GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

“I’ll go in and work on mine tomorrow.”

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On retail side I want that girl to be able to blast nasty humans

they not nice to my country cousins - so got to slap them around a little :smiley:

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of course boss, u know hooman don’t taste like chi-ken, but they sure run like one :rofl: :rofl:

zug zug


“Long Pork… MMMmmmmmm!”
/wicked giggle

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they are more tender than bear meat.

Found book in undercity “to serve man” very sound advice on the use of soy sauce and other seasonings :rofl: :rofl:

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“I agree. Love that book.”

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I’m only 1 bar into 29. So not too bad so far

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“So I should go past 29, got it. I can’t wait to get to 30.”

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I need to do some tin and iron farming too. Time to push that up to productive levels


“I need iron too, I think. Don’t recall how far she is, in her Mining.”

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“Like my Goggles?”

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ooo yes indeed.

Very zug zug boss :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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“One reason I love engineering. So many fun toys.”

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yes indeed :slight_smile:

The retail horde I almost got to 60 is engineering too. (love them wormhole generators)

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“Well, you know that Lady Cyndi Lou is an engineer too.”

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yup :slight_smile:

kind of wish they’d add more toys, but here’s hoping :smiley:

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time for me to go burn some bacon

catch ya later


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“Have fun, and give Mom a hug from me too.”

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“I just realized… This is Friday The 13th. Have a good day everyone.”


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Happy Friday The 13th Everyone!!!
Have a Lucky Day!!