GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

People are really serious about food if they get dragged into the court room.

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“Coffee is not a Soup. It’s more of a Broth.”


:monkey_face: = Hozen
:zombie: = Forsaken
:japanese_ogre: = Maybe troll?
:mage: = Mage
:smiling_imp: = Warlock
:male_detective: = Rogue
:t_rex: = either Rezan or Zandalari

That’s all I got.


Nah, something more warcraft like and cartoony like, :panda_face: :fox_face: :cow: :wolf:

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Always remember world of Warcraft can be quite dark. Garona will always be my example for that.


Castlevania Grimoire of Souls’ Final Chapters are out(unfortunately the Player hasn’t uploaded the Final Boss Fight):

Gasp! Death seriously stated that a Man by the name of Seward(despite him being a Character of the Dracula Novels and the guy whose incompetent stubbornness is the reason Lucy became a Vampiric Bride of Dracula) never existed!?

The implications! There might be the possibility that the Lucy Westenra of the Future(to our point of view not the Cast’s) may just be the Lucy Westenra of the Dracula Novel grabbed by Death from the Grimoires and that the Lucy Westenra of the Dracula Novel is infact Lisa Tepes’s Reincarnation(they do both have the same hair color) explaining why Death/Dr. Seward practically handed her over to Dracula to be his bride which would mean we’d be fighting Dracula, Death and Lisa Tepes at once in Grimoire of Souls!

Even if there are no Plot Twists revealed in the yet to be uploaded ending of Grimoire of Souls involving Lucy the fact that Death was guiding her and that a man by the name of Seward never existed suggests that it was no coincidence that the Lucy Westenra from the Dracula Novel was turned into a Bride of Dracula in the Castlevania Universe!

Dr. Seward ignored the warnings involving Lucy in the Castlevania Universe because he was Death himself! The fact that he exploited a 2nd Lucy Westenra(provided Lucy is not Lisa Tepes’ reincarnation) in the Future Era suggests that Death knows something about the Westenra Family’s Magical capacities and targeted the Family the first time and second time(even if she does turn out to be a Grimoire copy) because of this…


Seems(since the first option is obviously wrong) like the latter option(I.E. Death exploited the Westenra Family 2 Times with the first time to get Dracula a powerful Vampire as a bride).

Since a corrupted Grimoire(which is pretty much all of them can create Chaos and if Chaos is allowed to grow and fester within a Grimoire a new Demon King can rise from the Grimoires potentially stronger than Dracula!

One can theoretically recreate even a Villain that is considered by the Castlevania Universe to be utter Fiction! Imagine someone recreating Sire Denathrius and having him be the Demon King! Give Denathrius powerful enough Time Magic and he might use his power of Dominion on Dracula’s own father in the Past to attain knowledge of the Crimson and Ebony Stones to truly become the Demon King subjugating Death in the process!

Castlevania would quickly be replaced with Castle Nathria which would hide in a Grimoire and grow until it became unstoppable!

:elf: Blood Elf

🧝🏽‍♀️ Night Elf

🧝🏿‍♀️ Night Born

🧝🏻‍♀️ Void Elf

:japanese_goblin: Goblin

:genie: Draenei

:woman_zombie: Forsaken

:bearded_person: Dwarf

I can’t find:


The Draenei is a Genie Emoji, it was either that or a goat… :goat:

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It looks like Joker is Lawful Evil instead of Chaotic Evil.

He is shackled by standards that keep him on a specific path: to be Batman’s Counterpart.

The Batman Who Laughs on the other hand is methodical yet utterly lacks any standards doing whatever he feels like doing.

Batman with Joker’s malevolence is the true opposite of Batman! Or to be more accurate Batman with Joker’s malevolence who has thrown out his one rule is the true opposite of Batman!

The Joker stands for something while the Batman Who Laughs stands for nothing!

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D&D “Belief Shapes the Planes” talk:

Imagine Vhailor from Planescape Torment being given a convincing argument that the members of the Sign of One are Murderers for believing annoying neighbors out of existence.

The Faction would be wiped out!

Now imagine some girl who was deemed a paragon of Paladins(perfect, confident, smiling, beautiful and cool I.E. a sickening Mary Sue) becomes a Succubus(by leaping into the Abyss and embracing it’s corruption) and after it’s discovered she became one willingly out of lust for power(and was selfish from the start despite being smart enough to not commit any Evil or Chaotic Acts) that the Paladin Players decide to will into existence the ideal Paladin that the Succubus once outwardly embodied!

Imagine the DM/GM’s expression when the Players successfully will into existence a genuine Mary Sue counterpart to the Mary Sue Rival in one of their Characters’ Backstories(that they wrote themselves)!

As you once did for the vacuous Rom, grant us eyes, grant us eyes. Plant eyes on our brains, to cleanse our beastly idiocy

Ahh, Kos, or some say Kosm… Do you hear our prayers?

No, I shall not abandon the dream

No one can catch us! No one can stop us now! [cackling]

Ah hah hah ha! Ooh! Majestic! A hunter is a hunter, even in a dream. But, alas, not too fast! The nightmare swirls and churns unending!

PS - I have been playing lot of Bloodborne. I am trapped in a nightmare…




Kos is dead… Ah ha ha ha! Micolash is destined for failure! Ah ha ha ha!

The Great Ones(protected by the Great Old Ones in Lovecraftian Lore) are lead by the True Final Boss: Formless Oedon AKA the Formless Mother AKA Flora AKA the Moon Presence AKA Nyarlathotep the Crawling Chaos, Avatar and Will of the Ultimate Gods that surround Azathoth’s court.

Of course Yog-Sothoth is the Avatar and Will of every Great Thinker and Sorcerer in the Cosmos(putting him above the Avatar of the Ultimate Gods power-wise) and the Greater Will of Elden Ring whose Avatar is the Final Boss: the Elden Beast!

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Yes and I learnt that going to a nightmare kills a person’s brain and body dies. So Micolash can’t return to his body too

I have fell in love with HP Lovecraft’s world after playing bloodborne. Gonna read more about it

Furthermore when Gehrman kills the Player they wake up in the true Yharnam(and not in the same place we were injected with the Yharnam Blood either) which says something considering each Beast/Ghoul we slay.

All of them are now in Reality. Vicar Amelia is in Reality as a Ghoul, Laurence the First Vicar is in Reality as a Burning Ghoul, Ludwig is in Reality as a Horse-thing and Micolash is in Reality.

Considering Rom and Ebrietas reappear in the Chalice Dungeons it seems the Great Ones just move to another Dream upon death due to having ascended.

Since those who enter Reality forget everything(according to Micolash and Gehrman) that means that they are in the same mental state they were in when they first went to sleep. Amelia, Laurence, Ludwig, Nightmare Apostles and the lesser Celestial Emissaries(as opposed to the Great One Celestial Emissary) are going to be wondering what happened to them to turn them into monsters!

Bloodborne and it’s Backstory is the Origin Story of the Werewolf-like Ghouls of HP Lovecraft!

For details of the Dreamlands see

For details of Yog-Sothoth:

Yog-Sothoth is the Silver Key, he is the Coffin summoned by the Key, he is the Gates reached by the Key and he is the Avatar and Will of every Great Thinker and Sorcerer(which makes it seem as if the Ultimate Gods of Azathoth’s Court are almost as incompetent as Azathoth himself). The One in All and All in One.

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Quite a mix there :smiley:


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