GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

Jack Myers played Kaldor Draigo and Michael Strickland played Daemon Primarch Mortarion(as well as the Neat Freak Daemon Prince of Nurgle who kept a Medical Facility clean and spotless while concocting Plagues in the Quarantine Asteroid).

2 Famous Rivals from Warhammer 40K now have official Voice Actors!

We already have a Voice Actor for Abaddon the Despoiler(Patrick Seitz) so now we need Guilliman’s Voice Actor as well as someone to tell us whom Horus, Kairoz, Skarbrand, N’kari, Ku’gath or Bel’akor’s Voice Actors are(the Voice Actors for the Characters who appeared in Total War: Warhammer III are listed but whom they voiced isn’t revealed).

Back onto that Neat Freak of a Daemon Prince of Nurgle…

Nurgle despite shoving Plagues everywhere clearly doesn’t want dirt or debris on his Gardens. Makes one wonder how filthy his Order God Counterpart is in comparison. An OCD preservation of messes is a frightening form of Order as bad as the Chaos of keeping a Clean Environment for Disease!

Nurgle embodies Disease & Neatness while his Counterpart must embody Poison and Clutter.

“That was strange.”


probably my fault… for being notoriously bad person


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Bleh, I dislike clicky games, I like pressing buttons better.

The forum Loa has spoken.


Fine if the fact that if in my last vain hop to reach out to peaople is a threat mods then go suck on something.

I will go have the ativan was to scared to have last night and be done with this nonsense.

It is the goverment all over again telling me I can get over it or I am a danger to others because I feel bad.

wanders into the Lounge with his favorite blankie tied around his neck like a cape, climbs into Cyndi’s lap with a tasty :bear::sandwich:

Guess what Cyndi? IM A OTTER!

wiggles his ears



“They had me on Lorazepam. It worked okay-ish. Is Ativan any better?”

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No. We’re deeply concerned you’re an iminent danger to yourself. Please, I can’t stress this enough Alice. Call someone. The hospital. Your cousin. Someone.

1-800-273-8255. That’s the National Suicide Prevention Hotline. Call it now.

I have been where you’re at right now. More than once. You need help and none of us are in a position to help directly. I’d say most of us, if not all of us, wish we were. But all we can do is shout as loud as we can and beg and pray for the best outcome.


I agree with Elmer I hope you don’t kill yourself I’m sorry that you’re in pain and life sucks it’s partially my fault for making the world a slightly worse place by being bad. I hope you find happiness and joy and success.



Brother/Sister, I’m not trying to stop you from quitting wow. But I really, really don’t want anything to happen to you. I don’t want to tell you what to do, and I don’t know you, but I care about you and I beg you not to do anything to harm yourself.

I’m fully available to talk or listen or whatever. In game, on discord, my cell phone #, whatever. I’m making a character named “Accolades” on Atiesh today and I’ll send you an in-game message with my bnet info.


I am not calling the hoptial. They locked my mom up when she needed up and just made things worse.

Alice, i have no fondness for hospitals either because of my mom but you are in a desperate situation none of us are equipped to help with.

There are resources, the National Suicide Prevention Hotline being one. A damn good one. I wish I’d known about back in '97.

Use it. There is no shame in seeking help when you need it most. Period.


i saw on instagram someone say “he jumped off a bridge because of his thoughts about all his problems but after he jumped and was falling he realized his only problem was that he had just jumped off a bridge.” i don’t think death will be painless by drugs so don’t look for escape that way, although I don’t know for sure.


And I got DAMN lucky after my own suicide attempt. In the years since, I have questioned and second guessed and feared every decision I have made since, every outcome of every possibility of every road I never travelled both metaphorically and literally.

I have been there at the bottom of that dark, incomprehensibly lonely, hateful well. I have had thoughts that, in retrospect, wake me up a night in a cold sweat if I dream of trains or keep me up at night if I hear a train whistle blow. No lie.

And yet, I’m still here. Still looking in the mirror every morning asking myself, “why me?”. “Why am I here when I shouldn’t be?”. “Why God? WHY?!”

And I want to rage at every little damn thing that catches my eye. And then every morning I realize something so ridiculously profound it shocks me to the core of my soul.

I am here precisely because I have been there. And I resolve, every goddam morning that if I see someone in a situation that I was in back in '97, I will fight tooth and nail, by whatever means I have at my disposal, to stop it.

Each and every morning. That is my concious and subconcious process. I am here because I was there.

I can’t speak to all of your problems, Alice. I can’t solve them. I, and many others here and in the discord, can only help as much as we can by whatever means we have.

Because we love you. You are OUR Alice. You are OUR friend. And speaking for everyone in the discord and possibly more in this and other threads whose lives you’ve touched in some way or another, you are OUR FAMILY.

And in my world, where I came from, how I grew up…we fight until we’re bloody on the ground for what is ours.

And so I’m fighting as hard as I can for you. But I can’t fight alone. I…WE need you to fight too. Not for us, but with us for you.


“Life, Why Am I Here?”
‘By Me’

“Why do you tear at my soul like thorns on a rose?
Why do you make a shambles of all that I propose?
Why do you let me suffer and never shed a tear?
Please tell me, in all your wisdom, Life, why am I here?”

“Everyone has a reason for being on this earth.
Everyone has a path that starts before their birth.
Throughout time stories speak of fate and destiny.
So tell me, lest I give up, what waits in store for me?”

“My dreams speak in riddles and you give me no clue.
So much pain, so much lost, haven’t I paid my dues?
Surviving all your torture and gaining only fear.
Before I drown in sadness, please tell me why I’m here?”

“Don’t speak to me of mysteries, I’ve had all I can take.
Religious words don’t soothe me, I know it’s mostly fake.
You seem to lose all meaning, if ever it was there.
My heart is good and full of love. It just isn’t fair.”

“I reach for truth and meaning but nothing do I find.
I search the light for answers yet nothing comes to mind.
I strive to live in kindness and fill my heart with joy.
Yet still I end up feeling like I’m only some God’s toy.”

“I’m tired of the battle and fighting it alone.
The weariness invades my soul and chills me to the bone.
My longing, like an albatross, weighs heavy on my heart.
I often wish to find a door and from this stage depart.”

“To exit from this madness, to sleep a dreamless sleep.
Then you whisper softly, “Sweet child, do not weep.”
I know there’s more to you than you let us see.
So tell me, Life, what is in your master plan for me?”

/knowing grin


Alice, my friend, I am on Atiesh now. I don’t see your character. The name here is “Accoladez”, the “s” version was taken. I’m staying logged in here now. Please send me a message, I’d love to chat.

Edit: doh… wrong server, my bad. I’m hopping on Azuresong now.