GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 2)

I hope forum avatar updates soon, I was crown the queen of Pandaria.

The crown doesn’t match the set, but will be working on it soonish.

Plus pandas need just plain long, medium, short hair style options please Blizz. Actually all races need this hair style option.


meow i am potato
my heart hurts or is it my hair that hurts
i’m silly sorry
trying to figure out how to do anything productive with my life
or just keep potatoing on and do minor things like helping my dad and stepmom sometimes and not try to think too hard or throw my soul away

Hello people. I know I haven’t been here in a while. I just wanted to say hi. No I am not going to raise my head from the table. No I am not going to say why. All is fine.

Also if you see any bunnies give them a hug. That is all.


hope your life’s treating you well alice

i’m glad you told me to check… i put a couple of items up for auction, and they sold.
i probably would have forgotten to switch back over to that realm to check :stuck_out_tongue:

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“Just so you know, I will ALWAYS reply to those kind of Mails.”

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Twitter gamers are funny sometimes.

News comes out that Microsoft have engaged the services of Daniel Beard to contest the recent CMA decision to prohibit the merger if not appealed.

Certain twitter users are looking at the headline of “Microsoft hires EU beating lawyer” to mean the lawyers is only trained in EU law and somehow MS is incompetent as the CMA is a UK body.

:Facepalm: Daniel Beard was trained in Oxford and Cambridge which are in the UK. He’s trained and has experience in both EU & UK law. He has a long list of accolades and has history successfully appealing regulatory body decisions.

All things they could of found out had they done 5 minutes of research.


I gave lots of chocolate bunnies and peep bunnies lots of hugs with my mouth last month.


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ohh… i want chocolate now!
i don’t have chocolate.
i’d also like ice-cream.
i don’t have any of that, either.
grrr @ eating healthy.

i guess i’ll have some cashews… that’s sort of junk food. (not really, but it’s the closest i’ve got)

there are probably some more, but i got bored of flipping through armory pages to see which pets you didn’t have vs what i’ve got doubles of.

tonight was gaming time well spent.
i got a bunch of appearances, some toys, and a creepy hand pet from Torghast.


ok. had my snack.
demolished the last few dried apricots along with the cashews.
gonna go see how much cloud there is.
there’s meant to be meteor showers.
(which usually means full cloud cover) :roll_eyes:

nigh nigh my pretties.


I can imagine the CMA’s whining when it loses the appeal and it’s superiors overrule them.

The CMA is known to whine whenever it’s superiors overrule them.

No on to the matters of Disney: It gets away with all the stunts it has pulled due to California not being ruled by Dictators.

If DeSantis were ruling California then Disney would have a lot less power in their struggle against him than they do now.

For one he could arrange for an attack on their headquarters and wipe out their Board of Directors in one swift stroke.

Since he is based in Florida while they are based in California he has a lot less power over them.

I still can’t believe how said trolls/angry anti-M+ GD’ers actually pulled it off :laughing:

It’s actually somewhat disturbing how a handful of forum trolls actually got to influence content in-game simply “out of spite” and because they don’t like another group of players (M+'ers) :eyes:

I suppose that’s the main flaw of “polls” and “voting” though, always that possibility for abuse and vote-padding

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there’s another “those kind of mails”.

only one lil dude this time, but he’s a cutie :smiling_face:


“I will thank you, in here, this time. Such a CUTE little critter, Thanks!!!”


Oh yay!
My mog finally updated!

I know, but the crown that matches this set is in a BFA raid that I can’t do by myself. I couldn’t find any blue mogs to match.



Come Nomi.

Azeroth is ours for the taking!



you’re welcome. :smiling_face:
you’re so close to 1000 and the Hearthy pet reward.
I’ve been doing Island Expeditions, I’ve got another 3 for you, but I’ve just logged off.
I’ll send them in the morning.


I’ve been getting glitches and crashes since 10.1 was uploaded, happening to anyone else?


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if it started happening with the patch, have you tried a UI reset?

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No, but I’ll try it.

I’m not the only one. In the middle of a raid boss some people will glitch all at once. We almost wiped on a LFR boss because of it.


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