GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

Squats AKA Space Dwarves are Clones with Cloned Souls originating from Humanity’s Dark Age of Technology. The fact that the Dark Age of Technology can clone Souls just like the Dark Eldar can while the Imperium gets Soulless Clones each time should tell you what sort of Technology the Adeptus Mechanicus uses: C’tan Tech.

Any Clone made with C’tan Tech would have it’s Soul leeched making the Clone like the Necrons. Dark Eldar and Space Dwarves have Clones with Souls simply because they aren’t messing with C’tan Tech.

The fact that they are hinted at being similar to the Swarmlord as the Reddit thread theorizes one might wonder: What if Tyranids are descended from Ogryn Armies from the Dark Age of Technology?

The discovery of such would promptly get the Imperium to switch Tyranids from Xenos Scum to Tech Heretics and evidence of how only discovery of Ancient Tech from the Dark Age of Technology not advancement past that point would restore the Imperium to full glory!

In any case the Space Dwarves are in the Tau Empire so they know how to Clone Humans with Souls so the Adeptus Mechanicus method of Cloning would be to research how the Adeptus Mechanicus Tech creates Clones without Mind Science while Space Dwarves can create Clones with Mind Science.

I’m sure the Tau will eventually learn that Mind Science can be leeched from the Clone and try to figure out how to leech Mind Science/Souls from Civilians from orbit. Since they have Former Imperium Worlds and Imperial Ships it’s only a matter of time before they begin creating their ultimate Anti-Psyker Weapons.

Of course they might discover that leeching Mind Science into a container might result in a sentient Mind Science Entity manifesting inside said container giving them an idea of how the Entities of the Warp are created as well as an excellent test subject in how to destroy/poison them.

They already know that the Death Guard draw power from an Entity called Nurgle but are just shy on the details of where exactly Nurgle is(the Imperium of course know exactly where he is: the Warp inside the Garden of Nurgle). Them researching Adeptus Mechanicus Cloning methods will show just how exactly Nurgle is created and allow them to figure out how to fight him(provided they find his exact location).

The Tau might not have winning numbers to beat the Imperium but they have the scientific thought process and method needed to beat the Warp! The Warp is currently being made a joke to all factions of Warhammer 40K with the Tyranids, Necrons, Imperium, Orks and Dark Eldar being the true threats to the galaxy!

Dark Eldar limit their time in the Galaxy because of Slaanesh. Once he is gone they are going straight to invading en mass to claim the entire Galaxy for their own sadistic pleasures.

Tyranids want to eat everything and Orcs are trying to spread their Waaagh across the Galaxy and enslave Humans so that they may be treated as Grots. The Imperium wants Heretics burned… The Tau want to conquer the Galaxy.

The Chaos Gods in comparison have been taking loss after loss and is destined to fall. What is the Great Game in comparison against the Imperium ruled by the Emperor, the Orcs’ Waaagh, the Tyranids’ Hunger, the Dark Eldar’s Sadism or the Tau’s Desire for Galactic Domination?

The reality of the situation dooms Chaos to a Grimdark End where the true powers of the Grimdark Future bring an end the Medieval Fantasies of the Chaos Gods.

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“That second one is too short.”

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I know.




meow. I am a loser. I played Nilani my vulpera girl survival hunter to level 45 last night. Couldn’t sleep at all. So here I am. It was very stormy in the Twin Cities last night.

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(Lady Cyndi Lou dances off, in search of sleep.)


nice - pvp or regular questing

Something you might be interested in.


Calia can go burn in the Maw!!! I will NEVER accept her as our leader. I WANT SYLVANAS BACK!!!”

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I always thought if they didn’t waste them like they did most characters in Shadowlands, Kelthuzad would’ve to me been a preferred choice over Calia, even Arthas! Yes it makes no lore sense but still better than Calia. Hell even Malganis.

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Whoops I meant Varimathras but he got messed up in legion

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“I HATE HIM MORE THAN I HATE CALIA!!! They can BOTH burn forever!!!”

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I can’t help it I’m a villain at heart in this game. I prefer a redeemed villain to a coward finally talked into trying to claim her throne.

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Not really a fan of her either, I vote Lilian Voss for leadership.

“Then they can bring back Sylvanas! They made her a Villain, so let HER be our Villain Queen.”

“They need to just bring back Sylvanas and stop all this stupid cesspool story dumping.”

They probably will, but for now they are gonna make her “repent.” I personally expect she will be gone a expansion or two then re-emerge despite being given a Sisyphean task. The fan base and the devs like her so she won’t disappear forever.

“I want her back, in Undercity, leading the Forsaken. Any thing less is an insult. She is unique, iconic, and one of a kind. They can NEVER replace her. They need to just stop being stupid and bring her back.”

Sylvanas may not return til 11.0 3 years from now. I wish Blizz was time specific on how long our characters have been absent from the world. Time does flow differently in the afterlife than our world. Maybe Sylvanas will be back in the middle of DF.

Blizzard did put undead on the endangered species list, they owe you guys something.
