GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 2)

Isn’t beaten it yet I found things of interest to me: Namely 2 more Red Dragon Magic Spells to catalogue in my Screenshot Folders as well as 1 more Order Magic Spell to catalogue.


i might save it for friday night, when things are less busy/crowded.
i want to keep working on the shadowlands stuff i’ve been doing… i’m on a roll!!

(but right now, i need to get the garbage ready to go out, and then… i think i need to nap for a bit. i’m so tired of being tired. someone needs to figure out what’s causing this… because i’m too apathetic and sleepy to keep chasing doctors!!) :smile:

i know it’s not low B12.
but that’s all i know.
just had 4 vials of blood taken, waiting to see if there’s anything obvious with blood results.


Silly me, I just looked at my achevs and happened to be missing some Winter Veil achevs. :woman_facepalming:

Not yet, only had time to finish Children’s Week achevs and a Raz LFR tonight.



i just been doing heritage quests since they don’t require exalted for the main races anymore… was always too lazy to grind to exalted. got dwarf, tauren, worgen, blood elf today. my main account doesn’t have sub until tomorrow when i get money so i cannot do zaralek caverns stuff yet.

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gotnov/chrisnp here… leveled this guy to 60 and got heritage of dwarves worgen tauren and blood elves… turned in some anima in shadowlands and it vanished from the reservoir, don’t turn in anima in shadowlands until they fix this bug lol if anyone still goes to mistakelands i guess besides weirdo me


i always like to go browse the bug report section on patch days… it lets me know what NOT to do :stuck_out_tongue:

i’ve been collecting anima, but just holding on to it.

I just got my Swift Gloomhoof mount, which puts me at 388 (number should be higher when i log over to paladin who has more mounts)

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that wasn’t a bad deal… looks like the quest giver made 1g.
he discretely mugged the muggers :stuck_out_tongue:



How do I get to renown fast? Honestly I’m getting sick of doing dailies. It’s boring, it truly is.


if you’re looking for Dragonscale Expedition rep, get some shovels from the guy at the base camp, fly around and dig the dirt piles. (if you stop seeing the dirt piles, you ran out of shovels) :stuck_out_tongue:

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It’s for all of them. :confused:

I feel doing dailies is a joke for rep and doesn’t really help, so I got bored and stopped and played other content instead.

I’d rather dig piles than quest.


doing the weekly quest offers rep for all factions

darkmoon buff works with all of the reps, so take advantage of that when it’s up

May the 4rth be with you!


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sat for a couple of hours of tattooing today.
got the tendrils on my paisley coloured.
the only photo i got is all fuzzy and exploded and weird :expressionless:

saw a dad joke today…

“this is my horse Mayo… sometimes Mayo neighs”. :upside_down_face:


eek… looking very red near the ankle… i hope it’s just skin trauma :grimacing:

made a yummy dinner, gotta get the good stuff into me for healing.
wholemeal wrap with cheese, lettuce, onion, chicken… and a side of 2 potato cakes.
(because grease is one of the major food groups… right?) :thinking:


Check kitty for fleas, it could be fleas eating you.


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“Could also be Biting Mites. They are so small, you can’t even see them, but they are so aggressive, they can even kill the cat.”

wait… were the mite comments aimed at me?

i’m half asleep and confused :stuck_out_tongue:

the sore ankle is mine, not the cats :upside_down_face:
…and it’s sore from the tattoo artist slamming yellow ink into my skin :grin:

it’s a bit less sore after having it elevated all night.

anyhoo, i just saw a reaction video… with a bunch of people crying about music video.
i’m like “omg drama llama’s!”
…and then i went and watched the video.
it was so powerful… so heartbreaking… :sob:

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