GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 2)

Jokes on you that was my twin sister Soyka!

She was the evil twin so it’s ok.

eats :panda_face: :bear: :sandwich:



“I agree with Penumbrae. You crossed a few lines with that post.”

“I would advise you delete, or edit, it.”


✲Yvenathilm the wretched Death Knight is thrown at the non-existent mercy of the Golden Witch Beatrice to suffer endless torment for his unspeakable crimes✲

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Blood and gore doesn’t really bother me.

I watch some anime that has that stuff in it.



“It wasn’t the blood and gore part that was in bad taste.”


I guess your right, too much is bad and sloppy story telling.

I wanted to get Mortlal Kombat for My Nintendo Switch, but wind up not getting it because it was a bit over the top with the gore and blood.


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pixel gore? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

maybe try something by Gunther von Hagens.


I would have loved to see the other afterlifes atleast with the Pandaria theme more, Troll Afterlife, and maybe even Heaven or atleast WoW’s Version of it.


Shadowlands never explained if children have their own after life or reincarnated, because they never lived to adult hood.



kitty has been unwell today :frowning:
he puked last night before bed, was off his food this morning, ate a little bit of dinner, then puked it all up again.
i was able to get him to drink a bit of water tonight, and he ate a few pieces of dry food, but would only eat out of my hand.

gonna go to bed and give him lots of snugs, and hope he’s feeling better tomorrow.


best wishes for your kitty and for all GDers.

chrisnp/gotnov killing time on alts

3:30am, he woke me up to tell me :cat2: :poop:

at least now i can stop stressing about an obstruction.

he wanted food, but wouldn’t eat the first one i gave him.
ate a tiny bit of the second one i tried, but was still begging for food.
i sprinkled a bit of dry food on top, and he just looked offended and made the cutest face :smiling_face:
i got cranky and said “i’m not going to feed you out of my hand, that’s just ridiculous!”
…sprinkled a few more pieces of dry food into the bowl, and he ate some.

and now i’m going to have a warm milo, and sit up with him for a while to make sure he doesn’t spew again.

Forgot to mention before, I finished the achievement for my Hyper compressed Ocean.
That was a bit of a slog :neutral_face:


yay kitty ate
yay hyper compressed ocean
i don’t have that one
you’re a cool person

i’m about as daggy as a human can get :smile:

I was wondering if anyone noticed this, and has any idea what’s going on here?

In the rep tab, there is a new standing listed for Cataclysm/Burning Crusade.

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i do not know. it didn’t show up on my level 30 toon. i will check my level 70 now

i don’t see it on Gotnov my only 70 toon


interesting. i think. maybe. i dunno. weird.

kitty seems to be stable… he hid in the wardrobe for a while.
i’m gonna go do a puke check, and if it’s all clear, i’m going back to bed for a couple more hours


i feel lonely and a bit mean.
what a bad mood.
i dunno what to do. guess i’ll listen to music.

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I hope they don’t have any ideas of selling tender points for RL money and revamping it to a real money system of any kind.

I honestly wouldn’t buy tender points for RL money. I wouldn’t mind doing extra activities to get more tenders, but not with real money.

I wish I could do more activities to earn extra tenders after the limitation was met


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“How much does it take, for a new Toon to not be considered new on the Forums?”