GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

Umineko is an interesting story especially when you bring in theories like which seems backed by evidence.

Of course if that’s the case how do we account for Hanyuu and Eua?

Look at Hanyuu’s Japanese Voice Actor: Yui Horie who is also Maria Ushiromiya’s Voice Actor!

Maria Ushiromiya was Sayo Yasuda’s mentor in the Occult so she would be the basis for Sayo’s first incarnation of Beatrice: A complete failure due to being too cute and adorable! Maria naturally had to go evil mode just to correct Sayo who created Eua Beatrice to replace Auau Beatrice.

She couldn’t merge Auau Beatrice with Eua Beatrice and so gave Auau Beatrice Horns to contain Eua’s Memories so that they might take over her for her task: become the Golden Witch of legend. She was sent to Hinamazawa’s past to initiate the plan only for her to fall in love with a Human Priest and have a daughter. Eua Beatrice monitoring the situation hijacked Auau Beatrice’s Husband forcing her to kill him and go into isolation.

Auau Beatrice’s Daughter eventually reunited with her mother and received a cure for the Hinamazawa Syndrome(Eua Beatrice’s infection) only for the government to kill her husband and family breaking Auau Beatrice enough for the copy of Eua Beatrice’s memories to take over until the horn was broken by Auau Beatrice’s daughter who was told by Auau Beatrice to kill her.

Eua Beatrice soon focused on Auau Beatrice’s antics which eventually led to Auau Beatrice encountering Maria Ushiromiya’s father whom she monitored until she discovered his second wife and her daughter Rena. Eua Beatrice upon noticing this encounter immediately infected the daughter with Hinamazawa Syndrome to push her into rejecting her mother’s request to join her when she divorced her first husband.

Auau Beatrice intervened to save Rena then pushed her to return to Hinamazawa to survive. Then Auau Beatrice noticed her daughter’s reincarnation Rika and intervened to save her by giving her Looper Powers. Eua immediately payed attention to the entertainment until Rika found a solution so Eua Beatrice sought out Satoko and gave her Looper Powers eventually turning her into a Witch.

Satoko of course had her memories stored in Eua’s horn allowing Eua to implant Satoko’s personality on each version of Satoko until it came to Witch Satoko’s time to intervene whenever things started going wrong.

Auau Beatrice noticed what was happening and intervened getting into a fight with Eua Beatrice before damaging her horn and getting her to leave due to a bargain where she’d leave if Auau Beatrice showed her a miracle.

With Eua Beatrice’s horn damaged Satoko and Rika’s looping led to immediate confrontations until Satoko and Rika were convinced to reconcile and accept each others’ dreams.

Eventually Hanyuu’s horn was repaired and somehow she got back in contact with Sayo Yasuda who upgraded it to turn her into Augustus Auau Beatrice who I presume started the 3nd Oyashiro-sama Incident and turned Rika into the Witch Bernkastel.

Eventually the Rokkenjima Massacre took place and Augustus Auau Beatrice immediately wanted to find out what happened especially when it became clear there were survivors besides Sayo Yasuda herself.

Bernkastel had also been sent out by Eua Beatrice AKA Ikuko Hachijo/Sayo Yasuda to deal with the Beatrice who fell in love with Battler and risked bringing him back to his Body Tohya Hachijo along with the other Beatrice.

Eua Beatrice had no intention of being done in by Beatrice and no intention of having Tohya Hachijo being done in by Battler so Bernkastel being sent to resolve the matter was necessary. Augustus Auau Beatrice eventually caught notice of Bernkastel’s antics and swooped in to aid Bernkastel on the promise that she reveal the answers to what happened during the Rokkenjima Massacre.

Unfortunately despite showing the actual Massacre as it took place during the games she pulled out Bernkastel wasn’t able to show Auau Beatrice the book containing the details due to being defeated by Sayo’s niece Ange who already read the book and showed it to Eua Beatrice while discovering that her brother had a different personality due to amnesia.

Bernkastel was unable to ensure Ange’s demise yet… she was still able to ensure the demise of Battler and Beatrice who passed into the Golden Land ensuring Eua Beatrice and Tohya Hachijo wouldn’t taken over by either. The Endless Witch had won!

Ciconia When They Cry will likely be the finale and feature Eua Beatrice and Tohya Hachijo as the villains with the heroes being Miyao Mitake and Meow Mitake who I heavily suspect to be Bernkastel and her former personality Rika. Not only is Miyao’s true gender in question at the moment but there is a character called MIYAO who is implied to be the real Miyao Mitake whom the current Miyao Mitake is filling the role of.

Miyao Mitake outright assumes that he/she is an AI indicating that she knows enough about him/herself to assume that MIYAO is the real Miyao Mitake. As for why Bernkastel would assume she is an AI: Lambdadelta her fellow witch isn’t even certain she hasn’t gone insane from her Logic Error so how would Bernkastel be any more certain about the reality of her history?

Somehow Eua Beatrice is transferring Witches out of the Sea of Fragments and into specialized Bodies. Of course if Augustus Auau Beatrice is improperly transferred and gets the Eua Memories removed restoring Auau Beatrice AKA Hanyuu then things will finally get close to a resolution and thus the Final Battle against Eua Beatrice and Tohya Hachijo.

“When did they change Sylvanas from Nelf to Belf? And did they ever say why?”

well, she is a belf in war3 where she came from. in the lore.


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“In Classic she is a Nelf. So from the beginning of World of Warcraft, she is a Nelf. I wonder why they changed her, then changed her back.”

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“Were there Nelfs that far back?”

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yes, they had their own campaign and units and heroes and everything. the story of illidan and malfurion and tyrande and all that and cenarius and the world tree getting attacked by Archimonde is in there in war3.

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in war3 the frozen throne expansion illidan tries to destroy icecrown citadel and kill arthas and the lich king, too.

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“Thinking, maybe, they either just goofed, or got lazy. There is really no reason to change her form from Belf, to Nelf, then back to Belf.”

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i guess so. maybe they didn’t have belf bodies modeled yet in vanilla, i started in tbc so not sure.

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“For me, that falls under the ‘lazy’ option.”

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i’m lazier than they’ll ever be, really, so who am i to judge, lol.

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Afrasiabi was writing for Vanilla, BC and WotLK as well as the Cataclysm Revamped Zones.

Kosak started writing for the new Cataclysm Zones onward while Metzen created his Elemental Bonds storyline to get emotional issues out of his system.

Tom Chilton near the end of MoP’s development managed to force the Story to WoD’s Time Travel Plot before being removed during Legion’s development alongside Kosak upon which Afrasiabi retook control over the reigns though Metzen was allowed one last piece of control for the BfA Cinematic Trailer before his retirement which was followed by Afrasiabi letting loose his own storyline fully.

Danuser took over once Afrasiabi was fired(after Afrasiabi already made the Covenant Zones no less) and was given the unenviable task of fixing Afrasiabi’s mistake and working with Anduin & Sylvanas fan(she named her Cats after them) Christie Golden who was given control over Cinematics and had wrote the ending for the Sylvanas Novel as the ending of Sylvanas’s story.

Since Anduin and Sylvanas are removed from the story for the time being that means Christie Golden will have little choice but to follow Danuser’s lead since she has no favorites to focus on. Necessity(born from Low Morale) and Curiosity(born from High Morale) are the Mothers of Invention and at the very least Golden will have Necessity driving her when coming up with the Cutscene’s script.

Since Expansions are made 2 Expansions ahead that means that Afrasiabi brought in the initial concept for Dragonflight yet Danuser is directing the full story(and Zones) and what Expansion comes after it.


“That didn’t answer my question at all. There are only two names, in that entire post, that I am even familiar with.”


I think it is as simple as they didn’t have belf models back then.


“So, just lazy. Thought so. Got it.”


Can anyone imagine Dr. Jekyll upon using the Mister Hyde Potion being horrified into creating a Potion to physically extracting the Feral Violent Bestial traits into a separate being then getting scarred into physically extracting the the Thieving and Gambling Traits as a separate entity before being terrified into extracting the Lustful Sloth-like Traits as it’s own being before being scarred into removing the Snobbish, Reckless, Braggart Traits?

We’d get Mr. Hyde becoming a polite person who never hesitates to show off his knowledge without bragging about it.

People would probably think he charmed Dr. Jekyll with his knowledge to get his inheritance and leave it at that.

Of course change Dr. Jekyll into a Girl Teacher and Hyde into a Schoolgirl whom Jekyll appoints to her teaching role and the whole game changes: you’ll get violent accusations of Teacher’s Pet followed by violent threats that would drive Jekyll to sware off the Potion completely!

Of course if Jekyll took too many accumulated doses of Potion to the point where she starts changing on her own she’d have to reveal her situation(not a problem since a Hyde that extracted everything that would majorly get her arrested: Lust, Violence, Gambling, Thievery, Drunkeness, Snobbishness, Bragging and Sloth) which would get very interesting.

People in WoLK thread.


Good Morning folks

Hope y’all have a wonderful wednesday :slight_smile:


All these threads about M+.

Alliance :blue_heart:

Horde :heart:

Hope’s this helps some folks looking for groups.

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