be wasting my time quing for it in LFR. Panda too busy and time constraint to go into normal and up. :slightly_frowning_face:


According to Wowhead, it will drop in Normal. Nothing about LFR.

Here is the link:

I think we can easily look to the example of chemical, biological and nuclear weapons for a real world analog to your question. It runs the gamut between depressing and slightly hopeful given international treaties.

The big issue would be who can access these magics. If, like most weapons of mass destruction they are prohibitively expensive then they would probably stay contained. For example the Japanese cult, Aum Shinrikyo, had the money and time to develop the chemical weapon sarin but they could not figure out how to make a delivery system more sophisticated than poking bags of it with umbrellas while riding the subway.

That said, if mostly anyone can gain access to these magics and how to use them, then all bets are off as there are too many nutcase individuals and fringe group out there to keep it contain.

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Thanks to Lady Sylvanas I rise again!



Getting the newer authenticator was easier than I thought. I thought it would be like SWTOR, where I needed my Game’s SN but nope, just a simple button. SWTOR should learn from Blizz.

I was thinking of how they would start injecting the Magics into random Life Forms’ veins myself because honestly the Nukes would be limited to Spacefaring Civilization one would hope in which case they would be just as likely to create Worlds as they are to find ones that are defenseless against their weapons.

All Space-Faring Empires would be interested in exploiting their power en mass and would likely be capable of creating Worlds to plunder and abuse for their egos.

Worlds they did not create would get other Empires fighting for control and be sent into Cold War until the World becomes a Space-Faring Society itself.


chrisnp/gotnov here wasting another day
i should be doing something meaningful
and good


ahahahaha that was awesome :grin:


Give me :bear: :sandwich:'s or give me death.


It may just be me but I think you crossed a few lines in this post.