GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 2)

Well, was wanting to play other stuff besides just WoW but mainly stuff off of steam and GoG.

This will be my first actual gaming computer as none of my previous ones were gaming dedicated computers. I don’t have to be able to run every game out there as long as it’ll let me run a fair number of games i would want to play (as everyones tasts in games are different).

I mean i’m not going to be doing any really high end gaming. I just want it to last awhile before i have to worry about replacing it again.

I can always borrow a memory stick or two from my roommate to copy data over and as this is a pre-built i wouldn’t feel comfortable opening it up and trying to figure out where i need to put the harddrive in my current one at.

It seems i’m a month or so behind (usually) about finding out someone passed. Did Tina Turner pass away? I just found out Jerry Springer passed away last month.


“Yes she did. On the 24th of this month. Real recently.”

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“External Hard Drives don’t go IN your Tower, along with your internal one. They hook up TO your Tower. It’s really not that hard.”

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For a few extra bucks you could probably (not certain) get the in-house tech support to do this for you. Or are you ordering it remotely? If so, never mind. :slight_smile:

Either way, enjoy.


lonely old chrisnp/gotnov played hearthstone all night and day yesterday. not ranking up. blew a bunch of money on it too for the vanity of it. i’m really stupid i guess oh well. guess i’ll just randomly have self esteem anyway though go me.

Bwahahahahahaha :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Saw this in my reddit feed just now, couldn’t resist sharing :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

How the gaming industry has declined indeed…

Eh, Duke Nukem was a lot of fun but even then the graphics and the map sizes were, shall we say, limited. Then again the first games I played in the late 70’s were essentially blobs that required text to know what the heck was happening as the graphics only showed proximity and walls.

I really like how WoW can be played on an older computer but can also reward those with better hardware. I know people talk about lag and video sputtering but I just don’t experience that as a rule and that’s with all setting cranked up. Now in three years I’ll be looking at YouTube cut scenes and wishing I could see them as well in game. Things continue to change.

That i so sad. It seems more and more singers/actors from my childhood having been passing away the past 3 to 5 years.

True but i don’t have an external drive and my roommate had gotten an external drive for their computer once. It didn’t last long (as in a few months). So yeah. Kinda dubious about an external drive.


No you are not. It’s your money do with it what you want. Personally i’ve been playing HS since it went live and never spent a dime on it. Right now i currently have over 4,000 gold saved up.


i almost have 2000 gold so i could maybe buy the expansion miniset that releases tomorrow with gold instead of money. yay.

oh. my. bunny.

i was just looking through my mount collection while waiting for gobo.

turns out i have Fathom Dweller.

…i’ve been rocking up at every opportunity to kill Kosumuth FOR A MOUNT I ALREADY HAVE!!! :sob:

i must have got it just before i took my break during Shadowlands… when my brain was elsewhere.

one less to farm, i guess? :crazy_face:

i’m such a silly sausage :drooling_face:


i am soooo addicted to these chicken and salad wraps.

i suppose i could be addicted to worse things.

it’s been my dinner almost every night since i discovered it was fast and easy and tasty.


Oh my gosh yes!

Cotton Candy Icecrean Burrito



i love sweet stuff, but i got a toothache just watching that.

i’d love to play with one of those machines though!!

in australia, we call that “Fairy Floss” :blush:



“We Made It!!!”
/happy dance



I like this name better than cotton candy.



I’m at 399 mounts.

…i think i have one more waiting for me from a Torghast achievement.

I suppose I’ve found tonights project.


“I am creeping up on 350.”



and now I need to find a new goal :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


i just gave someone the red goat pet, and they got so excited.
i’ve been having to delete so many of them, it’s awesome to see someone be so thankful.
the previous one i gave away, the person didn’t even say thanks.
they just learned it and hearthed.
i just thought… “rude”. :unamused:

but my good deed paid off, i got Cross-Stitched Pants for 12 silver!

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