GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 2)

if everyone is using the same addon, could the addon be trying to cope with excessive amounts of info coming in from everyone at the same time?

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Could be DBM?

I canā€™t play without DBM


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probably need to make sure everyone is running the latest version

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I did find some add ons that were corrupted and re install them no more flitch crashes after that.

Monday decided to go to Forbidden Reach for the first time and didnā€™t feel very much engaged, it was puzzles I hate in game puzzles. Went looking for rares, there either werenā€™t any or nobody was there to help.

I wanted stuff for my alts, but not willing to wait for someone to come or a rare to pop up

Forbidden Reach is good for rep catch up and currency thatā€™s about it for me.

After I did my 2 LFRs I guess there was an area to kill mobs for more gear, it was blue and holy cow I couldnā€™t see the ground with all the dead dragons I couldnā€™t skin to clear the floor.

I left, logged out and called it a night. Maybe Iā€™m just getting burnt or I just donā€™t find just killing stuff for hours fun.

Casual players want something a bit more engaging than just killing mobs mindlessly. Brawlers Guild was fun why give that the ax?

Sorry about my rant



(Lady Cyndi Lou wanders in.)


wanders in for the first time in awhile looking rather haggard.

Hey all. Still alive kinda.

I have found the Rabbit from Monty Pythonā€¦


Pandas shouldnā€™t be warlocks, there is 0 lore connection to that class.



ā€œYellow Submarine: Full Sound Track.ā€

(ā€œEdit: That first one didnā€™t have ALL the songs, so I linked a site playing ALL the Sound Track.ā€)

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meow. I/chrisnp/gotnov accomplish nothing of merit out of or ingameā€¦ i did get 5 battleground wins on an ele shaman alt which gives me a little towards the traders barn reward turtle this month.

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Something very strange just happened.

So I caved in and started playing classic just to explore past Azeroth before Deathwing decides to wreck the place.

Iā€™ve seen all mage gnomes, I thought it was bots, but I didnā€™t report it. I donā€™t report things unless I know I can make it stick.

This was in a starter zone, so I knew I couldnā€™t make it stick or know if it was different players.

I went on questing, and I got a ā€œthank you for reportingā€ notice. I didnā€™t, I was thinking about it, but didnā€™t.

They were surrounding the starter NPC, but to me that was not enough evidence to make it stick.

Spooky :ghost:

Classic WoW has a mind of itā€™s own now! :scream:


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Behind Blue Eyes is one of a handful of songs which I like the cover better than the original.


i think iā€™m gonna do the push for some achievement points.

burnin is currently at 27865.

i feel like iā€™m slacking, so iā€™m going to see if i can get motivated to push onward to 28000.

(itā€™s SO not going to happen in one night, but i need to start somewhere!) :smirk:

ā€¦now I just need to try and not get distracted :stuck_out_tongue:


Sheesh! I felt like I was on top of the world finally breaking 20,000 in achievements. That said, Iā€™m impressed with your nearly 28,000.

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they took so many points away with various expansions when stuff got changed to legacy or feats.

it kind of put me off a bit. :expressionless:

iā€™m making good progress, but i got distracted when i realized i hadnā€™t capped trading post activities.
i need to prioritize that, then i can get back to cheevos.


Gotta love Garfield!



I made a bit of a dent, I got distracted with capping tendies.

Iā€™ll push her over 28k tonight.


wellā€¦ that didnā€™t go as planned, becauseā€¦ nothing ever does.

I was going to finish up the night with mythic temple of sethralis (sp) andā€¦ i broke it :stuck_out_tongue:

i fell through the floor, and was just stuck falling and falling forever.
had to alt + f4.
iā€™ll log back in the morning to see if iā€™m dead, or back at the start of the instance :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Cyndi, i have another pet for youā€¦ i think itā€™s a Thunderscale Whelpling. I canā€™t read my own scribbles. :unamused: