GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 2)

i guess everyone is so used to me talking about that cat, that it would be a natural assumption i was talking about him.

he’s been doing fairly well, we’re just plodding along and sharing lots of fun and love and cuddles and treats.

i made him a new toy, like totem tennis, but for a kitty.
he loves it :smiley:


“I was talking about you both. I totally spaced on the new tattoo. Biting Mites can live on both, a Cat and a Human Host.”


he’s actually a couple of days overdue for his parasite treatment, so the reminder was perfectly timed.
i still hadn’t turned the calendar over to May, and didn’t see the reminder sticker :roll_eyes:

I’m already looking forward to lunch time.
i enjoyed that chicken wrap last night so much, i’m going to have another one for lunch… and i found a tin of sliced beetroot lurking in the pantry which will add another dimension of taste and texture.


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the beetroot made it as good as i knew it would. :smiley:

i think this is going to be my new “go to” meal.
it takes 20 minutes total to make, no bread or margarine.
throw the chicken in the air-fryer, the wrap thaws in minutes, load on cheese, lettuce, veg, BEEP chicken ready, nom nom nom.

i wanted to spend the weekend gaming, but i think i’m gonna go lay flat and raise my leg and nap for the afternoon.
kitty is snuggled in his igloo, no window sun for him today.

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They have a voting poll with both retail and classic who on earth thought that was a smart idea?

Not to mention people will just use alt army characters to cheat the poll like they did with mount vote.


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Yeah, but this poll so far is doing great to expose the lie that the militant solo only playstyle is the preferred playstyle of the “vast majority” of players that never seems to die on the forums.


hey all happy friday /salute


I don’t understand why classic and retail are on the same poll though they are two separate entities.

If you can vote more than once than to me it’s not a legit survey.

It’s Saturday now where I am.

Hello from the future.



Yeah, people are going to abuse the same flaw in forum polls (each character is it’s own account) to skew the results again.

It’s how we got grimrail depot in SL S4, people who hated M+ used armies of forum alts to spam vote for it to troll the people who like M+.


I missed that poll, but Grimrail isn’t that bad to me as long as you grouped with people who knew what to do and if you wiped it was a short walk back unlike the other dungeons.

It was a bit difficult, but if I wanted people to suffer I would of voted for Iron Docks.



Big problem with grimrail for M+ is the camera, and the completely static pathing.


I thought it was the boss with the canons that most had trouble with. When in a WoD timewalking I’m always doing the canons.

Yeah, the static is very unpleasant.



The cannons would have been more interesting if it was possible to pull some trash onto that boss in P2. but it’s not really possible, so it just becomes a boring gimmick of a fight that’s about 2 minutes too long.


Maybe the poll is to decide if they should move on to Classic Cataclysm, but I would drop the game like a rock if they removed the ability to solo older raids in retail.

Once upon a time I wanted to play classic WoLK, but they said no to dungeon finder. So I only made a classic dk to get the free promotional mount.



kicks door down

Whats up party people!?! Its yuh boy :wolf:


(Lady Cyndi Lou glares at you, as she orders her Army Of Tiny Robots to repair the shattered door.)






check your Cyndi mail :blush:

we don’t take kindly to that phrase around here. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
perhaps you should change it to… “It’s yuh good boi :wolf::stuck_out_tongue:


got mild cellulitis where they slammed the yellow in, near my ankle.
i wasn’t going to muck around with it, got some antibiotics to get on top of it as quickly as possible.

i went and got another pack of multigrain wraps for my chicken salad wrap fad.
paid $4.50 for 8 wraps.
then when i was sitting in the car getting ready to leave, i saw someone walk out of the halal grocery store with a mega-bulk pack of wraps or maybe it was pita bread… either way, it was a HUGE pack, and i think i need to remember to check there first next time i shop.

time for nana nap.

(waiting patiently for Cyndi to check her game mail) :smiling_face:


“Check yours.”