GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 2)

There are countless Books…

The only sequel Movies & Shows involve the Wicked Witch of the North Mombi who is distinct from the Wicked Witches of the East(your esteemed late self lying dead with a house on top of you) and West(your sister melted into a puddle by a bucket of water).

Mombi is the most dangerous of the Wicked Witches to say the least. Her being chased out by the Good Witch of the North doesn’t change her threat level since in every adaptation she is the biggest threat among the Witches.

The Wicked Witches of the South, East and West are usually content to stay where they are(which is in the Wicked Witch of the South’s case: her bed as she is constantly napping) once driven from whatever territory they are squatting in at the time(the Witches of East and West first squatted in the Emerald City before being chased East & West) while the Wicked Witch of the North made countless devastating attempts to conquer Oz.

Don’t assume Mombi the Wicked Witch of the North won’t come back if you chase her away as she will keep coming back again and again until you kill her.


I would never stream an MMO. 1) to much time. 2) WoW players would eat me alive.



Here is my new streaming Avatar.


“I love it!”

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Ever read the books? The Wizard of Oz is based on book of the same name. The author tried writing other books about other things but those ended up failing. So after The Wizard Of Oz was a success as a movie they decided to write more books about Oz.

Later on when Dorothy is older (the book version of her is younger than the movie version) she basically becomes the spouse of Ozma who is the Queen of Emerald City.

Now Ozma was always female but at some point she had been magically transferred from her actual body into a male body (before she met Dorothy). Later she gets transferred back into a female body. She and Dorothy became close pretty quick if i remember all this correctly. Its been many years so i hope i got all this correct.

Also, Disney had made a movie of Return To Oz and it was a flop. I watched it not long ago and honestly its not very good.


The one responsible for Ozma’s transformation was Mombi the Wicked Witch of the North.

She was driven from her territory by her former student Locasta the Good Witch of the North.

Mombi was later forced to turn Ozma back to normal by Glinda the Good Witch of the South.

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chrisp meows annoyingly, then remembers that he is a humanoid not a cat

umm… hello.

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“Humans can meow too. I do it all the time.”

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hi cyndilou i hope your family and friends and self are well

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“As well as can be expected.”

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that is good.
i am sorry for doing evil.

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“No one is perfect. Evil is just an opinion, ya know?”

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Happy Happy Sunday!!!


Yeah, I would assume it would be terrible I will take a look into it anyways.

The first movie killed the wicked witch of the west, so there is really no bad guy here to extract their revenge

Wicked Witch of the South is too lazy to think about revenge, too much work.

But I’m assuming each witch had a role to play since they were called witches of the North, South, East, and West. To keep some sort of balance in Oz?

Seems this witch could careless about the other witches and out for herself.

The “good” witch that claims to be nice is really a bad witch too.

  • Removes ruby slippers from my corpse and places them on Dorothy.

  • Encourages Dorothy to go to the Emerald City to fix a mess that can be easily fixed herself.

  • Manipulates Dorothy’s meeting with scare crow, tin man and lion to team up against my sister

  • Most likely aided in my sisters death (a bucket of water appears out of nowhere).

  • Kept ruby slippers when Dorothy left.

Dorothy was just a pawn in Wicked Witch North’s little game. All the pieces fell into place in her favor.

Dorothy could have gone home in the beginning, once you think about it.


National Power Rangers Day

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The Witch from the Movie was the Movie Writers’ attempt to combine the Good Witch of the North with the Good Witch of the South Glinda and in doing so accidentally combined Mombi’s manipulative traits into her.

The Original Novel version of the Good Witch of the North hadn’t the slightest clue about what the Silver Slippers(they are Silver in the original Novel) did and Dorothy had to go South to find out how they worked and that happened after the Wizard of Oz left Oz following the Wicked Witch of the West’s demise.

It was a Soldier of the Emerald City who told Dorothy to go meet Glinda the Good Witch of the South for clues on how to leave Oz. That led to Dorothy’s first meeting with Glinda long after the Wicked Witch of the West was dead.

The Wicked Witch of the East had a Silver theme(as shown by her Slippers in the Novel). The Wicked Witch of the West had a Yellow theme, the Good Witch of the North had a White theme as did Mombi the Wicked Witch of the North and Glinda the Good Witch of the South had a Ruby Theme.

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When you get crushed by a house. :confused:

Little do they know, that I’ve returned!

Gnomeregan will be in ashes and their :bear: :sandwich: 's too!

evil witch laugh


How do you feel about being attacked by people inside houses?


Oh I finished my frist stream with my Vtube avatar. I love her. I feel so comfy streaming now I just can’t explain it. It is so awesome. I even tried to crack a few jokes. I was scraed to death to try and do that before.


I would of stood more of a chance.

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